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I am Mallow; here sit I
Watching all the passer-by,
Though my leaves are torn and tattered,
Dust-besprinkled, mud-bespattered,
See, my seeds are fairy cheeses,
These are what an will munch
For his supper or his lunch.
Fairy housewives, going down
To their busy market-town
Hear me wheedling: "Lady, please,
Pretty lady, buy a cheese!"
And I never find it matters
That I'm nicknamed Rags-and-Tatters,
For they buy my fairy cheeses,
Freshest, finest, fairy cheess!

December is the last month of the year. To me it is like a closeing of the past, and preparing for the future. Come let us take a look at the flower and the birth stone!

The flower is the Narcissus, which I thought would have been the poinsettia, but it is not. The stone is Turquois!

Sandy is real anxious to show us what the faeries enjoy in this letter. For it is the Mushroons!?

There are so many different type of mushrooms that Sandy will give just the highlights............... Toadstools or as we call them mushrooms are associated with fairies. A circle of taller, darker grass within a ring of toadstools, sometimes accompanied by a ring of dark earth, was called a Fairy Ring.

Other names for this phenomenon were Fairy Circles, Fairy Dances, Fairy Courts, Hag's Tracks and Sorcerer's Rings. They were believed to be caused by the path of dancing fairies, or elves, fire-breathing dragons, lightning strike or witches. Stepping into a fairy ring could bring good or bad luck, cause or cure illness.

A fairy ring in a field beside a house was believed to bring good fortune. Harm was believed to come to a cow that stepped within the circle or ate its grass. It was also thought that you would become enchanted if you entered a ring during a full moon.................... Fairy circles can live for hundreds of years.    

MARIGOLD-----------------Cruelty, Grief, Jealousy
MISTLETOE----------------Kiss me, Affection, To Surmount Difficulties, Sacred Plant of India
MONKSHOOD----------------Beware, A Deadly Foe is Near
MOSS---------------------Maternal Love, Charity
MYRTLE-------------------Love, Hebrew Emblem of Marriage

The Herbs for the letter M are! ................
Marjoram--------------------- is a highly perfumed herb with thick trusses of dainty white or purple flowers which make it a highly decorative herb that is suitable for the flower garden.

Mint-----(Mentha)------------The common types of mint are peppermint, pennyroyal, crinkle-leafed spearmint, spearmint, and applemint.

Mustard-----------------------Brown mustard has a mass of small, four petaled yellow flowers that form a dense carpet over the fields where they grow. It originates from china, India and Poland.
WHEW! This was rather a busy page.....I need to do an errand for my Mother, so the next page will be done by another very dear friend of mine Evelyn.......But, we call her Evy for short.

So, I will catch up with you in a page!