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Minority Rights.

Minorities have the right to have privileges.

Higher Precepts / Privileges / Rights.

Rights come from (and equal =) Higher Precepts x Privileges.

If worthiness handling Rights, then at a time given a gift: Privileges, then with worthiness over Privileges, then similarlly come Higher Precepts gifts.

President Donald Trump has the right to hold his Office during the Term of four Years (perhaps eight),

but the way it reads in Article II (Article 2 - Executive) Section 1 of the Constitution for the United States Of America it is hardly a right in his favor unless he wants to hold that Office. Although he evidently wants to hold that Office, he is required to hold that Office by the higher Legislative laws, so for instance he is ancillary per se to the Vice President who according to Article I (Article 1 - Legislative) Section 3 shall have no Vote (exception applies).

The Christian Priest has a right, such as to bear arms, unless prohibited by the Church, the City, and the other criteria which might apply at times.

The individual has the right to do their duty as required by the Church, and others as much as is.

The male has no rights in this Sermon since this Sermon is about Minority Rights and "the world's male population was 3,477,829,638", "3,418,059,380" females (, hence 6,895,889,018 Total 2014 AD.

Groups less than half the voting base have no clout, per se, no rights, unless something else in involved to overcome for instance reasonably the 51% clout.

A Member of Your Christian Church Flock Will be unfairly withheld their due rights, as much as Your Church maintains the former logic tail, rather than the New Logic Head: God. The only Way to overcome such is to do as God said [higher Covenanting] precept on precept [here a little, there a little (Isaiah 28.10)]: leave not the other to be left undone (Matthew 23.23). Even so of higher worthiness and higher precepts of love, properly receive the lion's share (Micah 5.8).

The higher Covenanting holds, give a little to the tail and the greater to the Head.

Entertain a greater wisdom than Solomon's (Matthew 12.42).

The minority has the right to remain silent.

The minority has the right to have a stranger, an attorney, put words into their mouth(s).

The minority has the right to quick trial (the flip of a coin is pretty quick) such as perhaps judged by a majority representative.

Former logic laws clearly do not produce proper results, save if the former logic agrees in the higher part Christ JESUS.

If the majority is not fair, if the coin shows little mercy, if the stranger knows not the minority needs, and if the minority is silent, then the minority is at risk of being idle or worse, save if the minority be of Christ JESUS then Christ JESUS protects, nurtures, enables, and cares for the minority, example(s): Christians President Trump and Vice President Pence.

Rights under laws, lower covenants, are prioritized, such as President Trump has already accomplished in announcing such as concerning terrorism. And rights and priorities in other Departments and areas under laws can and are being prioritized, even as times provide new circumstances.

If to vote for concerns of the self, no permanent solution comes forth, since the laws of former logic do not endure (Hebrews 7.19), some only endure a split second and some only endure a few generations (Exodus 20.5), even the teaching from Christ JESUS 2,000 years ago is longer than that. If to have any enduring solution for any minority then to need (save the innocent) to go in proper thinking far in time beyond seconds, generations, and trillions of years, and beyond End Time to bind the solving in Heaven.

The Christian Bible has law known in Christian Hearts (Isaiah 51.7), so with the top lines in this Sermon is more about higher Privileges / precepts.

Know the law, even so "merely listening to the law doesn't make us right with God. It is obeying the law that makes us right in his sight" (Romans 2.13) though on the Holy Path Of Righteousness this is only one of the steps (example Donald Trump had to overcome many steps including business deals, in order to so serve).

So with such and yet of a higher precept "For no one will ever be made right with God by obeying the law", rather higher Holy Righteousness is of the unseen Spirit Of God for "faith in Jesus Christ" (Galatians 2.16).

Former logic understands some (Known Universe) physics. This higher Holy Path Of Righteousness with Blessed Gifts along the Way Of Higher Covenanting Privileges also has physics, though while some are able to be known under Rights, the more valuable higher part would comprehensively and therefore prioritize within You, known in the ancient of days as within Your Heart (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on higher comprehending of complexities in people according to ascending with counting as if simplifying).

Oppressed minorities might continue to be oppressed, or might ascend via plan(s) or unexpectedly from above power(s). Many have been oppressed and hardly knew it, as innocent children obeying authorities, beloved in Christ JESUS. To learn of a thing and then to do good rather than attack, is proper in Christ JESUS.

Even so, to ascend for Christ JESUS in Heavenly Places Will be Heavenly, though to ascend for Christ JESUS in the world as long as sins are allowed to exist Will typically be fraught with risks and dangers. In the sinful world of spirits, especially with sins, otherwise especially while ascending in Covenants such as generally ascending from time to time properly in precept on precept such counted as if oddities, or changes, are sometimes interpreted as if interferences unto lower spirits conquered so ascending is not always without difficulties, for example a child might find a shortcut to go home through a field so possibly of value and might run though while running might receive scratches, even so if to make the proper path (so rather with others likewise) then overcoming many problems. Note that in the day (or awake time, such as per job) a person concentrates on tasks, though at night (John 9.4) problems in dreams are counted as though normal until of innocence and/or Heavenly.

Apostle Paul wrote "So I find this law [physics (see above)] at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me" (Romans 7.21). So on the proper Path ascending, then minor temporary problems might come to pass, though mainly (greater part, lion's share) with increasingly for unselfish mutual benefit in Christ JESUS the problems lessen.

Christ JESUS spoke of Oneness, and such is the future already happened to some of higher Covenanting, the future soon to some ascending, and the future eventually to others. This Sermon is mindful of Oneness and for instance the value of males currently in majority within lower logic at least as relative to valuable females at least in former logic. Though this Sermon is of these lower logic worldly times, at least, parts of goodness.

Because God is good, that does not mean You are evil.

If not completely the whole majority and Oneness Highest Covenant Level Of The One True Holy Good Spirit Of God as of beyond Final End Time into the New Beginning, then the parts are good according to the ability / talent to receive with accepting / worthiness with the Will / agreeing with the Word; though if the parts are not so properly interpreted and agreed per entity created then hardly good currently though for future gift receiving within the entity precept on precept and therefore from good in derived goodly: from goodness toward proper interpretation and agreeing in the entity in the world. So abounds good in Heaven, and also with being for goodly purposes in the world. Good > goodly.

Here is a sample of three goodly things. Keys To The Kingdom Of Heaven (so at least goodly, Matthew 16.19), note that keys is plural hence explaining there are places [per talents per higher Covenanting per talent(s)] in the Heavens and the One True Highest Key comes with full repentance and proper Christian Immersion Baptism In The Holy Name Of Christ JESUS. Certain bees make more honey than they need. Certain chickens lay extra eggs. These three sample entities, Keys, bees, and chickens, can help to edify minorities in that bees produce extra honey of value unto the higher evolved and unto the Chosen People, and for Christians and all people; likewise chickens produce extra unfertilized eggs even if the eggs are always harvested by humans automatically and the chickens never directly see any benefit.

The honey making bees and the unfertilized egg laying chickens produce extra values, for the greater evolved, for their greater unseen, and for their automatic metabolism instinct reasons. Likewise keys are inert relative to the keys being used as intended for higher purpose(s). Your minority needs to use the keys properly in higher Covenanting In Christ JESUS, not only for the higher in mutual benefit, rather for their sakes. If people ate all the Dodo birds then the Dodo birds became extinct (save higher precepts such as DNA rebirth of species, and higher Spiritual Work), if the Dodo birds are currently gone then no current delight eating Dodo birds: let the valuable goodly entities and minorities not be lost, as a minimum, therefore rather than wait for God to solve, resolve now: God already solved so properly enter into such solving.

Rather than follow the path of the Dodo bird (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on followers rather leading, and on backsliders in the pews), clearly for Christ JESUS provide higher value(s) for the highest and therefore for all. The highest is in Yourself such as God wrote in His created and evolved, and rather more clear is the task in ascending. For instance if various people go to work and when together their boss shows them computers and many parts on the floor and tells them to build the best widget and then the boss leaves to return at the end of the day, the various people might have various ideas. Instead, let all the ideas be clearly the pertinent Words of Christ JESUS then with best solving the specifying (of the Word Of God), together the Will Of God can best commence the One Higher Purpose Holy Work Of God (to create from God, hence good, rather than innovate from trial and error at best goodly) to form the "best widget for when the boss returns".

Naysayers might say it is not "good" it is not "best". People lacking faith might agree. Such are free option gifts from God. People are allowed to cast themselves into outer darkness. Rather be pure for God, and even if the self and/or entity imagines it is pure, be mindful there are higher Covenants if a sinner then unravels a better widget than was made: joy to the world is the response in the higher Holy Covenanting, even if to risk losing the job the boss gave and even if to seem to have lost credibility, mindful that eternal gain is more valuable whether others are properly agreed or not. The sinner might have a momentary success that only lasts a Billion years though the higher precepts from the Words of Christ JESUS and doing the Will Of God continue forever. Also even a sinner can help Christians, even bees and chickens can help, even a dead Dodo bird is an indicator of greater good that can be made alive to benefit all (see "rebirth" and "Spiritual" above).

And even though the sinner and the [counted as though] dead did somethings and goodliness resulted, as is written in Luke 12.30-32 LDS:

Make Your Path Straight Grafted In Christ JESUS and outpouring for their sakes that You (and they immediately or eventually) better overcome each step along the Path Of Righteousness, even to ascend in the Holy Spirit Of The Heavenly Father.

Slaves of Christ JESUS In The Godhead receive gifts similar to how a child (often unawares) receives protections from parents and guardians and as a child receives nurturing and responsibilities of liberties when so worthy and then the Keys To The Kingdom, hardly to destroy the Kingdom rather to have Keys responsibly and to issue such same Key(s) responsibly unto any so worthy. Truly, truly, former logic can imitate, only New Logic of the New Creature can opt to enter higher Covenanting. In higher Covenanting, talents apply to Heavenly places and systems, rates of progress apply to levels and graces, things normal to Your higher perfection apply to the New (to the former) higher perfecting.

So from these You can be discerning many keys of Heavenly values, including lower covenanting keys (Matthew 6.33), important to You now, today.

And as exemplified among the bees and chickens as stated above, do more for Christ JESUS than only the minimum of things "important to You now, today", this is a great key for minorities that the minorities overcome Once and Forever in Christ JESUS.

Make Your Christian Path, for their sakes, clear unto them, let them be aware of "for their sakes" within You, within Your Minority, and let them be aware without such they cannot properly solve. Stop gaps have values so people don't have to wait a Billion years, even so rather than seek Stop gaps seek Go gaps that is Go solving in Christ JESUS: there is a multitude of good that can come with each proper higher Covenant step and/or leap, as many better solutions and better solving processes can be more clearly and more perfectly added unto You and into Your mutual benefit hopes with witnessing such becoming so.

Bees with stingers can benefit many without utilizing stingers that are freely available, furthermore if they use stingers they likely immediately die in pain of guts being ripped out: stingers used for no higher purpose is to cast out in part and/or in whole literally, and symbolically. Chickens in cages where eggs fall out to be collected by machines and people can be toward Heavenly blessings, such as with Christians delightedly having breakfast with family members, such as to fortify in preparing for the day with the Church and/or with the boss, and so on.

What should Your Minority do specifically?, as written in Luke 12 there are many specifics even in former logic and easy to understand as to what Christians and also what sinners and any in former logic want, so do the specific things written in Luke 12 as much as You have talent to so do. Also in Luke 12 are higher Covenanting thing to specifically do for Christ JESUS One.

So of such specifics (mindful there are more specifics and more symbols in the Christian Bible) here is now given Your Minority a key, from Luke 12 for example each specific thing mentioned can be itemized, listed, assembled in various ways, and can produce benefits accordingly, and the more such is checklist accomplished ongoingly the greater the clarity of the Holy Path becomes unraveled.

Yet of higher Covenanting the greater part of the Bible is with the greater value, the greatest in the Will Of Christ JESUS In The Holy Spirit Of The Heavenly Father, the Servant that brought forth the Original Plan. Accordingly of the Will Of Christ JESUS is of higher Covenanting to be leading for mutual benefit especially for Christ JESUS in case Your Minority does not know everything, therefore in Christ JESUS and Christ JESUS for Your Minority does more for Your Minority in the greater unseen, similar to how a farmer protects bees and chickens such as repairing appropriately nice living quarters for them that they continue, even so, rather than Your Minority hardly be enslaved forever, and rather be One In Christ JESUS for the sake of Your Minority and importantly for the greater unseen good.

Christ JESUS In The Holy Father knows all, everything of value, even all systems and processes. So how would Your Minority know what to do, if there is anything other than reading the Bible?, and yes there is precept on precept, and yet as Your Minority comes to agree with Bible verses in the heart, that is as some verses become better known among the working of Your Minority, then to hardly need to read the same verse repeatedly since the verse is already known (yet reading the Bible reveals much), so as to be worthy in agreeing with the verse as each in Your Minority is a Christian person then to give the verse higher value with doing the verse. So when doing the Christian Bible, then giving worthiness. Giving higher value is giving higher value(s) unto all and therefore giving the Christian Bible and the Christian Minority (as toward minimum effect) worthiness.

People want to know higher Covenants (clout),

therefore let any such people give worthiness.

Let the Administrator serve the Teachers under the Administrator.

Let the Teacher serve the students under the Teacher.

Even so, the student is not above the Teacher (Matthew 10.24).

Therefore the best that can be done is that if worthy, let such be One.

Let One be perfectly perfecting, through this created time.

To give worthiness is key. Some keys are as multi-lock systems, requiring keys from various levels of entities worthy and with pertinent keys. When all agree is the greater value revealed. Verily, verily, Your Minority can form multi-lock systems, perhaps with both honey and with stingers (see above).

Christ JESUS offered to minorities and to oppressed victims invitations to visit the Holy Temples without charge, to overcome oppression victoriously for the sakes of the current victims yet more importantly permanently into the future generations for their sakes season after season and generation after generation, via not only bearing one's own individual cross or group cross, yet also bearing one another's (Luke 14.27, Galatians 6.2, with Matthew 13.23) and that in God individuals and minorities be free (Beattitudes &

So of Christ JESUS with properly prioritizing for mutual Heavenly solution (or likewise ongoingly solving in New Logic) Your Minority is to hardly solve for the limited concerns of Your Minority, rather to solve the higher barrier threshold (head or toward head) concerns that are ominous or interpreted by the head as though ominous. So for children in a family the barrier is the Parent, for a business the barrier is the customer; so let the children responsibly help the Parent, let the business overcome customer doubts and customer ideas about shopping around, generally speaking.

So here is a key, and let Your Minority solve Your Master's problems.

As stated above, because God is good, that does not mean You are evil.

Likewise because God is good, that does not mean You are the tail unless You prefer to be oppressed and victimized and to be lazy toward sin and to be careless for others.

So here is a key, and let Your Minority solve the head's problems that Your Minority no longer be counted as if the tail ready to be hacked off in an emergency: real, or imagined by accident or plan such as in mock attacks which might entrench risky unsavory patterns against Your Minority.

Solve for the head to be the head or to also be the head. And since the head of a creature of the flesh is often toward the temporary, rather solve for the Master Christ JESUS unto the permanent eternal mutual joy.

Law abiding individuals and minority groups are free relative to any in prison, though even if in prison for a 1,000 year sentence, the above Christian Biblical precepts apply even if results are not seen [the head Will know New Logic in You (Matthew 7.20)].

So rather than be the victim let Your Group be the Head and without victimizing others irresponsibly lest to fall from the Holy Grace of being the Head (Luke 10.18).

So Your Minority must be composed entirely of Christian Members, otherwise such as if a few are not their works may cause sinking of the ship.

So a lower covenant key is given, if the oppressed minority is not entirely Christian, then find a Christian Church to speak on behalf of the minority.

Otherwise if to go without this key and Christianity then to be toward trial and error of former logic, to entertain extra risks, and to temporarily delight in repeated efforts that sometimes bring selfish delights but with hindsight is the trail of failed attempts.

A thriving business moving into an even larger skyscraper is hardly a measure of success, unless of New Christian Logic, though with such New Christian Logic it is a great success story unto generations to come. Skyscrapers come and go (Mark 14.58) yet a goodly minority is more valuable than a skyscraper.

The reasoning for a goodly minority transcends generations.

Rather than lose and have Your Children fight, solve for now and plan for their future.

Agree and Work in Holy Christian Physics now,

that minority blessings come quickly, for all.

Existing in Physics is the pertinent need that the activities any seek to do agree with the laws of New Logic Physics. The Creator made things within eternal laws and physics that are not transgressed, not interrupted, and not otherwise circumvented; neither by Saints nor by sinners (John 10.1-3). Therefore as described above the individuals and minorities need Christian value(s) to so attain the goal(s). Similar and related is full repentance, that the Christian organization help the head with minimized risks for all. Also with this note that with Christianity is increased talent to discern pertinent concerns,

for example a sinner might wrongly interpret against a good and valuable minority, and therefore the minority might feel as though a minority.

In Christ JESUS One offers Christianity and Heaven for all!

There is no minority. There is only your selfish interpretation that prevents you from seeing that You are a vital part of the whole, Beloved.

Rather than problematically imagine you are other, consider that You are with the Majority. For instance males as noted above hardly came into existence without females of the so-called minority (save of the Divine, such as Adam), so the male majority hardly exists without the female so only together as One Majority is the Majority [at least in former logic (Matthew 22.30 with John 20.12-14)]. Rather than beg, help them properly, guide them as a Christian Leader.

Even so, there are individuals and minorities in the world according to former logic alone. Since many have preferred to have been in former logic alone, therefore if to help them properly then to speak their language, to talk their lingo, to know their ways (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on speaking language they understand, without doing sin).

Christ JESUS would therefore have You Christian Guide to help them. So of a key, to guide them it is important to know which direction to guide them. Above is given a direction, the "individual" (one) or the larger "minority" (a number of individuals) can be arranged in a line (1 through a the number of members, or 1 through the number of those that would benefit,...). So it is a direction, reasonably a horizontal line.

Perpendicular to that and vertical is another line associated with speed.

In former logic: Speed of securing victory for the "minority" = Victory over or equal to the head x Number of individual entities of the "minority".

Christ JESUS is above, the Head, the One, so there is a horizontal line of Christians, and there is a vertical line to the Head (

So guide for their solving of their problems (the problems of others, in Christianity is actually opportunities for Christians to help solve pending conditions such as bondage, censorship, talent limitations, time constraints, and similar, from a former logic perspective).

In so guiding them is a requirement in former logic to know as if better how to solve than know: they have been working on the problems longer, typically, so at least relatively they often consider themselves the experts so don't want to listen and similarly are not so motivated.

Nonetheless, of New Logic Christ JESUS operates in Christians to do good, such as to help people overcome self imposed limitations. If self imposed, then they have made themselves minorities. So a given threshold is of spirits or of One Holy Spirit. If spirits, then many opportunities, if only One Holy Spirit For One Highest Majority then only one opportunity (path, One Holy Christian Path). For example, most prisoners get out of prison through the proper door, while others that illegally escape are often killed or caught and returned unto worse than the first situation (Matthew 12.45).

Higher Christian Covenanting is the speed, the rate of succeeding.

Victory = Higher Christian Covenanting x Number of "minority" benefits for the head controlling the threshold gate.

Victory = Higher Christian Covenanting x Number (One) of entity benefits being given.

The head over a given gate might view benefits in a variety of ways, such as help to build a better gate, or such as cash (legally), or such as adding voters,....

The rate of giving benefits (or proper other) yields the solving and the victories associated with high value per se higher Covenanting found in Christianity [also Eternal value (Romans 5.21)].

In New Logic is the One Way with speed. In former logic a vector amount (horizontal x vertical) might be evidenced. Hence prefer the New Christianity.

If Your Minority is Good, prefer to help Your Minority, therefore prefer to help Your Majority.

Help the Majority, lead Your Church For Christ JESUS.

Rather than lounge about or otherwise wait "a Billions years" as stated above, You now have a key to quickening the pace.

ICCDBB Sermon January 28, 2017.

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tags: How to empower minorities with victories for their causes. How to free slaves and those in bondage. Key self imposed limitations of sinners. Christian Sermon offers new formulas for individuals and minorities to overcome oppression. President Donald Trump has the right to hold his Office during the Term of four Years. Article II (Article 2 - Executive) Section 1 of the Constitution for the United States Of America Vice President who according to Article I (Article 1 - Legislative) Section 3 shall have no Vote exception applies. Womens' rights and privileges. Known Universe physics. New Christianity. Bible verses from Matthew 12,Mark 14,Luke 12,John 9,Isaiah 51,Romans 2,Galatians 2.16,ICCDBB For Christ JESUS