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New Cube

Christ JESUS revealed [already done (John 21.22-25)] He would return at [Final (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS)] End Time as in part revealed in this Drawing. Freedom of speech, press, and similar, is as Christian President Trump explained. More Perfect Source on More Perfect Source (Isaiah 28.10) yet with mercy as the Bible explained also bound in Heaven for any flesh to dwell in Heaven, and with Highest Purpose to overcome for their sakes. United precepts: let the proper Spirit lead the proper Spirit, and let the proper Spirit lead the victim(s) of these physical precepts made flesh (Zephaniah 1.7). In other words, the One True Holy Christian Spirit is to be afforded eternal free choice accordingly: 1. in Spirit, or 2. in Christian Flesh. God has this cube at the ready., How to build the Zion Cube For JESUS Christ to return (Exodus 25.10, Genesis 6.14). How to colonize planets, the moon. How to terraform. How to construct deep spaceships. New discovery for NASA Timeline, innovated, invention, terraforming SETI Hubble Space Telescope President found life on other planets as You progress came from outer space and landed, StarWars (Psalms) chemical elements polymers rubber sap trees Apocalypse Now Redux higher Covenanting peace law China 2016 2017 dish, New Christianity specifications, many Christians were unaware, contact celebrities, ownership rights and privileges own quadrants of outer space settlements Helium Lithium alien spacecraft, light umbra of light penumbra revealed in the Bible came true became fact, ICCDBB, Your Church, and for Christ JESUS.

Gain light properly in order to know what to do. Look at where past True Prophecies led. Above are things reasonably normal to Your ability to wisely and properly interpret and do [in current development are devices to move products by thoughts (Matthew 5.36)]: to be able to build a platform multifunctional building structure Chapel that also serves as a docking station so with amenities such as gift items for visitors, security (1 Chronicles 13.9, 1 Corinthians 11.29), healthcare, Christian Bibles, Operator Manual(s), platform safety and boarding criteria, and so on.

Free Speech, and the New Cube (New Christianity):

Jokes have values, as when people see major problems and they don't know how to correct the problems: so jokes are hardly like unto the machinery of the systems and relatively are like unto the oil and grease toward communicating the obvious the best Way known and able in order to solve in Christianity; though less properly Faithful joke tellers devolve in such former logic toward lies about God and authorities, and toward groin, excrement, and lower creature jokes.

News can entertain with obvious joking, though to be called "news" then the primary function is as President Trump explained, and as with integrity, with newsworthy quality as the news industry has explained (note the freedom to determine such "quality" under law and former logic to their news industry benefit and for mutual benefit (Matthew 19.21).

As explained above Your Priest is allowed to make jokes and entertain / Host, yet for higher purpose. Even so is this precept given, during Preaching for instance let the Priest consider not telling jokes, as rather reading the Bible verses Christ JESUS spoke are found in the Holy Trend of ascending, and consider that jokes often are unfair to the specified brunt; importantly let Your Sermons be uplifting to the benefit of all, hence solving in Christ JESUS the source of overwhelming joy even if not immediately realized even perhaps for years (Exodus 20.5 so ascend Psalm 100.5).

If free to not joke, then toward reliable / Faithful information from Christ JESUS, therefore helpful for the hearers as appropriate to give gifts of sources such as Bible verses to help their further studies, or such as if there is a miracle and the Preacher reports: the Bible verses being subject to one set of interpretations (such as reading former logic words, and such as paraphrasing when telling others,...) and the miracle being subject to another set of interpretations yet the sets have overlapping parts. A key is that for example a person can see a material with a color but with a different type of light source the material is a different color, this is an interpretation key: therefore alway make the source Christ JESUS, and yet have mercy for exhaustion, play, vacations, dating humor, friendship, feasting, and Hosting, for instance if to Host and have hands full serving food to others then hardly for the Host to be simultaneously be feasting save in the Holy Spirit Oneness even so leave not the other left undone. Whether a Priest, a Church accountant, an entertainer, a news reporter, or other, seek the proper higher principle balance as applicable for theirs sakes and for mutual benefit to the glory of the Godhead.

People are allowed to make jokes, understanding law and the Bible hardly require people to make jokes, as is written in 2 Corinthians 1.17-19:

If to build and rather grow a sufficiently large and sturdy landing platform for the Lord, then let the delightsome people do so yet hardly toward humorous trickery and mischief, and rather much more toward proper diligence and piety, and note a key is that to construct by hand requires tremendous repetitious longsuffering work when rather to plant proper items, to seed crystals, can grow the platforms (some crystals can grow an inch in a day), one work, with proper crystal accelerated growth medium / such as the best liquid solution, and later with End Process (End of Time To Process) the top surfacing. Even so, appropriate designing (Holy Word, Holy Symbols) among the New Christianity talent(s) is key prior to actions: let Your Church Members ascend unto best guiding. Large cells / bladders can fill with fluid in a minute, and air cells can inflate as fast as a person can crash a car.

The point is, greater than the Great Pyramid can be built quickly and properly in higher Covenanting planning, designing, and guidance (Will / Word).

Free speech and victim protection (see top paragraph: the following is a modern former logic plague general example):

An innocent student is inappropriately mentally tortured by a Christian Teacher (not of the highest Covenant [or similar if applicable]), and if any student report it then the Teacher plans to do worse, yet a bold student reports to the next higher proper authority (often a tough job since such may have set the inappropriate criteria); if the authority is righteous then let such seek peaceful resolution (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on benefits gifts and Host) as with system change, for instance to cite Bible verses (the victim can do so too), and ordering / arranging properly pertinent precepts, and such as lifting pertinent values such as to formally recognize a person (or people) for pertinent higher values: the victim and/or the Teacher can be honored, for instance the student for longsuffering (which might embarrass the Teacher, so extreme care), and for instance the Teacher, the perp, might rather be honored (Luke 6.33) yet with increased review [initially and throughout under the authority's close auspices toward Teacher repentance (Matthew 18.27 & 28) and a followup (under precept Jeremiah 7.4 and noting each party might become more perfect)] and/or higher Covenanting worthiness such as to honor the Teacher for so much kindness shown to so many that the Teacher be motivated to be kind all the more; even so, if to be subject to worldly laws then let the law be fulfilled [(yet properly, in Christ JESUS) including proper interpretation]. Harm against the children is typical (Luke 12.48 if the students can reasonably bear or rather 2 John 1.3 if the situation demands) per the thresholds / worthiness that the students may not be made privy unto the higher purpose in this case [possibly later (1 Kings 2.44)] lest student blab (see previous ICCDBB Sermons for Christ JESUS on appointed times, on proper, on appropriate, on fitting, and on confidentiality). So while a plague of inappropriate violence occurs, there are many conditions, stipulating needs to ascend unto awareness unto conquering before the fact that the problems decrease systematically with pertinence not only to any moving forward in former logic (see Timeline above) yet more importantly ascending vertically shedding an "Umbra Of Light" (see above Drawing) which depending on Teacher / authority relationship (awareness, experience, practice / policy,...) the authority might opt to tell the Teacher all about the situation except to not tell the Teacher the name of the whistleblower (yet the authority if opportunity allows might consult other students to verify the whistleblower information).

To verify ancillaries (position holders, contractors, employees, sources,...) are doing their jobs, as exemplified in the previous long sentence, can be a very complex job with many hardships to be thought through in former logic alone, like unto dodging bullets as truly secular education, many businesses, and the nations of the world strive after all these things and truly also crooks and pagans pursue all such things (Matthew 6.32 & Luke 12.30), when rather higher Christian Covenanting as shown in the above Drawing lower right sheds light on the future and adds including now and past greater values (Matthew 6.33 & Luke 12.31). Without higher Faith as Christ JESUS taught and did, they add extra hardships complexly.

As it is written the truth Will set You free, and this does the the true story with the true source(s), therefore let all Your stories and Teachers and students and authorities be rather of One Proper Holy Trend (precept on precept) and rather Highest One in Body and Spirit or at least in Spirit.

By small means as shown above Christ JESUS sets a great people toward freedom to choose for themselves (James 3.4): let many prepare.

Zion is mentioned often in the Old Testament, along with many other things that were toward receiving awe, revering the awesome God, such as a Christian Follower would do, yet rather of Christ JESUS seek to give awe rather than receive and leave neither undone: reverence God and yet in New Christianity be as God and give awe and so give greater hope in the Lord God.

The Old Testament said behold God is coming, and they awaited; the New Testament affirmed, and so now behold God came: Your wait is over. Time for the next step, even to reinterpret both the Old Testament and former logic, for instance Psalms 80.19 begs God, and yet 2,000 years ago and even as covered in the Holy Word in Psalms 80.15 it was accomplished already: 2,000 years ago in fact, and in Psalms 80.15 in proper Faith. Let Your interpretations be better than the Prophets, better than the authors, better than the cited sources.

Former Christianity includes beloved Followers Of JESUS Christ, many thanks. Former Christianity Followers are supposed to follow the Leadership of Your Christian Church, many thanks. Your Christian Church Leadership is supposed to form the foundation(s) of the Christian Faith the New Members Of Your Church are to follow. They are to follow until they are with understanding such as to be an Usher and/or Choir Master and/or other Church position holder according to worthiness required by Your Church, if any, and rather accordingly lest they stray unawares. They follow cited sources You give, precept on precept, they follow Your Church rules, guidance, and/or other according to Your established practice.

A New Christianity Key: You Christian Leader are not as they, exactly. You Christian Leader are hardly a New Member, though of Holy Wisdom understand many advance at their own rates. You become their source of JESUS Christ, their source of Holy Enlightenment: let Yourself reference JESUS Christ. Reference the Holy Father In The One Name Of Christ JESUS. Give them awesome worthiness to ascend.

If to not leave the other left undone, it is alright to cite the self as the source, for instance if a storm rages outside the newsroom the reporter may announce there is such a storm: it is toward Holiness, a truth. They may have been tricked by lights and sound effects, but they properly tried.

The New Christianity Christ JESUS Cube symbolized in the above Drawing is to impact not only the Heart of the Christian Church Leaders, yet also the hearts of many as the things on which they formerly relied wane. They relied on values, even if of lower precepts they are values, as a minimum values to have gained for having awareness until Final End Time: JESUS. So of a key let their sins be known, though not as a plague and rather delimited to the sin category: Christ JESUS provided (or to some, Will provide) the final just interpretation and value in One, so a key:

ascend Spiritually the best You can, like unto the first ascend physically the best You can

(see cube above, also Joshua 23.15).

Become One, be the source of the cube. The next step is the specific design of the platform. Even so, now is told You: platforms. This gift is now become as gifts for You and for all people. If a Christian has to walk half way around the world to get to the cube, perhaps You could build (or help build) a cube rather next door to that Christian.

Let the cubes be added to the great golden cube. Let glory be added to Christ JESUS. Let the cubes be as trains able to link together, and as jets that refuel in air, and as transformers, and New.

Let New Christianity Leadership already in You, already come in Christ JESUS (at least in proper Christian Faith) give blessings through the Universe as never known from broadcasting, that is, rather broadcast with power, broadcast with higher New Christianity Leadership Holy Purposing In The Lord Christ JESUS delivering results rather than merely designing and talking about hopes. Sit back, relax, and let God do it for You, or properly ascend and accomplish that Your Holy Work become Your Holy Delight in so doing.

Send Your air ships and space craft devices to God though properly and not to invade nor attack. The stable Earth You knew is destabilizing, cast out of wack, for Your sakes and all, though sinners might choose to delight in being wacky and foolish. Romance and date God and let the Holy Father come into Your cube (Isaiah 62.5). Romance and date God though hardly as of former logic (2 Samuel 6.6). Rather follow His lead: lead.

In the above Drawing lower left is given reason the Evangilists should ascend so they can start to do their job, or to do a better job. With it, are letters A, B, C, and D with symbolic source of information Biblically cited, involving the creature Firmament, the Christian Firmament, and the New Christianity threshold. If for instance the monkey is able to learn English and evolve, let them, invite them, though they have a long Way to go and progress is noted according to the higher criteria: there is a Firmament. Though if to ascend from Christianity to New Christianity, the becoming worthy and the ascending may have been accomplished already (Hebrews 13.2) though of good purpose be even more aware. Do good, and Christ JESUS Will help You.

If making the cube is too much for You in Your opinion, consult Your Christian Bible and make known as much as Your opinion that the Bible contains a cube idea with Zion, and so invite others to celebrate: feel free to give them Your Holy ideas precept on precept as Christ JESUS taught. Earth is changing, they might want to get on-board. They might help You through the Bible unto victory: it is hardly toward sin: love Christ JESUS.

God already did accomplish this in You. God is eternal. God knows all. Even many have interpreted flying saucers as ancient aliens, not of Earthly origins, in UFOs, and while true, also such is of Earthly origin. It is similar to this: an atmosphere was made on Jupiter, an atmosphere was also made on Earth (see overlapping sets above). God already accomplished in You, and in them. Your overlapping part agrees with them already: done.

Many people want decent jobs and if Your Church has a lot of money to spend here is a Way to do it. Great tensile strength cells can be fabricated and filled as needful, for instance in the physics of nature that God created and evolved the elephant has toenails though otherwise walks on fat, a fat bladder set, all that weight not on bone, on fatty fluid; a car is on air; a New Great Pyramid Landing Platform (flat top / cube; also reference NASA spacecraft docking cone shape) can be fabricated in very brief time, even if to lift and move great weights, even helium can lighten the load.

Many landing platforms are needed, such as filled with cells filled with helium, then lifted from the Earth atmosphere by many spacecraft and thereafter perhaps with a few spacecraft removed to distant planets, landed, and with some helium cells separated (Luke 10.1) serving as aircraft and other cells refilled as appropriate (reference gasses, fluids, and other materials per pertinent planet, Luke 11.11) unto forming the planets' landmark initial Christian Chapels with landing zones and supply stations to start colonizing planets for Christ JESUS.

Christian Leader, cite Your Biblical sources, and see that they are properly applied as You guide Your Flock.

This is the Design Of God For You.

Cars can be driven on certain other planets, planes can fly, factories can be built; wait here and see if it happens, or be part of spreading the Word And Will Of God (reference unaffiliated former logic "Rumors" example on Gingrich).

The cube above is as the Sun (Psalms 84.11) with spheres as the appearance of gold molecules (Revelation 21.18) and molecules are mostly not items but space [transparency (see overlap above), translucence (Revelation 21.18)] and clear or opaque as a crystal at the option of the One properly interpreting for higher purpose such as to view the [outside or inside], as a typical person might do; or such as to view the structure of the glass-like crystal as a window cleaning worker might do or as a New Platform builder might consider for matching the cube.

To land balloons on distant planets used to mean greater puncture risks with landings, though today materials are available to withstand and even to self repair / grow.

This is a growing Known Universe, let Your Church grow Biblically, as with One Work concerning the Biblical Zion via the golden Cube Of Christ JESUS. Truly, truly, salt crystals can grow as large as You as quickly as a wife might turn her head (Genesis 19.26), let the Holy Bride Of Christ JESUS rather be fully repentant and fully ascended. Look how easy it is to receive the cube, Florida for instance has much sand and porous broken limestone over many underground waterways which relocate limestone and salt, and Florida is loaded with swamps, and yet NASA chose Florida to be where many big heavy deep space rockets were launched. If such can be done in Florida under much former logic (relative to a Christian Church for instance), then so much greater is as the Bible states for You (Matthew 7.25) and even today's fuels and propulsion methods are safe compared to years ago.

To build balloons might be as a laughing stock to scoffers, though to build as God instructs is proper Christian Leadership: New Christianity. If children are to play, let them play such as with symbolic balloons for Christ JESUS. If adults are to work and other, also for Christ JESUS likewise with the latter adult greater (Revelation 2.19) though with wisdom (Luke 11.26) to be of One True Holy Spirit Of The Alpha And Omega: Christ: JESUS.

Truly, truly, many are already motivated; around Earth are many satellites and other spacecraft (pertinent motivated experts have been involved); around the world are many flying fairs focused on kites, balloons, rocketry, do-it-yourself aircraft, and so forth (with pertinent motivated novices and experts having been involved); and importantly around this planet are Christians anxious for proper leadership and not merely words. Something good about God, is that God is fun, and much more than fun (more God = more fun, though only for proper higher purpose):

Outpouring joy / Joy in the Lord / Learning proper fun.

Functional fun can be about things, yet is more toward higher Leadership such as in New Christianity Biblically designing and guiding established systems of people (ie. the love therein), the people available for their benefit unto higher precepts and/or things (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on this, such as building Eucharist items and such as bodies and such as Bible printing presses). Even so, be wise to understand, verily, verily, a Bible printed by One Christian Leader is to be reasonably preferred rather than a Bible printed by a scoffer [(many types of considerations may apply) yet seek to be most Holy].

In the above Drawing lower right between yellow parts are dashed lines. You Christian Leader can change peoples' lives for the better, and at the risk of as if to sound as if former logic of cause and effect alone (save the following cited source info), since You Christian Leader are in charge of certain thresholds and not the sinners (see above and see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on this, and on Firmaments such as proper Baptism), then therefore You decide their fate and that of future generations including time as represented by the dashed lines: these are added unto You according to Your higher Covenanting Victories For Christ JESUS. In other words, these are the things non-Christian sinners do not see as You see, for instance: sinners can see destructions of parts of the planet while You see nice people being saved from torture and death (Hebrews 11.1). You Christian Leader see not only nice things, You see God ahead on Your Path, and/or God with You such as beside You and/or in You [even as is written (Isaiah 52.12)] as sinners try in vain as if to escape. Their sins are expensive, Your Grace is divine.

The Bible explains, when properly arranged for good higher Heavenly purpose, the former is greater than the previous (though not greater than Christ JESUS, so One In Christ JESUS as the maximum unit / standard) therefore as a person can look back on their childhood such as if given to do over again such as to be kind rather than pick on people, and such as to invest certain Way(s), then so to if to be given the chance to Prophesy 4,000 years ago then to Prophesy of details of Christ JESUS with detailed specifics. And yet now today You can do so as Christ JESUS Will come, and Will come. You Will have done things more perfectly, blessed One (examples: Psalms 84.5 & 12). To say properly is great, yet You are of the Holy Will of Christ JESUS, the properly doing: whether Your Christian Church is focused on Preaching, Ministering, building the cube(s) and/or other for Christ JESUS. Note, if to preach New Christianity then to utilize things, such as the vessel of Your Holy Spiritual realm as the vessel (such as a Preacher's own body, and/or such as a recorded Christian Sermon for radio broadcasting,...).

If there are dashed lines in the future, truly there are dashed lines in the past (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on fractals, on continuous improvement, on growing in Christianity, on properly ascending, and similar).

As with cube transparent gold, so too dashed lines are opportunities to see the unseen: yet another New Way In Christ JESUS as a gift from Christ JESUS to be looking at old things of the past, present, and future with New Eye(s) ( in and along the Holy Trend Of God.

The sinner sees the higher barriers, in New Christianity Faith unravels to reveal goodness (John 6.60),

so what do sinners imagine, what is a barrier?, a barrier is as to try to close the eyelids

and senses such as so as not to hear of the Heavenly Way, nor hear the warnings otherwise.

So if sinners hide themselves from seeing through the barrier, so hardly would they see through then next greater thresholds. Secular jokers, when pressed for results can opt to ascend or devolve ( Leviticus 21.2 & as mentioned above), though some Christians are mired in such devolved concerns, such as Christianity Followers professionally working in sewerage treatment plants. So if to build cube platforms then such treatment is valuable, in addition to the fact that Followers can become Christian Leaders as much as time allows (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on time). Truly there are Christian Churches with sufficient per se resources and talents within their own Flock on the order of like unto NASA, if to start to apply such plans and talents; not leaving undone many other growing values of Your Church (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Public PCS).

New Christianity is of Leadership, so of what good usage are Christian Followers In Heavenly Eternity?, Christian Followers have many Holy values such as for instance now in these times of this present generation for instance some High Priests have opted (Biblical translations, interpretations, talents, situations, and Covenant levels apply) to not take a wife (Jeremiah 16.2 with John 4.27) and likewise some Nuns have not wed their flesh bodies [(Joel 1.8, Isaiah 37.22, & Jeremiah 46.11, with Mark 16.16) save One Holy JESUS, so now thank God there are Christian Followers marrying in the flesh and growing children lest the Christian Churches dwindle (pray for the light burden): together let Christians build and grow in the Lord that the Blessed Virgin need no longer mourn nor be distressed nor be victimized (Matthew 22.30).

Build platforms that connect not only with the Known Universe yet rather with the eternal gift that the Body Of God With All Members each and rather all be full of light (Matthew 6.22) even with transparent gold, hardly for sinners to criticize nor poke fun, so if to edify sinners unto need of proper Christian Baptism then let Your Evangelists lift the platform for a moment or more (John 16.16).

If more workers are needed (Matthew 26.41) to build the platform(s) as Your Church Directs (Matthew 7.16), let them grow more children (Genesis 9.1). Even so, also there are many organizations to convert that are already so motivated (see above): the amount Your Church Directs, influences, agrees, motivates, and/or other is up to Your Church yet seek to serve as the higher part (Matthew 10.25): higher Covenanting.

If the Cube Of Christ JESUS has not yet arrived nor been witnessed of Christians as coming, plan the preparations and timings to launch platforms and spacecraft for missions to and from distant places as on near planets and deeper space, with protection [grace (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on properly converting applying spirits)], repair and update equipment and supplies, afford some luxuries ranging from matters of survival to matters commensurate unto the golden cube, with all the trappings appropriate to such communicating and endeavors. Toss in some extra things they might not need, be charitable. Send them forth to colonize and multiply and fill the empty space with not only the Word Of God yet also with the One True Example Of The Will Of God.

Pray listen to them before they are sent onward, pray consider giving to them according to their interests, God let You choose, let them choose. Let them visit, and roam around in, and even dwell in the platform awhile if so requested, consider how a family is ready to drive away on vacation and they check the checklist and are of so many other conditions prior to leaving lest important concerns be overlooked. Many necessities such as breathing are routinely overlooked, along with humidity, sounds and vibrations, jolts, levels of calcium, argon in air, pollen from platform greenhouse and/or manna machine, and other.

Let the Christian Leaders take the word of sinners expert in the fields, or rather let the Christian Leaders be Holy and lead in these fields. Because after colonizing the Known Universe, God might want You to go and do likewise and create Your Own New Known Universe (the above Drawing lower right yellow with purple line is of the New Beginning, and precept on precept can also symbolize New Known Universe(s) with more advanced future technical descriptions; yet see above on "lines in the past"). Christ JESUS showed the Way, so let the people be starting.

The Cube Of Christ JESUS (Revelation 21.13) Will come from outer space both flashing light as a crystal and also being transparent as glass it Will shine forth as a great and powerful vehicle head lamp (2 Samuel 22.29) shining from within from the glory surrounding God and not only surrounding God yet also as the bright smile of the Holy Father pleased with the Holy Son even the radiant smile attractive to the Holy Bride Comforter not ashamed (Psalms 34.5): an alarming flashing light with an alluring constantly inviting Holy Smile! The lighting Will become as lightening that flashes across the sky from East to West as it is written in Acts 26.13 (ISV):

Then approaching to close proximity even toward personal space as is written in Psalms 77.18:

And then the Holy Bride Will in like fashion and even together with the Heavenly in matching the lead and heartbeat tempo in celestial dance and song (Psalms 92.1) in concern and in agreeing do as is written (from

With the light brighter than the Sun coming from Heavenly places of the golden heat reflecting cube and with lightening of the Chosen One coming forth to greet and Host with fire kindled in You Beloved already, together the furnace Will blaze as firey words as the Will Of God Will be found so doing and already accomplished of the New Christianity Leadership with proper Christian Baptism in the water and with fire and with the Holy Spirit as One (Luke 12.49 & 50). Even as a sperm to come on board an egg though there is only One Most Perfect Way, precept on precept via Christ JESUS.

So One People The Bride Will board the cube in the Name Of JESUS Christ, and One Christ JESUS Will return from the Right Hand Of The Heavenly Father and come to Earth and both Will have One Heart and One Soul.

So if Your Christian Church One would be perfect or would rather continue to be perfect with perfectly perfecting toward the higher eternal Covenanting then with growing flying and digging [(Luke 13.8) for higher purpose: colonization as with digging ores with means of Your] platforms and cubes for aerospace travel as the Soul would be accomplishing in Your Church, then great (Psalms 86.13). In the television series Star Trek the crew came upon a Heavenly type of city of wealth and grandeur floating on the clouds above the planet which had various normal people though relatively toward beggars, so too now is this increasingly becoming reality as with the International Space Station with gold and precious items and devices, worth $150 Billion. You need to build things greater than that if to really lead, so that You can give such gifts to King Solomon, and with You placing protective defenses and such related means into the hands and care of King David: there was a time when the Kingdom Of The Chosen People was politically divided with King Solomon to the North and King David to the South: let You bring them both together and make the People One [(Psalms 87.5) counted to Your credit (Psalms 87.6)].

System on system, properly growing on properly growing, till the ground (Moses 4.29) and hone it, manage electricity in the Heavens, control the Earth, sky, and stars, write the Holy Name JESUS in such and in all, that wherever You and Your Fold go, whenever, and so on, that the One Flock be in Heaven.

A guesstimate (various sources) with the cube of gold not being only gold rather importantly having Heavenly mansion rooms (John 14.2) is that the cube would weigh (have a mass) much less than the Moon. Also the burden [including of the cube] is light, similar to how a submarine in water can be light [or neutral buoyancy or made heavy and sink (it can travel any direction)]. A child can toss a stick to float on the water, or can submerge it or wave it above in the air. This Sermon offers some complex and difficult things for You to do in New Christian Faith, that with ascending You see how simple and easy to do (see bottom of page text): many Christians have not known what to do next (hence part of the need for New Christianity), especially newly Baptized new Members of the One Whole Christian Church.

Christ JESUS made it clear for His generation then, 2,000 years ago, and for Your generation now, to not only do good, yet to first know what good to do (1 Corinthians 3.8 with Ecclesiastes 5.19) to be most effectual, most perfect, most Holy, most helpful, and to be the Good Host guiding others for greatest mutual benefit, joy, and pleasing in the Heavenly Way.

Do the Will Of God In The Name Of The Christ JESUS that You and Yours not be embarrassed nor humiliateed (Luke 14.9 & 10).

If it is fitting to boast, boast of Your sufferings and weaknesses ( and therefore rather of Your suffering on One cross in the name of JESUS the Christ: "Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord." (from 1 Corinthians 1.31).

If to build, others might mock (New Christianity finds such as goodly Prophetically of their own sinful paths to sufferings and weaknesses) so rather seek to cause growing, that others be in awe. Consider the floating bladders high in the sky, soft yet at points with less soft tethers unto hard control points, as the air bladders grow You need to control them such as that they do not interfere with anything else, reasonably and legally. Metal crystals can grow for instance toward various directions, yet can grow for instance to increase tensile strength. Bear in mind full cells are as solids (Luke 22.10) and transformations may happen [such as to rain within a cell of humid air (also plasma and interconnective passages are involved)] and that air expands when rising in atmosphere with opposite descending onto a planet (Matthew 9.17).

Liquid and solid cells can help protect colonizers from radiation and outer space debris (self healing, and quick repairs / awareness / sensors, are important) though at a planet You should have movement of passengers and key cargo for safety upon landing. Many offer false stories and false advice, rather continue to do the Will Of Christ JESUS.

In the movie Apocalypse Now Redux rubber (to lift cars, trucks, planes, Mars Rover bouncing prior to opening,...) was important to civilization being in situ, and in that sense rubber companies that make blimps, especially the more advanced and automated, may have vessels prepared already, in part, to work with You and speed Your processing, New Christianity Leader.

A platform of bladders for the cube to land is somewhat toward a former logic idea [relatively, and greater (John 12.13)] to comply with the Holy Bible cube approaching (found in greater detail in the Bible), yet also of tremendous values. The cube has flat sides and normal reasonable interpretation of the Bible is that the cube would rest on a flat rather than pierce with a corner [already done once for all (John 19.34)]: so the top of the platform would be flat, though the bottom would be arc shaped (per application option: reference geoid-ellipsoid separation, and see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on permutations / ancillary).

So Your Chapels In Platforms are flat on top, round on the bottom.

It is easy to be lazy, it is easy to guess someone else Will do it.

It is easy for a sinner to scoff and say it is ludicrous!

To build the platform Biblically is to dig deep and graft the seed design into the appropriate organic founding substances / proper Faithfulness (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on seeding the Word, and on outreach), such as to work with appropriate, interested, and obviously motivated organizations. From the Holy Word, to start the Will Of God it is normal with citing sources of the Holy Word in the design plans and in the work such as so everyone knows what You are talking about specifically as some may want certain specific details they can look up themselves. So to have a model of a platform, the model for instance might be 2' to 4' measured diagonally.

From this alone many people would be interested as this is like unto the shape of a satellite dish (such as for TV for their comfort, rather for higher purpose).

Some coatings collect, reflect, or transmit better than others. Also some coatings according to crystals that automatically change on their own (reference welder helmet lens) so for instance once aloft such can magnify, maintain, or reduce a certain amount of sunlight [(see Drawing above: penumbra of light, and Psalms 91.1) as You are the light and/or might opt to control light levels for their sakes (for instance the letters J E S U S can be made dark and can be on a light background). So from JESUS coming to controlling the weather, the benefits skyrocket.

Yet Christ JESUS Will show You an even more excellent Way.

Far greater in importance is this key: if You be One, then You come unto them and again in Your platform and/or cube on Earth and elsewhere.

Currently a new push to find extraterrestrial life is being made by the dragon: China completed the world's largest SETI dish over three miles in diameter, so You can invert one or more platform(s) (Psalms 91.13) to help China hunt for mutual benefit (Psalms 91.14): One ear to listen, One Christian Faith to properly interpret, and with One horn to transmit the waves of the helping Physics Of God (Psalms 92.10 & 11).

To let Your Church soar on the clouds might be delightful and is also a tourist attraction / Evangelism (reference blimp advertising).

People speak (as if) of the distant future of Christ JESUS coming.

People speak (as if) of the distant future of terraforming planets.

Yet if You put some platforms into outer space, You have conquered terraforming already, even a city floating in the clouds as is written in 1 Thessalonians 4.17:

You are already in orbits, and the formed bases can be in orbits or on distant target, as You please, precept on precept.

And if they leave Earth for generations to go to other planets, how then Will Christ JESUS find them?: 1 John 2.8 with John 8.33 and 34. The people went up into the higher air where clouds dwell, with Christ JESUS: Revelation 14.1 with Matthew 24.3 and Revelation 14.1. Grow Christian Chapels in Your platforms and cubes: Matthew 18.20 with Matthew 26.55 and Moses 7.3.

To lead all, for good, means conquer all. If others are doing it, be a part of it unto greater Christian Leadership together. If there be those found in need of converting into Christianity along the Way, convert, and if they do not convert immediately You may opt to continue [(Luke 14.12) invite Your Flock when appropriate, invite others when appropriate] or You may opt (as if out, perhaps counted as such) to rather continue on the straight and narrow.

You have Holy ideas, You have tree sap, and more; You can become started in such venue for the Lord. John The Baptist had water, and hardly leaving the other left undone He had locusts and bees with honey (He had things that could fly).

Let Your New Christianity fly.

If You launch a platform into outer space with You aboard, and the platform is large with many stories and You go downstairs, You are still up there [(or up here in this Universe, depending on perspective), even so] the Christian Bible teaches much about the direction up, including: ascending, Heavenly places, high purpose, and so on (with otherwise miracles). To help a person, again: the Christian Bible teaches much about the direction up. Up has something to do with how each person and each thing and each purpose is and was made and Will be. You have this Prophetic key: gift with benefits. This tool can be utilized for Christ JESUS: for the glory of One Godhead.

Christ JESUS said at a banquet opt for the lowest seat. If to do so it is to do toward a lower level miracle, and yet for highest purpose. Here is another key, if to start to discuss, design, build, and/or grow (as You start each goodness step) it is You with the lowest seat. You start at the bottom of that idea set, at it's starting point, and generally (without sin per se, with safety and goodness) reasonably You can only go up from the "lowest" as Christ JESUS said.

Likewise this key applies to each step of higher Covenanting. With victory in having Covenanted unto a new (to the person) level of agreed (Person with Christ JESUS One) worthiness, then as to be at the lowest seat at that given level and only better is available (pending miracles).

Yet with such keys is another key, as Christ JESUS explained Your righteous work in You is the salt of the earth to be broadcast (Matthew 5.15), for the sake of Christ JESUS explain the first step You personally did such as to gather some tree sap and form a bubble, or such as to broadcast the cube (and platforms perhaps: principles of flight and to initiate the making of it so for their sakes) in Sermons, so as to opt to become ascended as Christ JESUS: be their example.

So with the "lowest" seat keys and with the righteous work broadcast similar to as on a candlestick, together the personal account of God has risen in You from personal or from a position, to a higher position: the higher position that You hold personally. And others hold that same level position too, You are not alone in that value level of respect for Christ JESUS One.

Righteous key upon righteous key: this Path enables the giving of higher keys (some according to options of the level(s) higher than the level [case] in point.

With knowledge is often with life: the two agreeing / physics. If to be unaware of radioactivity, or poison, or other dangers, for instance(s) there may be risks [(save in the Lord JESUS) though some Christians have been in fears and in pains], so wisely consider the One True Faith and then with such opt to consider adding greater knowledge and to hardly leave it undone.

People have ideas as to what a leap is, such as to leap at a basketball hoop, a value, sometimes a great value for the crowd. Christ JESUS set his aim on pleasing God The Father in all things (including spiritual). Convert civilizations of distant outer space, go to them and reveal the Holy Way Of One True God in person, and in position show them they can properly ascend unto giving great benefits, and together increasingly. Some scientists have said there are other dimensions where Known Universe physics hardly apply, so lead in their understanding, so if to go to civilizations that understand other dimensions then to add such tremendous value to this civilization.

John The Baptist likely studied bees so He and others wouldn't be stung as much: largely former logic [(save doing so for Christ JESUS) largely in knowledge], yet John The Baptist did the more important part (also) concerning the higher Covenant John Baptized, (with Christ JESUS) even to create a New Religion eventually known as Christiainity.

You want to properly Baptize unto Christianity.

There are whole giant civilizations out there in need of being properly Baptized.

How hardly it is accomplished, until Christ JESUS come again, save You go and do (Luke 22.37).

Baptize the outer space civilizations (Luke 12.50), lest have to suffer the cross again or rather come and smite the Earth with a curse!

Perhaps a little fire and brimstone in this Sermon, though hopefully for Your sake(s) a little salt to savor being motivated for the much greater good literally.

What is it to announce to the Universe: be Baptized or go to Hell, if there is none in their galaxy to properly Baptize them?, rather go, be there One, empower the Holy Word: You have the power, send it forth, save them, be their eternal One Savior. Have outer space physicists, cowboys, engineers, Preachers, Ministers, and such with You to help ensure the knowledge as You fly with God: at God normal speed. Lead the nations to unite in New Christianity in outer space outreach: there is life out there. Also of value it to post life out there [reference Johnny Appleseed / nickname, and settlers (Noah, Nimrod, Chosen People,...)]. Hardly worry otherwise, there are Christians on Earth able to properly Baptize. Also Christ JESUS Will be pleased if to arrive at Earth and find that You are already out there doing His One Work.

How to drive to the Moon or Mars:

A key to higher understanding is that a platform large enough can make the headlines with pics, though otherwise top scientists and their works do not make the regular news headlines; wars with giant explosions are televised through generations, likewise yet only for good higher purpose doing more new things with more of Your large platforms Will continue in generations (Numbers 15.15) to make headlines.

Rockets made out of heavy metals with explosive fire and 100 mile long tails can make headlines, so with the above key understand this new key: NASA works for news interested politicians (see "regular news headlines" above), and NASA works for secret military purposes (see "explosions" above). So of this key, if You want to advertise Your Chapels most excellently, this key lets You know the reality of Your God given situation. Build and grow on the Christ JESUS key.

Ancient Chinese are credited with fireworks rocketry. Kepler (Born 1571, unaffiliated site and ancient peoples utilized the Sun rays to power many things [pertinent to Your platforms and increasingly preferred for deep outer space travel (see affiliated for profit site with NASA Consultants at]. This (ibid.) is preferred as pertinent for actual utilization: simple, low cost, low maintenance, low risk, and so on (also see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on related information).

UFO discs are generally speaking the second choice though are also preferred over far more dangerous ancient explosive firey rocketry (see ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at according to ongoing television shows and headlines with pics through generations. Similar to how mechanical gyroscopes can point in all directions, so too the discs can be held / contact point(s) (as typical) or within [golden] spheres to so move the greater aero-spacecraft in any direction (some unaffiliated Biblical artistry depicts the cube shape made of golden spheres / bubbles).

Due to future value(s), You can plan for safety with prototype tests to minimize risks associated with actual applications. It has been said of ancient times that Icarus flew into the Sun, even so, You would be in the ranks of the greats of ancient past, present, and distant future; as a New Christianity Leader should be. Galileo tried to help the Christian Church such as with designing for flying, and You can too. Be as NASA, rather lead NASA. Ancient civilizations and even modern NASA tried many attempts. In time adjusted terms, You don't have to spend a Trillion dollars, You don't have to spend a significant amount relatively speaking; if Your Church has money, You can ask Churches without money how they manage [this is part of making the good Work known (see "known" above and Psalm 98.6): they talk and text people, they pray, they solve for others, and if You have money then You have leveraging potential (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS).

Concerning size, Your platforms and cubes can be much larger than rockets have been, yet with less excess mass to worry about. You can have some rigid parts and some floppy parts, it's OK. Long floppy parts can be utilized as ropes, with cells filled as wanted to form legs and arms. You can have cube shapes, heart shapes, cross shapes, and other. God is wonderful!

Concerning payload, after trial successes, Your cargo would be sensors (robots if initially available and) and supplies (see affiliated for profit site; later colonizing. A God given key is, it's not that hard: if foolish sinners can do it, You can righteously do it. A person alone could do so much along these lines. You are not alone on a desert island, You and Your Flock have resources, gifts from God: tools, supplies, a knowledge base, and new higher Holy Covenanting. As Christ JESUS guides You, hence as You properly guide Your Flock You give them the Holy Spirit to not merely talk yet to do.

To have Them properly utilize God given tools and things: this is a key to giving Your Flock worthiness (Spiritual). Though hardly glory in that sinners have not the higher Covenants Of The Holy Spirit (yet even so of value as Christ JESUS taught and did for others to show miraculous signs and wonders that sinners repented), rather for the greater glory of God. Also that people function together peacefully know the law and importantly the purpose of the law (for the Creator of "peacefully").

God gave / precepts, three noteworthy things, at least two from past specific Bible verses [the Ark Of The Covenant (Exodus 25.10) fitting wood and metal, and the Ark Of Noah [and Nimrod with light(s)] also with flexible yet enduring resin with leakage an important concern. Wood, metal, and similar rigid structure materials if utilized are toward Your platform concerns, and dynamic materials are toward cube concerns. Such are ancillary to other concerns such as types of power systems, icing [properly heat within atmosphere (Wikipedia) and/or exterior desiccant less likely (reusable Space Shuttle)], insulators / range of temperatures, acid / caustic concerns, product life expectancy, and so on, in other words God gives You many options that fit Your Christian Church plans and resources. Reference large parade balloons with connective controls having tensile strength: many models have already been made for You through civilizations, with many available for viewing, even as You might enjoy watching on TV. Racing cars utilize fiberglass, and ultra light concrete is the fad being far stronger than before. Concrete materials are under feet, as is humidity absorbing desiccant of silica: free (rather low cost, reasonably / current civilization). [Hydrogen and/or] Helium can lift to the top of the atmosphere, and the third lightest element is Lithium for electricity, similarly lightweight are solar panels [solar sails (see "Sun rays" above)]. There are many physics of God in Your favor.

In the Drawing below, at the top of the Drawing is a calculus formula graph of the four yellow pattern groups at the bottom of the Drawing. Such calculus work, formulas, and graphs are hard for many people to understand, so they leave such to the experts. Yet today there are many helps, and helps are generally pleasant, such as proper shortcut unto quickly understanding more of the Physics Of The God Of Nature as very valuable in aerospace and planets' colonizations: to know of knowledge of the Tree Of Knowledge and to utilize pertinent parts of such knowledge properly as appropriate lest to misapply and be as though counted toward evil mistakes, so rather know properly for good, for Christ JESUS. Here is a secular calculus formula graph example page (no affiliation unless otherwise stated), and as much as Your Church agrees it is true (seek to find Biblical traceability pertinent to You Own Church criteria, many verses apply) and then if appropriate anoint and apply such as appropriate; as the site in motion once anointed may yield many gifts such as to monitor the trajectory of spacecraft, to control pitch, gimbal, coriolis effects, farming, electric flows, matters of Faith Covenanting, and so on. So instead of figuring out difficult work formulas and tasks Yourself, of higher Covenanting let these be properly be added unto You, build for a growing framework and mindset for One Christ JESUS.

These things Will be added unto You, and if to so make such part of Doctrine and/or criteria and/or current policy and/or practice of Your Church even temporarily then cite the source Christ JESUS and the secular lower covenant source You anointed [golden altar on golden altar (Revelation 8.3) / precept on precept].

Cite Your sources according to credibility, worthiness: highest Covenant level (1 John 4.19), and then next highest (1 Corinthians 12.28), and next.

As is written in the Christian Bible Matthew 23.17-21 (LDS):

In other words, if the Fold is to be in Heaven, then for their sake(s), that is, if there remains anything that is not already in Heaven, make it within Heaven, even the highest Heaven JESUS. If all is One, then remaining is the miracle free option of God [with precept (Psalms 89.35)] that You One may initiate a New Beginning and design and create and evolve and grow and adapt and nurture and raise and guide such a thing of Holy Physics for the greater glory of God, King.

And in other words, Servant of all, first anoint and cite within Your One System (that it may match at least Biblically with any other Biblical System, reasonably), then of such levels excellent interpretation level(s) unravel unto higher level worthiness unto higher Covenanting, for example (conditions of the higher apply).

Cite Your sources and organize accordingly such as likely to list (see Drawing below "1", "2", "3", "4") and such as discuss (ibid.) and such as formulate (see Drawing formula).

Why cite sources?, because they the hearers don't know what You are talking about otherwise [(to any extent that they do not fully know You) a key unto Christian Evangelism and higher precepts]. For example it has been said that statistics are ancillary to the source (such as "Consider the source.") so therefore Christ JESUS cited the source, His Father In Heaven. Sinners proffer various sets of physics. Let Your cube(s) and platform(s) and Church(es) be on One sanctified set of physics as much as able to anoint and properly verify and utilize for God The Father as the Holy One has guided. As a minimum, reasonably know the True Physics Of God that if some physics are presented that You might know the source according to it's fruit(s). As a maximum know not only the Tree Of Knowledge yet also the eternal Tree Of Life found in Christ JESUS, lest knowledge be without life hence without.

Your Own Golden Heavenly Mansion, How to build the Zion Cube For JESUS Christ to return (Exodus 25.10, Genesis 6.14). How to colonize planets, the moon. How to terraform. How to construct deep spaceships. New discovery for NASA Timeline, innovated, invention, terraforming SETI Hubble Space Telescope President found life on other planets as You progress, StarWars (Psalms) chemical elements polymers rubber sap trees Apocalypse Now Redux higher Covenanting peace law China 2016 2017 dish, New Christianity specifications, many Christians were unaware, contact celebrities, ownership rights and privileges own quadrants of outer space settlements Helium Lithium alien spacecraft, light umbra of light penumbra revealed in the Bible came true became fact, ICCDBB, Your Church, and for Christ JESUS.

A great key is that if You properly do new things for Christ JESUS, others, even sinners, Will be attracted. As shown above, a pillar of fire can reach the Heavens, so too a pillar of water, simple formulas fathom high things, and people can generally ascend and descend at Will. As shown in 1-4 (akin to A-D) rise to be a light unto others, show them the Way Of Heavenly Precepts. From the light umbra precept righteously fathom the penumbra You In Christ JESUS enlighten and typically rise more (save other mission(s) miracle(s)).

Be respected, responsible, safe, secure, full of grace mercy loving kindness and peace for Christ JESUS. Be wholesomely ascending, give God thanks, praise, and glory in all things through One Christ JESUS, in Word, also in Deed.

If to ascend into the new, have Your New Deed(s) with You, as a testimony of fact(s). Quote Your source(s) (John 8.28).

If God does something(s), go do likewise, as much as God would appreciate (conditions apply, such as Hebrews 12.26). Go now in this generation possess the land and the outer space victoriously (that thing as if You could not, yet You can) for God as written in Deuteronomy 5.30-33 NAS:

If You do the above Will Of God,

then the following key blessings You Will receive:

Consider the benefits NASA has given unto so many in so many ways, such as advancing the chemical industry and hence advancing civilization, and giving credit to NASA Political Leadership and News Leadership and Military Leadership, and advancing flight, and advancing education, and advancing communications technologies and computers and technical formulating, and knowing about the Universe to date.

In the above Drawing beside the word "Options" is an arrow indicating the yellow evolutionary rate may need no longer apply. Such reasoning as applied to this Sermon Of Your platforms and cubes is that You can with legal peace, put platforms and cubes together in orbit (for instance such as around the Moon,...) and in so doing create and/or innovate the formation of a planet type structure without any waiting for fish to crawl up onto land and evolve, rather starting with JESUS the Christ, even Your new planet can be in the form to announce and advertise as Christ JESUS taught, broadcasting to outer space for their sakes, for instance imagine You are one of the generations on a space ship sent to find life in an unknown distant region of the Universe, and then You see the Standard Sign that a civilization alien to Yours: "JESUS": You would feel a comfort, as lost now found, victory with mission accomplished (Matthew 24.46), eureka! Even if it is an old sign and that civilization moved away or other, as a minimum it is great comfort that such ever existed. If to witness such a sign, You would feel hope and more safe and at home, You would have a restored confidence and greater, Holy One, even if it was a trick, in that any would revere the name JESUS even if to trick [even as You New Christianity Leader might bring them to their senses (2 Timothy 2.26)].

Prepare Your platform to find it in some Way resembles a net that might capture outer space things. Reasonably You have stuck Your fingers into a rubber balloons and into polymers such as tightly clinging plastic wraps and plastic bags, and the rubbers and polymers did cling tightly to Your fingers and did seal around each finger; so too likewise utilize these technologies in Your more advanced models toward compensating to overcome space debris that can come as a bullet to penetrate (sturdy metals are also ripped): so prevent or so seal immediately afterward.

If You have not prevented every sinful attack, then pray heal immediately for the sake of Your Flock and others lest to leave undone associated with extra longsuffering. If You would have mercy on others, at times allow some mercy on Your Holy Self Christian Leader. Show mercy on Your advanced cube model, that You wisely know how to care for Zion and their cubes and the Standard: the love Cube Of Christ JESUS: so that when it is Your turn to drive You Will already know Your Ship One.

Consider the help Galileo brought to people, and before him astronomer Copernicus, and before him inventor of the modern printing press Gutenberg, and before him of ancient times Aristotle: expertise on expertise, often similar to precept on precept, yet evolutionary rate on evolutionary rate, or rather higher Covenanting rate on evolutionary rate, or rather higher Covenanting rate on higher Covenanting rate: New Christianity.

From the Holy Spirit came the created.

Go and do likewise.

As stated above, many Christians have not known what to do next (hence part of the need for New Christianity), especially newly Baptized new Members of the One Whole Christian Church. So now in this generation (1 Nephi 10.19) at this time in this Sermon is some help for You Christian Leader. As the True Prophets (true then until Christ JESUS 2,000 years ago [the Alpha and Omega in One], yet also true today and to come) helped them of the past, so too now is help for You.

Form platforms, prepare for safe colonizing for Christians and others and things.

Do these things [notice in the reference the Word "things"] as written in John 7.4 ( NAS):

The sinners go from struggles to worse struggles, while New Christianity goes from blessings to greater blessings. Example:

Follower level, then

then discussions or straight into planning and designing, then

victory over platform level, then

victory over cube level, next You Will be

victory over the next higher level.

New Christianity is hardly about things getting harder and harder against You, it is not tougher and tougher exams nor about secular schools nor about being busier with works of more complexities with greater risks with less free time, such God has reserved for free choices if people choose to be sinners. Rather the decreasing rate of minimized longsuffering until conquered via the Final End Time Firmament.

Delight their hearts, give them joy, hope, and admiration. Be their best example: be as Christ: JESUS.

ICCDBB Sermon March 7, 2017 AD

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tags:, How to build the Zion Cube For JESUS Christ to return (Exodus 25.10, Genesis 6.14). How to colonize planets, the moon. How to terraform. How to construct deep spaceships. New discovery for NASA Timeline, innovated, invention, terraforming SETI Hubble Space Telescope President found life on other planets as You progress and come from outer space and land, StarWars (Psalms) chemical elements polymers rubber sap trees Apocalypse Now Redux higher Covenanting peace law China 2016 2017 dish, New Christianity specifications, many Christians and others were unaware, contact celebrities, ownership rights and privileges own quadrants of outer space settlements Helium Lithium alien spacecraft, light umbra of light penumbra revealed in the Bible came true became fact, ICCDBB, Your Church, and for Christ JESUS.