
MARIA: What Michael and I share is non-verbal, he's what my mom likes to refer to as a vibrator.

LIZ: A vibrator?

MARIA: You know someone who sends vibes into the atmosphere.


KYLE: Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

LIZ: Thank you.

KYLE: Not until I have something that will destroy him.


MICHAEL: So there's a lot of stuff?

MAX: Yeah.

MICHAEL: And we're gonna go through it all, just the three of us?

MAX: Yeah, we're gonna go through it peice by peice.

MICHAEL: Well there's some people who wanted to also go through it.

ISABEL: Other people?

MICHAEL: Yeah, you know that Maria girl.

ISABEL: That Maria girl?

MICHAEL: Yeah, but it should probably be just the three of us?

MAX: Yes.

MICHAEL: Yeah, that's what I thought, but I kinda told her that we would pick her up.

ISABEL: Michael!

MICHAEL: Well, she was pushin' it. She's got this whole thing, she's a real vibrator.

(Max and Isabel look at him like he's crazy)

She's sends out these vibes.


LIZ: If anything happened to you, you know, or Michael and Isabel, I...I couldn't live with that.


LIZ: I didn't come here for your permission.


MAX: The first time anything weird happens I want you to come right back. Okay?

LIZ: Yeah, definatley.


MICHAEL: I'm telling you this plan sucks a big one. There out there on my vision quest and I'm stuck in a kitchen with two girls yakking.

MARIA: Um...Michael interesting, you know some women of the 20th century might find that last remark a tade bit offensive.


MARIA: Why?!

ISABEL: Welcome to Michael-land.


(Michael starts to get him and Isabel some cake)

MARIA: I hope you intend to pay for that.

MICHAEL: I do not.

MARIA: Well than that's theft buddy.

MICHAEL: Arrest me.


MARIA: Okay so what's with the tabasco sauce?

MICHAEL: Sweet and spicy.

MARIA: Sweet and spicy?

ISABEL: We all like things extremly sweet mixed with extremly spicy, it's our dietary quirk.

MARIA: Well I'll have to remember that.

MICHAEL: You do that.

ISABEL: Are you two flirting, God could my life get any worse.


MARIA: This is taking to long. Their in trouble.

MICHAEL: Will you cool your jets?

MARIA: We should go out there.

MICHAEL: They'll follow us.

MARIA: Well what are we supposed to do?

MICHAEL: We wait.

MARIA: Now I know why Isabel left, you are obviously the last person to be around in a crisis with.

MICHAEL: We were told to sit and wait until they come back, alright. That's what I'm doing. I'm not the one freaking out.

MARIA: I'm not freaking out.

MICHAEL: You keep pouring sugar form one container then back again. Quit it it's driving me insane!

MARIA: I just wish you would say something, you know make me feel calm, tell me it's gonna be okay.

MICHAEL: Maybe it's not gonna be okay.

MARIA: Thanks that helps a ton.

MICHAEL: What do you want me to do?!

MARIA: I don't know.

MICHAEL: Shut up then!

MARIA: I hate you!


MARIA: You know, all I ask of you is to try and make me feel better. You know, be a guy or whatever...Forget I'm obviously barking up the wrong tree.


(Maria turns around and puts her hand on her head, Michael walks up behind her and kisses her)

MICHAEL: That was to calm you down.

MARIA: Thank you.

(They walk their seperate ways)


RIVERDOG: Your not one of them?

(Liz looks at Max, Riverdog grabs Liz's arm)

RIVERDOG: Make sure he deserves your trust.

MAX: Liz?

(Max holds out his hand and Liz takes it and they walk off together)
