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My Missouri Connection

More about myself, On my mom's side I have

family that lives in Missouri...I hardly get to see

also. The last time I saw them is at my Grandma's

funeral, & sadly,but true that will probably

be the last time...due to some family conflict that day.

My Missouri Family

(L-R)My Aunt May, Aunt Brenda, & Grandma

(L-R)My Aunt Brenda, Grandma, & Aunt Judy

My Aunt Marie with her granddaughter Shayla

My Mom Libby

Marie's Family

Cousins Left to Right~ Tina, Kevin, & Beverly

Tina's Kids

Left to Right~ Shayla & Austin, My cousin Tina's Kids

Brenda's Family

Cousins Left to Right~ Bridget, Billy, & Bobby

Roberta's Family

The girl is my cousin Malissa, & the boy is my

cousin too(Malissa's brother), but sadly I do not

know his name.

Judy's Family

Left to Right~ Cousins Eddie & Tommy

Left to Right~ Tommy(holding Alex), & Eddie

May's Family

Left to Right~ Tina, Toni, & Raymond

Uncle Robert

Unfortunately you will not see a picture of

my Uncle Robert or his Family here...He is the reason

for family conflict & we won't get into that.

But, shortly after he had a storke & I pray

that he is okay.~Cis

My Mom's Family

This My sisters, brothers, & Myself

(Front)Left to Right~ Niki,& Clarissa(Me)..

(Back)Left to Right~ Denise, Josh, & Brett

Denise's Daughter(1 & Only child)

This is Amber

Clarissa's(Mine) Kids

Left to Right~ Cheyanne & Jake, & one due in May

Josh's Daughter & (1 due in April)

This is Taylor

I love to get mail,

I Love You Grandma & Miss You, R.I.P April 1999