
MARIA: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I'm dying here. This is so uncharacteristic.


LIZ: Is that even legal?

KYLE: See? I told ya it wasn't your kind of thing. So...


MAX: Are you saying there's something going on between Michael and Maria?

LIZ: No, I'm not. I'm not saying that. Would it be bad if there were?

MAX: Yes! I mean...I don't know.


SHERIFF: So, ya stayin' out of the slammer?

AMY: Oh, very amusing.


ALEX: What do you want from me? More blood? A urine sample? How about my kidney?


ALEX: It's amazing. You wanna know what? A couple weeks ago, if someone were to ask me who I would trust with my life other than my parents, I would have said you without skipping a beat. And now...now I feel like I don't even know who you are.


MARIA: We were just sucking face.


MICHAEL: Well, I hate to tell you this, Max, but when I have urges, you're not exactly the first person I think about.


MICHAEL: I don't know, Max. It feels so wrong, but it feels so good.


MARIA: Shouldn't we like talk or something.


MARIA: I mean you just kinda pulled me in here, shouldn't we at least give pleasantries.

MICHAEL: How ya doin'?

MARIA: Good and you?


MARIA: So have you heard about that party?

MICHAEL: The one at the old Soap Factory?

MARIA: Yeah, are you going?

MICHAEL: Friday's like years from now.


ISABEL: Are you afraid...I mean, to let someone in? To let someone see who you really are?

LIZ: Yeah, of course I am.

ISABEL: Well, multiply that by about a million.


DREAM ISABEL: You really think of me?

ALEX: I think that underneath that beautiful exterior is an even more beautiful interior. But I have a feeling that not too many people get to see that interior, do they?


ALEX: Cause it's too scary to show who you really are. You can show me.



ISABEL: Well, he's a complex individual with...a lot of complexities.


ISABEL: Look, I can take care of the Alex situation. I saw what i needed to see, which is that...out of all the people involved, I'm the one who can control him. Just a little old fashioned charm.


MICHAEL: Right. Like suddenly the eraser room's not enough. I can't let this become a public thing. I mean, she should know that. But all week long I've had this weird feeling. Like I was gonna hurt her or something. That just being who I am is gonna hurt her.


LIZ: Hey, what's up? I'm just trying to get these stupid slugs to mate. Ah, come on! Won't you guys just do it?

MAX: Maybe one of 'em's gay.


LIZ: Max, you know when you said before that we couldn't be together? That we were different? I just sort of accepted it, you know? Because I thought that it was like physically impossible. That it...that it couldn't be. But when I saw Maria with Michael...the truth is that...I was hurt, Max. Why is it ok for them, but it's not ok for us?


MAX: Liz, I think that what I'm afraid of isn't that we try this and it works out really badly. What I'm afraid of is we try it and it works out really well. I'm afraid of feeling everything that I know I would feel. Because I know it's not meant to be. And somewhere down the line, we're gonna get hurt. I can live with that. I just couldn't bear to hurt you.


(Max goes closer to kiss Liz when the bio teacher walks in)

BIO TEACHER: Hey, Liz. How are you doing on your mating ritual?

LIZ: I was doing just fine.


ISABEL: So, tonight...that party everyone's talking about, you interested?

ALEX: Yeah. Yeah, sure. Tell me how it goes.


ALEX: You, too. You know, I like the way you look in red.

ISABEL: I know you do.


LIZ: I thought maybe you changed your mind.

MAX: I've been waiting for this for a long time.


MICHAEL: I just don't really do this.

MARIA: Don't do what?

MICHAEL: Get intense like this.

MARIA: I'm not getting intense.

MICHAEL: Yes, you are.


MICHAEL: Sorry, I can't get this involved. I'm a loner, and that's the way it's gotta be. Maybe we should've never started this.

MARIA: I'm gonna go get some fresh air.


ISABEL: No, really. I mean, most guys are just disgusting animals whose sole purpose in life is to try to maul me. But you're different.

ALEX: I am? I mean, I am! Yeah. Oh, yeah. I just...I don't see you that way, Isabel. Not that I wouldn't want to...


PUNK : Now look. They say a bond forms when you do time together. I love you, man.


ALEX: Liz! I'm in jail, ok? I'm now in jail! I'm through lying! ISABEL: Alex. We should have told him about us. I...I know this sounds crazy, Max, but I feel something about him...like, he's ok...like, we'd be better off including him.


LIZ: No, Alex, listen to me. This doesn't have anything to do with drugs. Alex...Max, Michael, and Isabel...they aren't from around here.

ALEX: Where are they from?

(Liz points up) (Liz points higher)

ALEX: Oh...ok, fine. Canada. They're Canucks. So what, you're saying the FBI is all over them because they're like...illegal aliens?


ALEX: Liz I don't know what kinda hullucinogenic your on but I would like to know where I can get some.


ALEX: I'm ready to talk about the fact that i'm a kid. I'm 16 years old. I'm a sophomore in high school, so what could I possibly have to do with a teacher leaving? What does any of this have to do with you, anyway?


ALEX: This has nothing to do with that party, does it? Sheriff, I want out of here...right now. I demand it, or I'm going to get a lawyer and I'm going to sue for abusive treatment of a minor. I may be 16, but I know my rights.


LIZ: Neither did I...you don't believe me, do you?

ALEX: I believe that you believe. Leave it at that.


MAX: When I saw Valenti taking you away like that...it just hit home for me, you know? How much knowing me has screwed up your life.

LIZ: No, it's just the opposite.


MAX: Cause if I don't go right now, things are gonna change.


MAX: I'm gonna have to touch your hair...cause it's so soft...and I'd have to tell you that...no matter what we go through, it's all worthwhile for me because we're together.


LIZ: And then?

MAX: And then...I'd have to do this...
