Skins and Bones

Max: The truth is I'm an alien, a hybrid actually. Mixed with human and alien DNA. Oh and I almost forgot, my sister Isabel and my friend Michael are a little green around the gills too.

Max: Just like you said, just normal teenage stuff.


Isabel: Maybe he's just preparing for the inevitable.
Maria: There taking a vote.


Maria: She looks familiar.
Alex: Yea that's Vannesa Whitaker She's our congresswoman.
Maria: I gotta start reading the newspaper.


Maria: I am not in the market for a 30 something shapeshifter okay, but I got to admit it that man rocks.


Maria: Girlfriend, I know we bonded over the summer and everything, but I am not ready for you to see the bod just yet.


Max: No rock stands a chance against Michael Guerin.
Michael: Our fearless leader.


Michael: What the hell was a geologists doing digging around in the middle of no where.
Max: That's what geologists do.


Michael: Your our leader, why don't you lead us?!


Michael: What the hell?


Michael: Great people skills.


Valenti: Open up! Police!
Michael: Valenti....I figured you'd be here to give me grief about leaving the knife in the desert.
Valenti: Mr. Guerin. Your under arrest. You have a right to an attorney.....


Nesedo: Actually I've been diddling her all summer.
Maria: I hope he's using birth control.


Nesedo: Oh my, a pacifist for a King.


Michael: We're in the dark about to be attacked and all I can think about is what if I'm not strong enough?


Liz: I'm not a dork, okay. I just enjoy science.


Max: So, did you have a good time distracting the corgresswoman?
Nesedo: No comment.


Nesedo: So you and Tess been getting along?
Max: Well I haven't been performing any mating rituals if that's what you mean.


Max: I am not a king and we are not at war.
Nesedo: Your the boss.


Security Guard: I'm a security guard not an imformation booth.


Security Guard: I'll take you.
Isabel: I was hoping you'd say that.


Max: Better close the wholes in your pocket soldier.


Maria: I miss you Michael.
Michael: I know, but don't.


Liz: I...I can't pretend Max.


Nesedo: They're among you now.
Max: Who is, who is among us?
Nesedo: The skins.

