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Map of Night Sky Castle

This is a picture of the rooms in night sky castle.

The lavender room is the entrance hall and waiting room.

The two aqua rooms are the dining rooms. The one on the left is Starry's and guest's, the one on the right is the star maids.

The green rooms are the maid's quarters, the yellow room the maid's hallway and the light blue room the maid's bathrooms.

The dark pink room is the office where maid's can get job transfers.

The red room is Starry's bedroom, the orange room is the guest's bedroom.

The dark blue room (above the orange room) is the guest's and Starry's bathroom.

The cream room is the star catching hall, or wish room.

The brown room is the pet's room.

The pale pink rooms are the game rooms

The dark purple room is the gallery.

The white room is the main hall.


now you know your way around you can go back and decide what to do.(or you could try some of the rooms)
