
MARIA: [eyeing spaceship] Going home?


ISABEL: Doesn't this thing have any air conditioning?

MARIA: Yeah, it's on all the way. (Isabel waves hand and it blows harder)
Oh my God! What are you doing?

ISABEL: I'm just making it more comfortable in here!

MARIA: Don't do that in my car!

ISABEL: Whatever. What year is this thing?

MARIA: It's a '92, and it's never been towed either.

ISABEL: Well the sound system is pathetic. (Isabel holds her hand over the radio in the car and makes the radio louder)

MARIA: Oh my God! (Startled, Maria causes the car to swerve)


ISABEL: I'm just trying to help you out.

MARIA: Oh, uh the keychain. My mother makes them...I'll tell her to stop.


ISABEL: You mean horrible disgusting creatures from outer space who sneak into your room at night and perform excruciating experiments?


MARIA: Let me just make it easy for her: (points her finger to various classmates) Tasty Freeze, Denny's, Gas World, Prison.


MARIA: What did I do? Hey look listen, I was there to extend myself. You know, I gave her a lift. Trying to reach out give her that old I come in peace thing. Look, Liz, it like, takes two people to tango. You know? And how can I tango with the girl if she's going around creeping me out.


TOPOLSKY: Why don't you start by telling me what your dream job would be.

GIRL: I want to be Brad Pitt's love slave.

KYLE: Uh, Houston Astro's left field.

STONER GUY: Lead guitar for Metallica.

ALEX: That's an interesting question. Uh, do you always ask it first?

ISABEL: Supermodel.

MARIA: Like I have any skills.

LIZ: Molecular biologist. Or a dream, dream, dream job would be head of molecular biology research at Harvard.


TOPOLSKY: That's fantastic. Now what job do you think you'll actually have in ten years?

GIRL: Cheese factory, I guess.

KYLE: Houston Astro's left field

ISABEL: I usually get what I want.

ALEX: Excellent follow-up question. Very good technique.

MARIA: Oh, we could all be dead in ten years.

STONER: Video store. No, wait. Well, Cheese factory.

LIZ: Molecular biologist.


TOPOLSKY: OK, let's play a relationship game. Tell me which character in this picture is most like you, and tell me what they're doing at the park.

KYLE: King of the jungle gym.

ISABEL: I never really played well with others.

ALEX: The kid holding the umbrella for the other kids. Which one are you?

MARIA: Can this get anymore lame?

MAX: Probably the one behind the tree. [Topolsky stops and looks at him]
I was sort of kidding.

TOPOLSKY: No, that's interesting. That's a hard place to be. I've been behind the tree myself. In college I barely left my dorm for three years. Then I realized that I had gotten myself into this situation where I wasn't really living. I was just going through the motions, and it was really, really risky to change. To get out there in the world.


MAX: Look, Isabel could you at least try and make an effort?


MAX: Think about it. People see movies with aliens. Aliens killing humans. Evil aliens. Green aliens. If you keep acting this way with Maria, she's going to think that's what we are.

ISABEL: Exactly. I'm telling you this evil alien thing could work for us in this situation. The way to deal with her is to make her sweat, keep her on her toes. Make her afraid of my shadow, of your shadow, of her shadow, of Michael's shadow. Right Michael?

MICHAEL: Or we could just kill her. [Max looks at him like he's crazy]


ISABEL: Because your brain is warped, just a theory.


ISABEL: One more day before she cracks. Tops.

MAX: Just try to find something you have in common with her.

ISABEL: Oh please, what am I supposed to her about?


MICHAEL: She's kinda weird.


TOPOLSKY: You make a lot of plans, don't you?

LIZ: You've got to have a plan.

TOPOLSKY: What about taking life as it comes?

LIZ: No.

TOPOLSKY: Sometimes you don't have a choice.


MARIA: You know what? You take the front. I'm going to go do that can inventory that your father talked about.

LIZ: Maria!

MARIA: She's out there.

LIZ: Who's out there?

MARIA: Queen Amidala!


LITTLE BOY: Blast all aliens! [pointing gun at Max]


LIZ: Some people are just pigs.

MARIA: Tell me about it. Welcome to the Crash-- AHHHH!

LIZ: What's the matter, Maria?

MARIA: Look at them!

LIZ: What, Maria?

MARIA: They're repulsive, I mean...

LIZ: They look perfectly normal to me.


MARIA: What are you doing here?

ISABEL: I just thought we should talk, and since we can't seem to do it when we're awake, I thought I'd visit you in your dreams.

MARIA: What do you mean visit me?

ISABEL: I'm not really a part of your dream. I can't change it or anything. I just wanted to see what you were thinking. [Isabel notices Michael in a tuxedo] Interesting.

MARIA: When he's dressed like that, it makes me feel much less afraid.


TOPOLSKY: So, I'm sure you're eager to hear the results of your computer profile.

GIRL: Writer. Cool. How hard could that be?

KYLE: Law enforcement? This is a joke, right?

ALEX: Psychologist. Wow. How did you get started in this field?

STONER: Video store clerk. My dream.


TOPOLSKY: How well do you think you know yourself?

ISABEL: Very well.

TOPOLSKY: Then you might be a little surprised by your computer profile. Now, you said in our first meeting that you wanted to be a supermodel.

ISABEL: You work with what you're given.

TOPOLSKY: That's quite a jet set career for someone who puts family first, craves stability and security, and leans towards care giving fields.

ISABEL: Well, I never trusted computers.

TOPOLSKY: Think about who you are Isabel, and what's important in your life, and don't forget, there's nothing wrong with just wanting to be normal.


LIZ: Okay, you got tapped by the car and you blacked out. And you just, you don't remember a thing that happened after that. Okay? Now, let's pretend that I'm Valenti. What did you see in the parking lot that night?

MARIA: Nothing, just headlights.

LIZ: Perfect. And, um, oh wait, and how did you get that handprint on you?

MARIA: I don't know, I was unconscious?

LIZ: Right.


MAX: Well you did it 'cause you trusted her, and you needed someone to talk to. It was only natural.

LIZ: So why did you tell me?

MAX: It was only natural.


VALENTI: What are you afraid of, Ms. DeLuca?

MARIA: A lot of things.

VALENTI: You know what I think? I think someone is controlling you, controlling you through fear. Am I right? I'm here to help you. You know that, don't you? Then tell me what's frightening you so badly. What you saw the night of the crash festival? You were in that parking lot to meet whom?

MARIA: Nothing, just headlights.

VALENTI: Was there someone waiting for you?

MARIA: I don't know, I was unconscious.

VALENTI: Maria. We both know why we're here, right? So what do you say we stop lying to each other? Okay?


VALENTI: Now who is Isabel Evans?

MARIA: Um, she's a girl at school.

VALENTI: Why does she make you so nervous?

MARIA: I'm not nervous.

VALENTI: Isabel and her brother Max. How well do you know them?

MARIA: Not well, not well at all.


VALENTI: You know, I think you and I have something in common. I never really got to know my father very well either. He was the sheriff around here about forty years ago. Did you know that?


VALENTI: Strong man. Strong hands. And he had this theory, you know? About aliens? That they were real. Sounds awfully silly, doesn't it?


VALENTI: That's what everybody thought. But my father, he was a very stubborn man, and he wouldn't let it go. He believed, and he lost his job over it. And, uh, he lost his family over it. Now I would hate to see that happen to any other family in this town, wouldn't you? Now there's one more thing that you and I have in common, isn't it? [Maria begins to cry] We've both seen things recently. Things that have made us start to wonder, made us question ourselves, our beliefs, and I think that if we share those things with each other, we're both going to feel a little bit safer. Now Isabel Evans she's just a girl?

MARIA: She's a special girl.

VALENTI: What makes her special?

MARIA: Where she comes from.

VALENTI: Where is she from? Maria, where are they from? Where did they come from?

MARIA: A very nice family. And like you said sheriff, we wouldn't want to destroy any other families in this town, would we?


ISABEL: Your alone?

MARIA: Do you see the army behind me?

ISABEL: You lied.

MARIA: Like a rug.

ISABEL: Were you scared?

MARIA: Understatement, but that's when I realized what it's like being you.

ISABEL: You look awful.

MARIA: "Thanks for saving our butts, Maria." "Oh no problem, Isabel." (Pauses) So, need a ride?
