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My Award

Think your 2gether site is pretty great?  Think its ready to be recognized??  Then just go ahead and submit your site for the

Mad Crazy 2Gether Site Award

So there it is above, my NEW (recently got the new Adobe photoshop and had to improve!!) very own little award, I will put your site's name where it says Your Site Name Here and that will be free for you to post up and show off on your site!!

Just read all the rules and requirements, make sure you and your site meet and agree with all of them, then just SUBMIT and I'm a nice sharing caring person, so chances are if you have a site that works is functional and somewhat visually pleasing, then you've got it in the bag!

Rules and Regulations

  • You have a 2gether related site.  Can be specialized to one actor, or just have to do with boy bands in general.

  • The site works.  You can actually go to the site and easily navigate.  No broken links and confusing frames.

  • Its reflective of all the hard work you've put into it.  Its nice to look at and there's a creative layout that shows off all your creativity.

  • You have linked me.  Ok so I'm not gonna be all crazy and make you link me, so this isn't exactly a regulation, just if you like my site than please do that for me!!

  • THATS IT!!  man I really made this all very easy, SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!?!?  Go ahead and submit below!!

  • Just in the "details?" text field, explain why you deserve the award and then describe your site!! Thanks ;o)

Site Name:

Site URL

E-mail address?



Award Winners!!

I Know My 2Gether
Adoring Noah Bastian
The First Unofficial Michael Cuccione Site
Darth Vadar Doesn't Stand a Chance Against 2Gether


Awards I've Won!

Visualize QT