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Lady of My Dreams

***Okay people, here is yet another (sigh) disclaimer, or whatever you call them saying that the British Royal family doesn’t endorse the stories that I am writing to the enjoyment of you people, the readers. Okay, no William, Harry nor their BIG family don’t endorse this, or even know what the heck I am writing. Unless William or Harry have be vain (l.o.l. can you imagine that?) lately and want to see what their admires are saying about them, or admire about them. They probably visit ‘these’ sights once every blue moon, but who am I to say that they don’t. Anyway let me QUIT yapping, as I probably have made you fall asleep. So on with the show (in this case, story).***

“Windsor Magic, or Windsor Curse. You tell me what you think

“Star light. Star bright. First star. I see tonight. I wish may. I wish I might. Have the wish I wish tonight.” Said the calm Harry. As the young thirteen year old Harry breathed those few but strong words, the one star that he was wishing upon seemed to twinkle as if it were his mum smiling down above, proud as ever at her baby boy.

“I don’t want to fall in love, because of the women of Windsor. When they loved or love one of us they either die or get hurt. I don’t want that to happen to my love.” Said Harry.

Now Harry was directing his speech as if he were talking to his Mum.

“It’s just like that tabloid that I saw mummy, ‘You can never love a Windsor and never pay the price’, I don’t want anyone that loves me to get hurt, just like you mummy.” As Harry spoke these sorrowful words remembering his mum, to him he was the best thing that ever happened to him.

“Now back to what I was doing, Oh and mummy can you help me with this because I don’t want to fall in love? So I’ll just make one up she can be the ‘Lady of my dreams’.

“Let’s she shall have gray eyes with star dust in them. Long thick hair, that when the sun hits it turns auburn red. When she laughs she throws her head back and giggles till her stomachaches. She can make the best pancakes ever, just like you mummy.

Just then his older 15 year old brother (Come on we all know who he is…William! Tada!) walks in and interrupts Harry’s thinking process (the meanie!).

“Hey Harry, what are you doing out here, you might catch a cold”

“Nothing Wills, I just thinking about….”

“About what?”

“Well do ever wonder if you could have a perfect match, I mean your soul mate, like they’re out there waiting for you to call for them to you?”

“Not recently, so what’s she like?”

“Well she has hair the color of a sunset, eyes the color of moon dust, and a laughter that’s uncontrollable..”

“Just like mum’s?” piped in William softly

“Yeah, just like mum’s” Harry said remembering her laughter, her smile….his mum, or as he called her ‘Mummy’, his mummy.


In another world, life, whatever you wish to call it a young gal was dreaming with all of her heart’s content, that her fun loving Prince with no face would come a take her off to his castle, and they would live happily ever after.

Julia Anne awoke from her meaningless dream of romance and laughed at its pointlessness. To her dreams could not come true, but far across many a ocean there was a boy, perhaps a prince, that believed they could. In her dream she imagned her self a princess with her faceless groom standing right by her.
