Leaving Normal

VOICEOVER: It's October 19th. I'm Liz Parker and this is what I've been thinking. Can life ever go back to normal?


MAX: I'll just have an Alien Blast.

LIZ: Me, too.

MAX: Excuse me?

LIZ: Nothing...ok, one Alien Blast.


MARIA: So, catching up on upcoming athletic events?

LIZ: Uh-huh.

MARIA: Uh-huh. It couldn't be that Max has PE 4th period and you're conveniently positioning yourself to just happen to run into him?


LIZ: What if there was something else?

GRANDMA: Something else?

LIZ: Someone else.

GRANDMA: Now, this is worth the price of the airfare.


GRANDMA: Oh, Maria! Look at you. Another beauty. God help this poor little town with you two running around.

MARIA: Ok, I love this woman.


MARIA: That is so cool.....ok, alright, so let's talk about me. The hair thing...does it work for you? I kind of see it as a Meg Ryan style after an electric storm.


LIZ: No...Max...he's so not possible. He's just like this whole different...

MARIA: Life form?

LIZ: Type.

GRANDMA: How intriguing. A dangerous man?

MARIA: Spacey man.


ISABEL: Great job you've found, Max. Real dignified.


ISABEL: Seventeen people at school already told me about your face....oh my God...what happened?

MAX: Michael and I...

ISABEL: He already told me the story of you falling on the basketball court....what really happened, Max?


MAX: I know, I'm staying away from Liz.


KYLE: Well, ok, for your information, 'Massacre at Sunset Village' is a modern day classic. And the serial killer homes in on this retirement community so it's got something for your grandmother.


LIZ: Hi, Max...it's Liz. I'm at the hospital. Something happened to my grandmother. We don't know if it's serious, but it seems really bad. I'm just scared. Look, I don't even know why I'm calling you. I guess I just wanted to hear your voice or something. Now I just feel completely stupid. Look, don't come here or anything because everyone is here. I'll just see you in school tomorrow. Sorry for the weird call. Bye.


KYLE: Max....I know that something happened between you and Liz the day of the shooting. That you helped her out or whatever. She was shaken up and you calmed her down and I appreciate that. But what I don't appreciate is that ever since then, you've been all over her. I see it, Max. My friends see it, the entire school sees it. Now, I like Liz...a lot, and I don't want you around her.

MAX: Believe me, I can see that.


KYLE: Alright, let me just ask you then. When you and mom, back when things were good if you can remember that far back, did you ever feel like you didn't know what was going on with her? Like she was just going through the motions, like there was something else on her mind all the time?


KYLE: What...the entire country knows?


MAX: Yeah, you shouldn't have probably. We said we agreed to, you know....see ya later, Liz.


MICHAEL: Gandhi feeling frustrated?


MICHAEL: Let me guess...you're in love with a girl and she's with another guy.

MAX: You realize that you can be really annoying, right?


MAX: What the hell are you doing?


MICHAEL: You're the one who put us in danger when you saved Liz. You're the one who screwed up.

MAX: Yeah, and I'd do it again right now.


MICHAEL: Well, I don't trust anyone these days.


ORTHODONTIST: So which one would you recommend?

MARIA: The first one.


ISABEL: I thought we agreed that you would never address me until we'd established complete privacy.


MARIA: Please. Look, it's not for me, it's for Liz.

ISABEL: Well, since you put it that way...no.


MAX: No way!

ISABEL: Shut up. Temporary situation.


ISABEL: So....depressed? Feeling sorry for yourself? Angry at the world?


ISABEL: Ma'am? Look, you're not going to get anywhere calling me ma'am.


ISABEL: Chill out.


MARIA: Hi, can you heat this? You're a genius.


MAX: Liz, when I saved you, it was because you were shot, and there was a bullet in you. Something was happening to you that wasn't supposed to happen. It was before your time. But I can't just heal people. I'm not God.


KYLE: Getting back at us for what?

JOCK: We beat the crap out of the bastard.


KYLE: Why are you so damn worried about Max?

LIZ: Because he got attacked for no reason. He's the last person in the world who would ever want to hurt someone.


KYLE: So, that's it, isn't it? You and Max are together.

LIZ: No, we're not......neither are we.


MAX: I can't stop, you know what's going to happen, but maybe I can help you say goodbye.


LIZ: Max, thank you for...

MAX: Shhh. It's ok.


VOICEOVER: And that's not even the difficult part. The difficult part is when you follow your heart, you leave normal, you go into the unknown. And once you do, you can never go back.
