here's something I wrote a while ago..not much..but I thought it should be here.

a girl
with yellow hair
and black eye lashes
and green eyes
and red dress

a crowded room
with crowded colors
red wants blue
isn't red anymore

her dress is still red

green yearns for purple
it accepts the red and the blue without knowing

her eyes are still green

so many colors
without any basic flavour
they all had red
but they only saw purple
in this village of colors
she always was empty
sometimes they dyed her spring
sometimes she was winter
but her spring was yellow
just like her hair
and her winter was so blue
just like her deepest outcries
everything was a part of her
she gave her colors to everything
she didn't mind
she didn't mind

but she saw their spring
it looked so richer
with light butterflies in every color
she wanted to touch these creatures
but her touch was, like her, dyed only once
she had to find a green butterfly or a blue
or a yellow or a red
to match her
to recognize her
but they were all so multicolored
until she cried every night
with blue tears
wanting to touch a butterfly
with silver wings

she started killing butterflies
with her red arch of stringed arrows
colores were on the floor
all of them, that she wanted so much
she put them in a glass
trying to recognize the blue and yellow
she was so happy
she started to dance
black dances
she didn't have any colors left

you know how it is looking at so many colors
you get worn out

she was laying on her green bed
with her yellow hair above
people who saw her could swear it was black
she was so black
nothing was left for her
but a glass
and a dead butterfly

she died a week after
she was so black that they couldn't even watch
they put the glass on her grave
and threw the butterfly away
they thought that the butterfly fell there by mistake

and one day a little girl
who went visiting her dead grandmother
in the little graveyard
saw the glass
and saw her eyes
and in these eyes
she saw a blue butterfly
it flew and spanned in her veins
it got so crowded in her eyes
even one butterfly was too much

and the black girl
that was deep down there
told the butterfly to go
so it went
into her glass
and died there
so blue
as the little girl's eyes were

she didn't even kill it
only wanted
silver wings