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  Old Houses
   Ex Miscellanea
   Young Houses
   Minor Houses (Part of Ex Miscellenea)
   Defunct Houses

 Old Houses
- Founding House of the Order
- Researchers and theorists.
-Tend to disappear for months, or even years, at a time, then pop up with a great new rote for turning a Hit Mark into glass. Hard to enumerate,simply becauseno one's ever sure if they're dead or have just been
"occupied with a little experiment" for the last three decades.
Ex Miscellanea
- (Hodgepodge)
- Formed of several smaller less powerful houses, and random unaffiliated Magi who operate within the Hermetic Paradigm. A catch-all for Hermetic's who don't fit in anyplace else. Includes four lesser sub-Houses as well as several "Indies":
- Other members include recruits from the departed Ahl-i-Batin and
the fallen Solficati, as well as hangers-on from Houses now long
forgotten by others.
- (Nukes)
- Second Oldest House, Flame-Magi and Warriors.
- The Forces House within the Forces Tradition. Like
to make things burn and/or blow up. Tend towards vulgar magick, although some are geniuses when it comes to using incendiaries to makeit look coincidental.
- (Judges)
- House of Law.. the Judges. Unique, in that they are the only house with Jurisdiction in the Order outside of their own bounds.
- The House is responsible for punishing those who violate the Code of Hermes, and for leading Tribunes. Quaesitors often forget that other Traditions do not necessarily recognize their authority....
- Tactics... the Generals of the Order. Heavily into Certamen Dueling.
- Aggressive and belligerent political leaders of the Order.
Believe that only through constant challenge can one achieve enlightenment.Prone to engage in Certamen at the drop of a hat, they were universally disliked before the Ascension War, but have proven invaluable in planning and directing strikes against the Technocrats. They tend to avoid spirits, but otherwise engage in almost any type of Hermetic Magick. Apprentices are taught, by harsh example, to be prepared for attackat any moment: middle of the night, during meals, while making love....

Young Houses
(House of Luck)
- Created of Numerologists, Quabbalists, Numismancers and Chaoticians, studying Entropic effect. Only recently left Ex Miscellanea. Rumored to have plans to form a Tradition of their own and usurp the Entropy seat from the Euthanatos. Also formally in charge of recruitment efforts
for the Order.
- Entropy-mages, who prefer to focus on the Fate/chance aspects of the sphere, rather than those dealing with death and rebirth.
- (Jassassins, but not to their face)
Janissary - Formed.. err.. can't remember. "Internal Security". Officially, only a small Doisstep-centered Cabal (until recently), in reality, has secret agents all over the place, one of whom was recently dethroned as Primus of House Tytalus
-Internal security for the Order. Subtle and crafty, these individuals are charged with rooting out corruption and other flaws in the Order for House Quaesitor to judge.
- (House of the Crescent Moon)
- Recently formed (some time in the 1980's, I believe), a House of Scholars, Linguists and Librarians, drawing heavily from Egyptian tradition. Almost exclusively female.
- Magickal style is very close to the Ren-Hakau Naming arts of the Reborn (mummies), and dates back to the same ancient Egyptian lore. Active in education reform in the Sleeper world, and fierce foes of the NWO.
- (The Children)
Thig - Technology, as well as spying. Has many political ties to House Janissary (owes their existence to them, in fact) and widely distrusted.
-They're more interested in the symbolic place of machinery andtechnology in society and mythology. To them, magickly, at least, a computer is more important for what it causes people to think than what it actually does, or how it works.
- Hermetic Technomancers, adapting old Magicks to
new forms and adopting modern machines to work their rotes. They often deal with more modern elementals of Glass, Steel and even the Net, giving them a slight edge over the more traditional Houses. Politically tied (some might say bound) to the Janissaries.

Minor Houses (Part of Ex Miscellenea)
Criamon - Cryptic seers and prophets, part of Ex Miscellanea
Jerbiton - Part of Ex Miscellanea, a house of Artists, Philosophers, Psychologists, Doctors and so on. Very concerned with Sleeper wellbeing,  have a passion for helping the poor
- Part of Ex Miscellanea, allied with Diedne during the early war of the Houses, students of Faerie Lore, drawing heavily from Celtic and Norse Pagan tradition. -Researchers into - Fae Arts and Lore
Veriditius - Artificers and Talisman Crafters, alchemists and enchanters, dwindled from a Mighty House in the Mythic Age to eventually join Ex Miscellanea in the 1600's.

Defunct Houses
            Still to be found in exceptionally small numbers within Ex Miscellanea, formally outside of the Order, or having joined other Houses or Traditions when theirs disbanded.
Bjornaer - Germanic Shapeshifters, Joined the Verbena shortly after the formation of the Council of Nine
Castrovinci - Disbanded in the late 1500's, formed to verify biblical miracles by recreating them with Magick.
Diedne - Celtic High-Ritual Druid magi, destroyed or driven from Earth by an alliance of House Tremere and Flambeau, with the tacit approval of House Quaestor, in the late 12th century.
Golo - Alchemists, created by Lorenzo Golo, who the Sons of Ether credit with much of their philosophy. Disbanded, early 1600's
Mercere - Communications - Correspondence experts. Formally disbanded with the rise of modern telecommunication.
Tremere - Hell.. if you don't know the Tremere, you don't know white-wolf. Disbanded as a Hermetic House in the 1200's.
-(see Vampie the Masquearde Clan Tremere)

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