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My Fourth Angel Picture Album

Welcome to my online photo album. This is my album of my niece Taylor Marie. Her nick name is Roo(from WInnie The Pooh).

Thanks for the angel Beckie

The Other Baby of the family

Gaurdian Angel

Taylor Marie, She is the third grandchild & granddaughter on my side of the family.OH SO CUTE!!!

My neice

Someone else's angel. Taylor is the daughter of my brother Josh & his wife Lisa.

Taylor Marie

Here Taylor is showing off her beautiful smile. She just can't wait to have a brother or sister to play with.

An Angel Among Us

Taylor is 9 months old & she's walking & learning how to talk. Keep up the good work Taylor.

Todays Angel, Tomarrows Little Devil

Taylor enjoys playing with her toys, watching the Rugrats with her daddy & keeping her mommy on her toes.


Her hobbies include eating, sleeping, playing, & watching her favorite cartoons.

This Is Too Cute!!!

Taylor being an angel!

Fights Spirit Counter

This fairie light was given to Taylor

by me her aunt Clarissa, I hope it helps

her to find her way in life.

But credit goes to...(click on graphic)


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