
Voiceover- September 23rd. Journal entry one. I'm Liz Parker and five days ago I died. After that, things got really weird....


LIZ: And, and even if it weren't I'm going out with Kyle. I mean, he's steady and loyal, and he appreciates me.

MARIA: Sounds like you're describing a poodle.


MARIA: The guy with the gun was kind of like a, like a muscular Beavis. And...the other one was like a, like a beefy Butthead.

DEPUTY: I'm gonna need a better description then that. I'm assuming they weren't actually cartoons.


LIZ: Um, I-I scraped some cells from your pencil. This is really hard to say, I'm trying to keep from blacking out here. Um, the cells weren't normal. So, Max, what I'm going to suggest to you is that we just go back to the bio lab now, so that I can take a sample so that I can see what I'm thinking is wrong, you know? That I got the wrong cells...

MAX: You didn't.


LIZ: Okay, um. So help me out here Max. I mean, what are you? MAX: Well I'm not from around here.

LIZ: Where you from?

(Max points up with his index finger)

LIZ: Up north?

(Max points higher)

LIZ: You're not an, an alien, I mean. Are you?

MAX: Well I prefer the term not of this earth. Sorry, it's not a good time to joke.


MAX: Liz, listen to me. You can't talk to anyone about this. Not your parents, not Maria. No one. You don't understand what'll happen if you do. Liz please? Now my life is in your hands.


MARIA: Then where's Liz? I mean, why is she avoiding me? Okay, first of all, Liz is never late right? She walks into homeroom today, and goes and sits next to Pam Troy. She like, hates Pam Troy and you know like, goes around admitting it openly...and...Alex are you listening to me?


ISABEL: Oh my God, you told her.


ISABEL: Act normal? That's your big plan Max? Don't you realize it's only a matter of time before they find us and turn us over to some government agency where they're gonna test us and prod us, and, oh yeah, exterminate us.


MAX: I couldn't just let her die.


MICHAEL: What happened to our parents?? What happened to everybody else on the ship? They were killed, and you know that.


MICHAEL: Really? So how'd she react when you told her? 'Great you're an alien that's fantastic.'


MAX: Sorry, I just , uh, I just keep picturing you in that dress, with the, uh, the cupcakes.....on it.

LIZ: What?


Liz: I could feel everything he was feeling. I could feel his loneliness. For the first time I was really seeing Max Evans, I saw me as he saw me, and the amazing thing was, in his eyes, I was beautiful.


LIZ: So when you healed me you risked all of this getting out didn't you?

MAX: Yeah.

LIZ: Why?

MAX: It was you.


LIZ: You have to promise me that you are not going to flip out.

MARIA: Flip out? Hey, it's me.

(Maria flips out and runs down the street screaming)


MICHAEL: Well then there's hope. I mean if we can find him, he can tell us where we came from, what we are...

ISABEL: Michael calm down, we had one potential relative 40 years ago, all we know about him is he was a potential killer.


MARIA: Oh my God, you're a crazy person.

LIZ: Maria I am not! Please, just catch them!

MARIA: Catch them? Liz, we're in a Jetta.


ALEX: Uh, nice cones.


MICHAEL: It won't work.


MAX: Aren't you going to read me my rights?

VALENTI: Do you have any?

MAX: I don't know what you're talking about.

VALENTI: You went up to Liz Parker in that cafe and you did something to her, and I need to know what it was.

MAX: I had a hamburger, when the gun went off I ran away. Did I break the law? Sheriff are you arresting me?

VALENTI: No, your parents would have you out in an hour. Let me tell you something. I'm gonna find out what the truth is. You can count on it. You're a real smart guy Max. Well, so am I.


MAX: Sure. Liz, it's not safe. I mean, for you and , and me to....it's not safe.

LIZ: I don't care.


MAX: Liz I really, really wish that this could be something, you know, more. But it can't. We're just...

LIZ: Different.


LIZ: I never got to thank you, for saving my life.

MAX: Thank you.
