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June 4- I created a new poll. Don't worry I still working on the stories!

June 2- I updated A Love Affair to be Unfotgotten

April-2:I updated A Bittersweet Memory

March 25- Sorry for the ong delay in updating. As of right now I have complete writer's block on the prince Harry stories. I updated Getting Personal, and Do I know you ms? I also added those poems it seemsthey were never properly put up (ooppss!)

February 25-Bittersweet Memory..more to come..And I added a poem written by my frined, and one written by me.

February 22-Redid formatt, added 'Thank yous' and 2 scenes

Febraury 2-Do, I know You ms.?, and poll was added

February 1-Added quote, updated storiesm and created poll page

January 29th-I added a story poll on the main page.

January 26-Posted Warning page about Getting Personal, and changed Notices on main page.

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