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Getting Personal

TU: Who was your first love?

PW: “Well, I remember her like a dream. Quick to come, and quick to go. We met through our parents. My mum, and her mum used to be good mates. They wanted us to meet, and become young lovers in the night {Laughs, and rolls eyes in a playful way. I remember when I first saw her, I was like “Ewwwww, it’s a girl”, and ran behind my mum. She did just about the same thing. But fate took a twist, and when we were watching the telly, I leaned in, mind you I was only eight, a kissed her on the cheek. She ran away in horror, I just sat there starring at the telly, like nothing had happened.”

TU: What do you think of Arranged Marriages?

PW: I really don'think much of them since they are now out of date. I suppose if I was a bloke at the age of 18 or older and forced to marry I would not be to happy. Now that I think about it, my father was basically forced to marry my mum by Garry [Queen Elizabeth]. Likewise with Sarah and Andrew my Uncle. So I really don't care for them I think that you shoule follow your heart.

TU: Would you like for your girlfriend to treat you like royalty, or just like an ordinary bloke.

PW: Most people think that I want to be treated like royalty, but someties I don't. It gets extremly tiring, and boring. Anround every corner you have people calling me 'Sir, Your Royal Highness'. So yes I would like it if my girlfriend would treat me like an oridnary bloke. So when I walk in the room with her I take my crown off and act like any guy would.

TU: Who was your first love?

PW: “Well, I remember her like a dream. Quick to come, and quick to go. We met through our parents. My mum, and her mum used to be good mates. They wanted us to meet, and become young lovers in the night {Laughs, and rolls eyes in a playful way. I remember when I first saw her, I was like “Ewwwww, it’s a girl”, and ran behind my mum. She did just about the same thing. But fate took a twist, and when we were watching the telly, I leaned in, mind you I was only eight, a kissed her on the cheek. She ran away in horror, I just sat there starring at the telly, like nothing had