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Alternative Color Portal
To the Infinity Chantry
  To View Colors

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Alternative Color Portal
To the Streets of Necropolis
To View Colors

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(Nov 1999) " ' but, he has got nothing on' said a little child"
                                                                                              Hans Christian Anderson {The EmperorsNew Cloths}
  To Quotes Page                                                                                                                                                     (submitted by, Destin player of Amanda)

I have tried to list all the colors I can imagine anyone would like to have. I took all the Web Safe Colors from an RGB Chart. I included every color on the Chart except one or two that were so close I saw no reason to list them. However I know that there are other colors. If you have a special color you would like, you may send me the code or tell me what sort of color you would like and I will try to get it for you. Please list "Request COLOR" as the subject of your mail.