
MAX: And I appreciate that I'm the one you chose to wake at 3 in the morning to tell that you've been dreaming about semicircles, but maybe we can talk about this in the morning?


MARIA: Motive and opportunity, Liz. That's the key. I mean, this is Roswell. You can't just ignore things like this.


ALEX: So, I'm off to gym. Dodge ball. Ok, so...wish me luck.


LIZ: How am I going to tell Max?

MARIA: My advice...over drinks.


ALEX: Maria DeLuca, ladies and gentlemen. Where's Parker?


ALEX: No, it's just...you know, things change. People change. You accept it and you move on.


TOPOLSKY: Well, that doesn't surprise me. Teenage girls can never spot the good ones.


KYLE: You know the best part about being broken up, Liz? I don't have to try anymore.


MAX'S BOSS: Well, go ahead. We both know she's more interesting than I am.


MAX: Missing?

LIZ: Not missing.

MAX: Not missing?

LIZ: No, it's misplaced.

MAX: Misplaced?

LIZ: Temporarily misplaced.

MAX: Right...


MAX: Yeah yeah. No, it's just Atherton. Listen to this. He says...this guy is nuts...that aliens wouldn't possess the lung capacity or brain capacity for more than short-term survival on Earth. Brain capacity???


ISABEL: Max, this isn't right. I mean, we're getting careless.


ISABEL: We can't keep pretending that what we do doesn't matter, that what we do isn't noticed, because it is. And if we're not careful, then...


KYLE: I'm onto you, Evans.


KYLE: What secrets are you so afraid of me knowing? The truth about Max Evans? About why you've been so weird ever since that day at the Crashdown? Is that what your secrets are?


KYLE: We all want something back, Liz. It's too bad life isn't always fair.


MAX: But Michael, that's not really the point. The point is, we shouldn't be taking chances like this.

MICHAEL: You did.

MAX: I saved someone's life, Michael. I wasn't dabbling in the arts.


MAX: Someone should tell the sheriff that deadbolts don't work as well when you leave your door open.


MAX: Look, we'll get in, we'll grab your journal, and we'll get out. And in the process, we'll save my life. So which way is Kyle's room?


MAX: Michael's painting isn't our biggest problem right now.

ISABEL: Does that imply that there's a problem I'm not aware of?


MICHAEL: Max told me what you did?

LIZ: He did?

MICHAEL: He said you wrote it all down, Liz.


MICHAEL: I want you to know it wasn't smart to write all those things down, Liz.


MICHAEL: You could have put us in an awful spot, Liz. Roswell's not exactly the town you want to be unique in, if you know what I mean. You have to know who your friends are.


LIZ: You took it...

MICHAEL: I never meant for things to get out of control...it's nice to know we have at least one friend in this town.


MICHAEL: Thank you for giving me one more reason to envy Max Evans.


MAX: Maybe you'd be interested in the season pass. $19...it includes the guided tour and a box lunch.


MAX: Why? Because if I read what you wrote in your journal, I realize how you really see me.

LIZ: Exactly.


ISABEL: I can't believe you're still reading that.

MAX: Guilty pleasure.


MAX: Patience, space boy.
