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Best Now (John 2:10).

Christ JESUS gave the gift of the New Beginning with all it's benefits according to higher Covenanting, specifically Zion with New Christianity.

Christ JESUS gave this gift and made it available prior to the cross, largely, as the crucifixion was the proof to the law and so to non-Christians, the non-Believers concerning the highest Holy Covenanting with goodness and with Good God Almighty. Christ JESUS gave the gift in the Temple, first to the Jewish keepers of the Holy Bible (Luke 2.46 Weymouth New). Keep the Holy Bible. The Apostles became changed in the Holy Spirit of it, doing miracles.

Christ JESUS explained and showed how to give Heavenly precepts now. The levels of Heavenly Places. How to ascend in Holy Covenanting from precept to higher precept as JESUS The Christ taught and did in One Holy Spirit and in One Holy Flesh that no conditions of sins and that no condition(s) of the Holy Physics Of God The Creator could surpass: Christ JESUS on the Right Hand Of God the source of Holy Comfort. How to build better spaceships with helium cells, proper rocketry design and utilization, with mica heat shielding and greenhouses as the Romans built, lowest cost yet most beneficial for outer space colonizations of planets for the greater glory of God through JESUS Christ. How to tether and make usage of complex aerospace vessels and devices precept on precept, law on law, benefit on benefit, gift on gift, spirit on spirit, such as with tensile strength, heat, pressure, light, and other parameters detailed and specified. These new discoveries were made for inventing and innovating inventions and innovations according to Bible precept on precept as Christ JESUS taught and did, including ancient simplification of modern complex processes and systems with the most popular with highest ratings latest new hi tech solutions while turning hard work into joy, the definition of Heaven of delight in Christ JESUS in Google, Exact Seek, Yahoo, Bing, Big Stocks, 404 default, gov, and White House types of searches in lay terms though of New Christianity. Excellent movie Clear and Present Danger character CIA Analyst Jack Ryan played by Judaist Harrison Ford Ancient Chinese rocketry without heavy steel, rather with cellulose (such as found in skin and lawns):

Three main levels are shown above, the lower thresholds given include in Former Logic Only relatively tactical as having been under laws and mainly subject to laws such as having blamed nature both for rain and for bright hot sunshine. The New Logic group is of Christians now, Christian people on Earth and in the Known Universe: with people new to Christianity such as student Followers learning the Holy Way, yet also with Christian Teachers Leading for Christ JESUS as in newly named for the high purpose of better edifying as New Christianity yet able to be in awe of Heaven on Earth. The top levels are of the eternally largest group.

Christ JESUS taught of the New Beginning in Christ JESUS, for the Heavenly "us" (Genesis 3.22) as One In God for the Heavenly Father thoroughly, hence for the Will Of The Heavenly Father hence for the Holy Precepts As One Holy Spirit hence for all, and since the created Heaven is blessed like unto the parted balance [(Matthew 10.34, example Urim and Thummim (Exodus 28.30)], the created, then therefore was created the non-Heaven New Beginning, the New Creation, that each may opt to immediately be of the New Beginning In Christ JESUS freely / proper Christian Baptism.

As many as to ascend as One, all such people together can behold Final End Time (first triad), and/or each person can opt to ascend toward Oneness now (second triad):

One In Christ JESUS / Final End Time / the remnant: all remaining people.

One In Christ JESUS / higher Covenanting (including proper Christian Baptism) / a person.

The second triad above is as though redundant yet for edifying per se, since:

full repentance with proper Christian Baptism (including Eucharist and Your One Christian Church criteria) = One In Christ JESUS.

Yet it is the Christian Bible within Your Christian Church criteria that yields the New Christianity growing within each and all Your Members since it is as signage (and much more) pointing the Way: Christ JESUS: as Christ JESUS taught and did.

So another expanded triadic formulation is:

One in Christ JESUS / (Final, yet also eternal AZ) Command Of God / the Holy Way / Holy Bible / Your One Christian Church (with criteria).

The Holy Way is the One Command Of God (to love: to love all in One God (including Christ JESUS)).

Holy Bible = Command x Way.

Your One Christian Church = Way x Bible.

In Former Logic Only terms, for instances:

Your legal activities = metabolism and related processes x Your in-house instructions.

Religious business = religious activities x pertinent legalese.

Former Logic Only, is as if dead or asleep, in need of awakening. You Christian Leader are already awake in Christ JESUS, so for Your sake it is hardly needful to awaken others, they might even be angry to disturbed and so might victimize You, yet for their sakes as guided from above You save them from being cast out even though they being asleep can hardly imagine on the surface of laws much less to fathom the gifts of the Lord God increasingly, of the higher Covenants made for them.

For highest Good Purpose In Christ JESUS, Heaven was cut, counted in the Former Logic Only of the world [such as by Jewish Leadership (Luke 6.11) and such as by experts though focused only on legal tactics (Luke 23.11)] such as continue to occur today as if Heaven had cast out Christ JESUS though actually Heaven is everywhere and people have sinned against it, some unawares [(Hebrews 13.2 with Luke 12.48) therefore key is higher Covenanting] and some knowingly (1 Corinthians 6.6) and so are defeated already (1 Corinthians 6.7).

Similar unto Heaven, a gracious host in the world can opt to step outside of their banquet area, especially in preparing for edifying invitees as with the words and signage [such as an arrow (1 Nephi 16.10), and flag (Numbers 2.3)], and since welcoming at the door is hardly the same as kitchen work, then key is to form more than One yet in One higher service purpose for the guests, and generally with mutual benefit in mind. So not only "Urim" as discussed above, yet also "Thummim"; not only good yet with Christ JESUS God also counted as if evil though good; not only with love yet also with joy, not only with joy yet also with delight: so there is One God and yet many talents, many precepts, many gifts, many ongoing benefits, and many to love for One Highest Purpose.

The smallest part of Oneness in Heaven is a Heavenly Spirit. The smallest part of Heaven properly bound on Earth (Matthew 16.19) is Christ JESUS, subsequent in time yet equal in size reasonable (census) is You Holy One, and each of Your Christian Members (and likewise any One). Your Member has members of the body, likewise Heaven has smaller spirits such as toward sub-atomic in Word such as to be over sub-atomic particles in Deed / Will (not shown above, lower than lowest precept shown). Likewise Heaven has spirits that are The Greater Unseen.

Sinners in Former Logic Only assume that sub-atomic particles can be formed or can naturally occur to encapsulate a person such as You, such as to safely go under water or into outer space, but they are wrong in large part (see Firmaments above). Former Logic Only for instance shows it is against the law to capture and enslave You, Former Logic Only also often has shown such encapsulating has nothing to do with God but such former logic is not logical (sin is not logical and is often illegal against the legalities of Former Logic Only) and is not a true assumption: God is not of confusion, so God is logical and much more. Sinners can encapsulate a person, yet God is miraculous for One high purpose often unnoticed by many: if there is encapsulation it is because God did it. If there is sin it is because of un-honed lower spirits within a person(s) so opted by the tail, the flesh of the person even if opted unawares similar to how a person forms habits and if not proper in Christ JESUS then vulnerable and at risk, such as to watch TV and to subconsciously snack too much, unawares.

The physics of Former Logic Only have changed through the years, yet the Holy Physics Of God are constant, and people only attempt to figure out that Holy Constant, though of the Firmaments do not enable save in Christ JESUS.

The lowest threshold levels are with dust, otherwise a person can grab a handful of dust and lift it and/or modify some dust, though only until a Holy Firmament is reached. In Former Logic Only terms for instance a person cannot go beyond the required given formula(s). So if the Former Logic Only formula(s) do not include the Christian Bible and Christ JESUS, then mainly ineffectual and sinful [(Philippians 2.9-11) even though Christ JESUS is merciful concerning their weaknesses for their sakes (John 12.42, also rather with Mark 9.39) (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS concerning recognition / distinguishing / their fruits)].

Fractals come in all sizes, yet Your Church Members are each in the [size and (small and large examples: Birth Of JESUS, and David concerning Giants)] image of God, Christ JESUS.

So a key is to discern the fruit, even One Holy Body of Christ JESUS, and with this also discern the fruit of fractals. Shown above are levels in which a person might currently dwell (lacking logic Proverbs 27.8 rather Heavenly One with logic Genesis 3.5), and beyond parameters of physical bodies are values of spirits otherwise as of fractals (Will) and fractal equations (Word), and similar such as asymptotes. In other words, the former logic timeline includes former logic equations, so former logic equations can be added unto ascending Christians, so are of value even if only to understand why sinners fail, and to therefore understand how to correct and make the sinners worthy of the full repentance threshold.

The chart of elements is very important to some, such as chemists, hence to understand and to edify Your Flock per se is that the smallest viable Holy Part, Christ JESUS, be of the cut of the Firmament counted as if a piece only [(as if delimited to former logic and on the chart of the elements) yet much more valuable (too complex to fathom in merely former logic terms)] yet as simple ( to understand as Heavenly Precepts (as cited sources ought rightly be, see verse 8 excerpt below). So it was not as to get a haircut, it was not as a sword in a butcher shop, yet now unto better understandings of civilization it can be likened unto DNA processing, save it is Heavenly and not as flesh, though can be with flesh. It was not cut to separate, rather cut to mend and greater Oneness, likened unto stitching skin, rather giving birth, rather without sin and painless, rather without selfish thoughts and rather the Will Of Christ JESUS, and hardly of the former and rather of the higher, and yet can be with the Word. The Word is larger than a person such as a chemist, the Word is larger (all the Bibles, and Sermons,..., and through time Revelation 22.10) than the tables of the elements (John 1.1-Revelation 22.20) continuing as such until written in hearts / souls until finally in One Heart [(2 Corinthians 3.2...) Oneness]: of continuous improvement from Holy Spirit to the created to perfecting the created increasingly to the Perfect Holy One.

It is with the properly maintained Word that the Word Of Christ JESUS come(s), it is with the properly doing flesh accordingly that the Word is the Will Of Christ JESUS, precept on precept. Hence key is to be in New Christianity to give worthiness to Christian newcomers Christian Followers, and for greater purpose in the Lord, precept on precept. Hence of a key Lead Your Church Followers, Your New Members, and of another key give worthiness, even make One servant worthy to help any and all for the glory of the Heavenly Father In Christ JESUS (John 1.27) so rather leading in New Christianity.

Yet the above Drawing thresholds are hardly for separating (though offer protections / graces) and rather are for Oneness in the higher lovingly Eternal Purpose. Even a great love as if of former logic to change past precepts though rather of love beyond former logic measure (wisely) to do the Will Of God, example:

After the Transfiguration, people (His Disciples / former logic, evidently) asked the Christ, JESUS, as they wondered about being silent witnesses and they wondered about the Elijah [(related word root: Elias Elijah Eli'jah) similar to Eli (Matthew 27.46)] and Christ JESUS responded Elijah has already come (Matthew 17.12).

But at first Elias, John The Baptist, of former logic at the moment evidently had measured, counted, and proffered as if He was "not worthy" (John 1.28) to do good for the higher level [example: when an ox stumbled Uzza tried to steady the Ark (Old Testament 1 Chronicles 13.9 & 10, a child hardly oversees a parent)]; yet Christ Jesus had replied “It is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness" (Matthew 3.15, a child may offer their cookie to a parent) so in other words just as a parent might find a child worthy of a greater level of responsibility, likewise a Church Member might be found worthy. Concerning the behavior of Uzza many contingencies (higher levels) apply such as in New Logic Uzza gave His life for God [similar: (for the Ark Of The Covenant Of God)] though improperly since Christ JESUS did not transgress law, while such as in former logic since Uzza broke law, as in a worldly courtroom there are contentions (Isaiah 58.9) such as that a party might only care that capital be gained by their own party so it might include selfishness toward sin / cliche: "somebody has to pay" / worldly system; another example in former logic pertinence is the Barabbas movie when the a lead character after the crucifixion started to burn Rome and stopped when reminded of the love, peace, and higher principles JESUS taught.

Even so counselors, including attorneys, often speak of mutual benefit (toward goodness).

Whether silent or speaking the Word, be the One Good Example. For instance a young adult witnessed a parent doing good (for Christ JESUS) in many ways such as the parent driving to do chores for the Church, and so doing was the giving of worthiness; then the parent likewise seeing the worthiness in the young adult perhaps silently slid car keys across the table to the young adult.

To do as Christ JESUS said and "to fulfill all righteousness" ascend in Covenanting, in Holy Oneness. If appropriate, give a cookie, slide keys to Your cube platform, guide them unto linking platforms together, example: in the above Drawing an arrow explains "Threshold Boundary" but the people shown climbing on the net can hardly reach so high without proper guidance similar to how new wine needs go into new wineskins (so to speak):

Cube / Threshold / Bible.


Mansions in Heaven / Some other ways / Other attempts,

and this is true (Bible, Christ JESUS) whether others succeed to some amounts by "other ways" or not (One greater New Christianity Faith is needful to guide others unto higher worthiness: 1 Timothy 3.6):

concerning non-Firmament thresholds New Christianity is preferred, concerning Firmaments New Christianity is necessary.

Truly, truly, there were former ways of teaching the Bible and Preaching the Bible, yet now there is the above (larger font) reason, also there is the former logic reason that is partly right: there are new technologies today. So in New Logic there are greater accomplishments available (now clearly and abundantly known even in former logic) to be conquered for Christ JESUS [lest any to be converted more readily count as if "empty talk" (1 Timothy 1.6) yet for exceedingly higher purpose(s)].

To a visitor, a Christian might be counted as if toward backsliding (have mercy, some are exhausted), so on the surface perhaps counted as if an embarrassment to Your Church, a shame toward hindrance (though the visitor might be delighted to visit more with opportunities to backslide) yet with the higher Covenanting in the mind of the Christian Leadership let the Church be with gifts of blessings greater than Former Logic Only reasonings.

Lead in the Church, lead in the skies, lead in the valleys, mines, caves, lofts, and Heavenly place(s). Lead in all places for One Good Purpose In Christ JESUS In The Holy Father, in order for Heaven to exist everywhere without exception. Properly lead in New Christianity, properly lead in organic and in so called former logic inorganic chemistry, lead in DNA coding and other coding, lead in rating and standardizing Christian metabolics and in other ratings. Lead in accepting the enemy and viruses and plagues yet within New Christianity, precept on precept, higher level on lower level and such is not to form any caste system, tyranny, nor other than blessings properly poured out for any lovingly responsibly worthy in Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS sometimes guided unto silence [for their sakes (lest some people ignorant of key higher values might quickly start fighting)] though usually Christ JESUS said such as: "if these will be silent, the stones will cry out" (from Luke 19.40 BL).

Below are pertinent worthiness (and greater) verses (reference,6,10?lang=eng#p2 especially verse 9, with an excerpt from verse 8 specifically):

As is written in Psalms 102.18-28 as interpreted by LDS, [THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS (no legal affiliation per se), the providers of the Third Testament] as found at

18 This shall be written for the generation to come: and the people which shall be created shall praise the Lord.

19 For he hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary; from heaven did the Lord behold the earth;

20 To hear the groaning of the prisoner; to loose those that are appointed to death;

21 To declare the name of the Lord in Zion, and his praise in Jerusalem;

22 When the people are gathered together, and the kingdoms, to serve the Lord.

23 He weakened my strength in the way; he shortened my days.

24 I said, O my God, take me not away in the midst of my days: thy years are throughout all generations.

25 Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands.

26 They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed:

27 But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.

28 The children of thy servants shall continue, and their seed shall be established before thee.

Heaven is for the Christian, and if Heaven allow and entertain other than the Holy Spirit, then such as of the above Drawing, for instance not a dog over a person (whether blind nor rank) rather in Heaven is the Holy Spirit, and any otherwise per the higher level as here now bound on Earth, is the above order of things the above Physics Of God, the New Christianity, the precept on precept. Yes reward a goodly dog that guides the blind and rescues, though be not overwhelmed by worldly exuberance such as to have a pretense that a dog is more important than a person: truly the enemy might be converted but the dog is of another [nature, category (a lower level as shown in the above Drawing)].

Guide Christian Faith to heal (such as heal blindness), and if not awareness of such talent found per person, guide unto guiding pertinent technologies such as nutrition, habits, and so on as much as appropriate (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on higher missions and on ascending). Guide to better rescue such as within politics, within safety standards, and so on, for instance legally the military is under law(s) hence under lawmakers per se, hence there are more important things than giving a dog a rank higher than any person: a human person is elected President, not a dog. Let not Your military be a military of confusion, rather properly guide in New Christianity.

If sinners cause themselves grief, then guide toward minimizing such grief therefore toward proper higher Covenanting precept on precept. The Physics Of God enable solutions unseen. Even so "awareness" might not be found (as stated above) on demand by a lower level, therefore gain higher Holy Christian Covenants or at least seek such higher Holy Christian Counsel (Isaiah 9.6).

There is One Law Of Physics Of Christ JESUS pertinent to all people foreign and domestic, and it is over the bottom Firmament of the above Drawing. The people in the above Drawing and symbolically are typically right to exercise and train, and some in the Drawing might be Christian: if any, then Good. Yet the Christian cannot reach the higher places (such as distant stars) save if to wait for a miracle, or if to do the higher Work Of God. In other words, per se, wait for the enemy to offer cookies, or bake cookies (such as for blessed children everywhere, as much as appropriate: precept on precept).

God is for believers in Christ JESUS ( like unto how a seedling becomes a stronger more viable plant, yet God is planted in Heaven while the seedling is planted in things dead; God ascends to return to Heaven (so give Heaven on Earth, see previous ICCDBB Sermons especially on giving people "threshold worthiness", and on giving Your Flock Zion including with the cube) while a seedling in lower logic cyclical terms returns to the dead, casting out it's own seeds to return to either dust or to return to the lower logic cycle of seedlings, plants, and seeds again.

The Christian Bible offers the Word, the seed, the seed tells the tree how to grow, so if to guide outer space alien civilizations, then the Holy Word (motif, and valuation example yet Your Flock Body (Bodies) and Eucharist and anointed things also help so that Your Word not be empty claims and promises unfulfilling: go do as Christ JESUS to be their Good Example (see above: "car keys" / worthiness).

It has been said when people grow their toys get bigger. Let Your Flock be with New Christianity pertinent toys, arts, and responsibilities for the grater glory of the Heavenly Father Through Christ JESUS / One Fold. In the Drawing below it is clear that to thrill Your Zion In Christ JESUS with Biblical toys (and much greater than toys: models, symbols, real solving) and to have aerospace capabilities it is important to have toys that are of chemical elements such as likely to include polymers, gold, carbon chains, helium, rocket materials, and other. Though since for instance helium is costly due to hard to find, do Your part with Your Flock to enjoy the high flying for Christ JESUS that such be added unto You and Yours. Helium is lightweight and so as shown in the above Drawing (precept on precept) fly to the Upper Atmosphere and higher (very difficult) to gather helium, perhaps for fun and profit (laws apply), though key for the Lord and doing the Will Of God, doing as God does.

Perhaps Your Church might gain support of chemical companies, and gather souls of others seeking to fly. If a person goes on vacation and/or flies aloft, the thing many are often doing is trying to escape mean sinners in the world. Feed the hungry. Give helium to the escapees (ibid.). Rather solve now for mutual benefit, even so give to Officers and to widows and to orphans and to flyers; and rather to Christian Churches including if for cubes and platforms and printing presses and the Internet: for higher purposes.

An upside-down candle is shown as an idea that rockets don't have to be as heavy as many have been. Youth and adults in Your Flock reasonably studies chemistry and can make it so (laws & safety apply). Businesses are great at understanding laws, many would like to help for various reasons. Ministers help yet also guide in coordinating people and groups, even so if others do not want to help then You may opt to stop or do the Will Of God Yourself (with Your Flock).

The Holy Path Of God is the shortcut through the paths of sinners. Though save miraculously Holy Faith leaping and/or missions per se, the path of safety is the Holy Path Of God with no shortcut better. If a person starts to fall You might in a leap of Faith grab that person and then try to grab onto something with Your other hand to save You both, though normally otherwise safety first, that is the Lord first and similar unto the first is safety (Matthew 22.38 & 39 & Oneness).

Because Your Chapel is key to Proper Christian Colonization / and Proper Christian Colonizing (journeys, commuting, adventure tours,...), let safety, laws, and Church Flight Policies be clearly known among passengers.

Like unto the first, similarly guide the colonizing, such as inclusive of directing per schedule, such as Church services, and such as excavating and chemical plants, biosphere farming, factories, and more. It is a hard saying though treat tourists and others as though they don't know what to do even if with repeatedly telling (Psalms 119.139) so watch over them carefully [lest a last chance effort / former logic (leap of Faith, see above)].

Order others about, though mercifully. Prepare to rather be the gracious Host of the New Worlds (newer colonies).

As indicated in the Drawing below, even if it appears strange and upside down at times, often big business knows what it is doing, so rely on such as much as is Biblical (Galatians 2.16 & Ephesians 5.5) understanding each person and business is cursed (1 Corinthians 16.22) save for love in Christ JESUS (One). So be ready to lead any expert and/or any expert company at any given situation or let their One JESUS ties of their free choice ( do not follow the ways of sinners, rather guide all people and creatures: bind on Earth as in Heaven.

In the Drawing below, top right, are many types of communications signals and data groups and hacker vulnerabilities. There are many other complexities not shown such as lightening, static, explosive [balloons and fuels], wind, solar soaring temperature ranges [cold side, hot side, convex magnification,...], dust and pollen from Earth, and space debris; and then above the atmosphere also stronger human biometric changes, time coordination, solar plasma, varying magnetism flows, non-earth gravity, keeping pace with revolutions of space bodies, velocities, and much more. If Your Flock does not start, so much less would be realized concerning Your Flock in terms of worthiness and responsibility overcoming such in places known as Heavenly / Biblically.

Blessed Christian Leader, be caring concerning how You interpret sources of information (make all interpreting for the One Highest Purpose, as much as You have talent and awareness to do) including Your interpreting of the Bible, whether of various translations, and care for proper interpreting of Sermons foreign and domestic, and signs and wonders, and other discussions (often indicated by known bias of the source / former logic, though rather [New Logic] as Christ JESUS explained by their fruits).

With Your proper caring be aware that for example sunlight and heat can be severe against people such as in the Sahara Desert, and those people are protected by the Earth's atmosphere, Your Chapel platform above the atmosphere Will [as if] not be so protected.

So of a key be careful how You interpret this Word Of God now. As stated above there is a range of temperature to consider with extreme sunlight and heat. And the Bible tells You the Sun will not ravage you (Psalm 121.5 & 6 ISV) and this is true if You were Spirit only. Yet this is true, and You are in the flesh.

The Christian Bible is true: how hardly then might You in this life be saved in the flesh [and protected from sinners]?, even so understand a Christian Flock can do as their past generations did, including they can hide in caves (1 Samuel 13.6) since proper Christian Baptism sufficieth, and so good can come from it. Christ JESUS hid Himself at times (for One High Purpose).

Yet let Your Flesh rather be spared in New Christianity in Christ JESUS, in careful proper interpretation of this Biblical matter that "the Sun will not ravage you" Holy One With Flesh:


make the precepts of God true in You with higher Covenanting in Word and rather also in Holy Deed Doing(s).

And this above key agrees with previous Heavenly keys and Prophecies and precepts.

Save the flesh of Your Flock: properly prepare. Live, be alive, Worship God in Your Heavenly type aloft Chapel, love. Build Your city in the sky. Yet build and grow safely, wisely applying cautiously if there be time and quickly if needful to leap in proper Faith for Christ JESUS.

Your Flock does not have to fly in order to understand flight, responsibly: a bank of worthy knowledge. Your Flock doesn't have to do anything, generally, except be saved and properly Christian, though God has bigger hope for Your Flock than relax in the pew, and be merry (

Reveal miraculous Biblical symbols: make Christian toys, make with precise higher reasoning, make models and more for real and do so for their sakes. Some people don't like heights though when You show them enough safety they might learn to enjoy: hence give them gifts and thrilling delights unto their particular tastes yet for the Lord Christ JESUS, and they might overcome low level (above Drawing) fears; such as rather than merely command them to only fear God. This is toward being sensible as a good Host is, lovingly kindly guiding unto the Heavenly Way (Deuteronomy 1.33).

Some Churches lead more than others (see above "New Christianity", otherwise see above "relax"). The complexities in the above text are for You and for the sake of Your Flock, understanding much in former logic can be converted and changed into higher Biblical precept matters and levels (above Drawing) to be written into the Heart. Anoint, and with citing former logic in Biblical verses and Biblical stories to discern and distinguish and to raise any good part(s) found: transform former logic properly into loving wisdom as much as found as Biblically pertinent, even as Christ JESUS spoke, again: precept on precept.

Jesus The Christ did a lot of fishing with His Disciples with nets, and similar to aloft cells of helium if to tug on a part it might tear, so rather to have many hands on many control points, similar to a branch with many smaller branches. In the below Drawing to the right are related knotted ropes. Since ancient days Priests have utilized tassels with knots to symbolize laws, indicating knowledge of such laws. Symbolically Christ JESUS utilized the One Net, the appropriate uniting of laws. Many high cubes and/or aloft platforms can lift / net connection points, and preparedness with the appropriate number of connection points is important likewise for the cargo such as another platform, chemicals, food, or other. Also if for instance to relink from balloons to deep space rockets then to allow for redocking parameters or pitch and catch procedures.

Space travel does not require passengers to be on a space rocket or space sail, though it helps. If to throw a colony that is inside a vessel, from Earth's atmosphere into outer space and then for an outer space rocket on another planet such as Mars to catch and land the vessel and colony safely on Mars, while not theoretically necessary, it may be valuable for the colony vessel to have their own means to adjust the flight path for many reasons, for example such as to avoid space debris.

Guiding unto higher levels

including literally, Biblically. How to colonize planets Biblically: responsibilities for the Heavenly Places. How to ascend in Holy Covenanting from precept to higher precept as JESUS The Christ taught and did in One Holy Spirit and in One Holy Flesh that no conditions of sins and that no condition(s) of the Holy Physics Of God The Creator could surpass: Christ JESUS on the Right Hand Of God the source of Holy Comfort. How to build better spaceships with helium cells, proper rocketry design and utilization, with mica heat shielding and greenhouses as the Romans built, lowest cost yet most beneficial for outer space colonizations of planets for the greater glory of God through JESUS Christ. How to tether and make usage of complex aerospace vessels and devices precept on precept, law on law, benefit on benefit, gift on gift, spirit on spirit, such as with tensile strength, heat, pressure, light, and other parameters detailed and specified. These new discoveries were made for inventing and innovating inventions and innovations according to Bible precept on precept as Christ JESUS taught and did, including ancient simplification of modern complex processes and systems with the most popular with highest ratings latest new hi tech solutions while turning hard work into joy, the definition of Heaven of delight in Christ JESUS in Google, Exact Seek, Yahoo, Bing, Big Stocks, 404 default, gov, and White House types of searches in lay terms though of New Christianity. Excellent movie Clear and Present Danger character CIA Analyst Jack Ryan played by Judaist Harrison Ford Ancient Chinese rocketry without heavy steel, rather with cellulose (such as found in skin and lawns):

To be toward cast out in some situations (see talents) can be an interpretation of becoming tangled in their own knots, certain snares require high level help to free (as though automated, yet living system like unto One metabolic rate), so as shown to the right while the former logic legal knots can be measured, the Evangelism is according to the higher [Oneness of One Creator Designer Planner (former logic toward ancillary) rather fear One Christ JESUS].

Christ JESUS explained it is hardly about them doing it wrong nor about who is guilty, rather for all it is of rightly ascending precept on precept in the Holy More Excellent Way with none unfairly put at risk and with none victimized: the most perfect Way.

Consider how much a ten story building weighs. Without occupancy it is an enormous weight. The Space Shuttle rockets were as tall, and they did not have significant spaces / cells filled with helium to add lift. In former logic it was simply known as dead weight. Most of the structure was the weight problem. Rockets typically discard heavy stages prior to exiting the Earth's atmosphere. In other words, an enormous amount of fuel (perhaps most, depending on the type of mission) is spent on overburden (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the eye-of-the-needle). And some rockets are several times taller than the Space Shuttle rockets were.

Smaller rockets a couple stories tall such as Cruise Missiles have over two inch thick steel jackets plus steel cladding: tons of overburden.

Lightweight balloon cells with some cells for other than helium such as for Your Chapel, equipment, and supplies, would reasonably much lighter yet with their own pertinent talents and lack-of-talents, so with some help toward rocketry.

In the above Drawing without any heavy steel casing is an inverted candle indicating rocketry otherwise, even Biblically per se. In the excellent movie Clear and Present Danger character CIA Analyst Jack Ryan played by Judaist Harrison Ford ( reveals the CIA (et alia / rare, also reference "Ancient Chinese" at had utilized rocketry without heavy steel, rather with cellulose (such as found in skin and lawns): "paper".

Harrison Ford also having been certified as a pilot, has highlighted aircraft incursions especially at low altitude and has otherwise been helping people ( So consider utilizing automatic sensor arrays (some sensors utilize crystals, see previous ICCDBB Sermons) response mechanisms. These are things given unto You from God. These are of spiritual levels of precepts, for Your Flock to comprehensively prioritize and often cost in terms of money is hardly a factor (1 Timothy 6.10), that is, rather than let money be the first obstacle against flying Your Flock, let the joy of the higher Covenanting be more perfectly established firmly lifting praise and glory for Christ JESUS.

If on Earth, the feet of God bruise Your head (Isaiah 66.1) to provide You with shade, if to be flying in the Heavenly places of outer space prepare that God sit on Your right hand Holy Comforter that You might circulate air and other to cause proper heat exchanging properties (Colossians 3.1).

Understand pertinent lower earthly things, yet do Heavenly things.

Earth weather with jetstream is mainly within 10 miles, and the most distant part of Earth's atmosphere is 6,200 miles ( that is a long distance if to struggle with tons of metal overburden. So rather consider utilizing Your cells-platform-Chapel for lifting rocketry through atmospheres (beware of chemical reactions and other due to atmospheres) as much as appropriate, and then to utilize outer space sails or rocketry or other if needful.

Considering spinoff values for Your Flock, solar panels (with crystals, see previous ICCDBB Sermons) on Earth for instance deliver power through the atmosphere, so in outer space You can have greater power (conditions apply). If on the far side of the Moon for instance the solar panel power would be great during light (without as significant atmosphere and nearer the Sun) so solar panels need to be able to handle the greater force (Matthew 9.17).

Sensor arrays, heat shields, and other crystal involved items and equipment need be precision instrumentation typically, though be aware that God gave many products freely, they are great values under the feet (Luke 11.44) though hardly be toward such (ibid.) rather ascend: You Christian Leader followed, as One Good and Faithful servant now teaching others higher Christian principles, so having conquered already now ascend as the One Good Example, from kingdom to higher kingdom, and from kingdom to higher Kingdom as Christ JESUS taught and did: see with New Eye(s) (John 4.35): let Your Flock ascend, help them.

"The Romans built the first greenhouses with sheets of mica to protect them" ( for higher purpose(s) You can do better. High tech?, perhaps not as high as others might want You to imagine. Your colonies can have heat and light controls, and greenhouses, and solar power and when dark lightweight lithium battery power can be available (reference simple ancient technologies such as: Baghdad Batteries), with lithium lying around on the ground in some places. So here is a key, the ancients had world trade, Your friendly Churches (with much money or without much money) can also help each other with talents and resources even for mutual benefits and gifts.

Similar to the first per se, here is a greater key: other planets have much greatness You might deliver through outer space to places needful, in Your Christian Work.

Some have proffered there are for instance giant diamonds, in former logic it seems true, in New Christianity You offer much greater.

Vessel protection is important as explained [over many interpretations (that there be proper interpretation)] in the Christian Bible. A vessel such as a high altitude passenger jet for instance has it's own lights (as for reading the Bible), it's own atmosphere with emergency breathing aparatus, luxury talents, food, water, lavatories, sleep accommodations, entertainment, personal luggage, cargo section, communications, powers, in-flight in-house [in-Chapel] criteria with Hosting, and so on. The passenger jet vessel has engines, integrated system contingencies, care for passengers and cargo, automated radar and coffee maker equipment. Christ JESUS rode in boats alone (Mark 4.1: the Captain) or with others (such as a sailor), and in His boat(s) He might have opted to have sleep accomodations, water, and/or other.

Your vessel personal Christian body is flesh so can be measured and so the measurement bound in Heaven. (Aside from smaller than a person's body [not discussed specifically in this Sermon]) a person can be in a larger vessel.

Accordingly there are two main principle keys to consider, the first key within this above context concerns Your body (or rather in this discussion a person's body), the second key is the larger vessel into which to fit one or more people and cargo.

With these keys awareness is now come forth the third key: as when Christ JESUS was alone in the boat for their sakes and greater, so too in the larger vessels if to continue to be pure and unstained (James 1.27) and if to Lead Christian Oneness then to hardly let the unworthy Captain the vessel (hardly let the drunk, the ancillary to drugs, the uninformed, a lost child, nor similar drive the car recklessly nor pilot Your large vessel foolishly).

This key applies to piloting Your spacecraft, and also to planning and designing Your spacecraft, it also is over coordinating construction and growing, and further over interacting with other spacecraft and legal and higher criteria, such as reasonably not infringing on farmers concerns and not landing on houses and highways. The authority of the Christian Leadership is divine, so Good needs rule, and that Heavenly Father Good comes from One Christ JESUS only. If Your soul hardly finds in given circumstances then utilize the Christian contacts and Bible, or at least prayerfully be mindful of the higher distinguishing / guidance. Otherwise to hand the self over to former logic such as to entertain legalese, which some circumstances reasonably indicate, also when required by law(s).

Concerning a person's body key, the Creator Of Current Physics (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on End Time(s) and related) gave a person a range of parameters in which a person could exist in the flesh, such as to not be squished therefore concerning pressures, and such as to not be electrified therefore concerning electricity and ionization factors, and such as 120 years (Genesis 6.3), and so on. So this is an important key that to not trust in any person nor in flesh nor in works of the hands, save in Christ JESUS, so of the Holy Physics Spirit One Creator; that is trust in the flesh only if of the higher Spirit level over the flesh. Since hardly to judge save for good measure (examples: Matthew 12.12, for mutual benefit, for Christ JESUS,...) then to distinguish pertinent fruit. Philippians 3.3 & 4:

So a person vessel of flesh (spirits or Holy Spirit within) exists within parameters (while their spirits or Spirit bears fruit(s) or other). So existing is the higher level "parameters".

A larger vessel likewise has a range of parameters, so while therefore are worldly laws over such measurable parameters, existing with such is also either spirits or higher Spirit. If the vessel is theoretical, such as general knowledge and expectations, or such as minimal flesh such as written laws on papers, then per person and per people (and per "papers" for instance) is a level of "general knowledge and expectations" yet with a higher parameters level over such [(former logic), and] New Logic containing this higher level. In other words if theories (including any measurable aspects) of physics and laws are within a parameter such as the currently agreed body of knowledge (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on permutations and related), then to understand in former logic (such as so sinners might comprehend they are to seek to be saved) that there is higher authority, and since over life parameters then a living growing ascending authority: proof of God named JESUS (see ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on proofs, and on proofs such as long ago formalized and provided by Christian Catholics).

These vessel keys come in two gift (from God) forms, the personal vessel parameters are such that God created parameters, such that a person might walk around the world so to speak, and remain in good health. So in a perspective a vessel of a person is not only their own body yet also Earth and atmosphere, and so for this matter of Trend of greater vessel as one (rather One) for a person, and with therefore higher authority over personal authority. Such has generally been called oneness (or Oneness) with the Universe and all things. Though let sin be undone.

Your larger than person spaceship too in One, yet with it's own parameters. Your person and Your spaceship needs agree with the Known Universe (at least: rather with Christ JESUS One).

Your body for instance needs a certain temperature range around 98.6F. Your spaceship therefore needs to provide this temperature range around 98.6F for You and passengers; Your spaceship also needs to provide means to accomplish a temperature range around it's own needs (reference talents), such as melting or freezing points; also with otherwise such as tear prevention, worn out spots prevention, and so on (see "integrated system contingencies" above).

Your spacecraft with no people inside has it's own parameters, it's own needs, it's own level with higher parameters level, this is true of all, each with their own distinguishable glories per se (1 Corinthians 15.41); except for One Christ JESUS with the dead in Christ JESUS One on the cross without glory as all glory was given: such as to and for You, Your Flock, and Your vessel(s).

Your vessel body (#1 per se, as these noted conditions apply) from innocence of love from birth [(or similar, details of conditions, medical opinion, regulations, and other apply; Biblically John 9.2 & 3) people in the flesh can be free from sin!, higher purpose] is One With The Universe [(Genesis 2.25) in the Garden Of Eden With God]; except if sinful then personal and positional limiting factors apply (see "parameters" above) for instance a toddler approaches the stove and the parent says "no", "hot", but the toddler continues (toward few stripes / leaving Eden) and the parent allows gentle increasing heat toward hot that the toddler recoils and learns what "hot" means.

So Your vessel body is One and not in need of considering "parameters" [(Grace Of God protects the Pure Heart) though do not put God to the test improperly (see details in previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS)], otherwise a sinful body is under the Physics Law(s) Of God and therefore under "parameters".

So a pure body is equal to a Spirit One, though pending any higher level of Grace as further honing may apply.

So a key is that Your Spaceship is Holy (if / see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on anointing), lest sinfulness is introduced, therefore the Home Where The Body Of Christ JESUS Has His Mailing Address (other then One('s) Heart per se) Is The Cube Of Christ JESUS [also known as the "Zion Cube" (, Psalms 132.13)] so let not sin enter ["smitten" (Exodus 9.31 rather Luke 2.48 WNT and rather greater good) relocated from Garden of Eden to Zion Cube (Georgio Tsoukalos rightly announced on television / former logic / scientific fact finding, see Georgio Tsoukalos at].

ICCDBB Sermon March 23, 2017 AD

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tags: Heavenly levels and expectations. How to colonize planets Biblically: responsibilities for the Heavenly Places. How to ascend in Holy Covenanting from precept to higher precept as JESUS The Christ taught and did in One Holy Spirit and in One Holy Flesh that no conditions of sins and that no condition(s) of the Holy Physics Of God The Creator could surpass: Christ JESUS on the Right Hand Of God the source of Holy Comfort. How to build better spaceships with helium cells, proper rocketry design and utilization, with mica heat shielding and greenhouses as the Romans built, lowest cost yet most beneficial for outer space colonizations of planets for the greater glory of God through JESUS Christ. How to tether and make usage of complex aerospace vessels and devices precept on precept, law on law, benefit on benefit, gift on gift, spirit on spirit, such as with tensile strength, heat, pressure, light, and other parameters detailed and specified. These new discoveries were made for inventing and innovating inventions and innovations according to Bible precept on precept as Christ JESUS taught and did, including ancient simplification of modern complex processes and systems with the most popular with highest ratings latest new hi tech solutions while turning hard work into joy, the definition of Heaven of delight in Christ JESUS in Google, Exact Seek, Yahoo, Bing, Big Stocks, Submit Express, 404 default, gov, and White House types of searches in lay terms though of New Christianity. Excellent movie Clear and Present Danger character CIA Analyst Jack Ryan played by Judaist Harrison Ford Ancient Chinese rocketry without heavy steel, rather with cellulose (such as found in skin and lawns): "paper"; helicopter training crash; rather feeding the hungry Harrison Ford runway incursions. Uzza gave His life for God but Uzza broke law,Isaiah 58:9, Barabbas movie a lead character after the crucifixion started to burn Rome. From Garden of Eden to Zion Cube. Bible Genesis Psalms Matthew 21 John 3 16 crucifixion once for all, One and greater: ICCDBB for Christ JESUS. Submit Express