The Beginning of the End

Author: Neeka (aka Alien Eyes)
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: I own nothing, except my mind.
Catergory: Alternative Universe
Summary: My take on the lived of our future Roswell living teens. Set after Destiny.

Journal Entry: Saturday November 12, 2000

My name is Elizabeth Parker and I'm soon to vanish. Yeah, the man I love, Max Evans came around. It's been a couple months But he came around. He doesn't think he can live here anymore, I don't think I can either. So we're leaving. We're packing our bags and leaving. For good.

The Destiny thing, we've ignored it. Max can't take that responsibilty. Especially since we found out that there is nothing to save. The message we saw in the cave was meant for 1967. They weren't alive then, so Max's people fled. Some live here on earth and in other worlds. But Max no longer has a planet to call his own. After they found this out. Tess still stuck with the Destiny thing. But we all know she hates Max.

Nesedo lectured them all for the fact that they brought some bad aliens around. Whatever. He took care of them. Well him and Michael. Yep, Michael did it again. He killed. I feel sorry for Maria. She's in love with him. I would never say it out loud, but Michael is very dangerous. We all know this, including himself. No one says it outloud though. After he killed the aliens with Nesedo Isabel freaked. She doesn't like being in the same room with him anymore.

They spilt, not that they were ever together, but they split. Isabel figured a way to rid the dreams. I don't know how she did it, but she did and now there is nothing standing in mine and Max's way. So we're leaving. I mean your probably going 'This is not Liz Parker!' But it is. Really, you change. I changed.

Max should be here in about 10 minutes. Everything I'm taking is packed. I can't wait to leave this place. We are going to LA. Max made us fake ID's. I'm sure my parents will try to find me. But they'll fail. They think I wanna live in New York. I don't, not anymore. It's a hard thing to face you know, I'm leaving home forever. But I'll have Max and I'm happy with that.

Yes, I'll miss Maria. We're best friends, but we haven't been lately. She drew away. Or maybe I drew away. Which ever, it doesn't matter. We aren't as close as we were. I'm sure she won't mind me being gone. She may miss me, but I don't think it'll matter to much. I really hurt her. It wasn't on purpose, but I did it. I had told her that she was gonna get herself killed wanting to be with Michael. I had yelled at her and lectured her. And she blew up on me and quit at the Crashdown. So did Michael.

I don't know where they work anymore. I don't care. All I know is that we're leaving in 3 minutes. I'm so excited! There's Max, I gotta go. Until next time.

Liz Parker.

"Max!" Liz called down the latter. She climbed down and threw her bag and backpack onto the ground. She hopped down and jumped into the Jeep.

When Liz turned around she saw Isabel.

"What's going on?" Liz asked with a worried look on her face.

"Izzy and Alex are coming with us." Max said.

"Really?! Yeah! This is gonna be so great." Liz said happily, turning forward in her seat.

"We still have to go get Alex Max." Isabel whispered from the back seat.

"Yeah that's our next stop." Max explained.

They pulled up in front of Alex's house. He was waiting on the sidewalk. He threw his stuff in too and climbed in next to Isabel.

"Okay, let's go." Alex said.

That night Isabel, Alex, Max and Liz vanished from Roswell, New Mexico. Never telling a soul. Leaving Maria, Michael, Tess and Kyle.


Futuristic Series