Toy House

MICHAEL: Great, now your Dr. Dolittle.


MARIA: you have something you want?

MICHAEL: I just saw you in here and wanted to say hi...but apparently that was the wrong move, sorry I'll never do it again.

MARIA: Fine, perfect, run away.

MICHAEL: What the hell's going on with you. Alright, I mean...what did I do?

MARIA: Nothing, that's the problem.


MARIA: Michael...we save your ass. You were all flunked out, sweating, running a 112 degree fever and like, dying. I could have walked away and never looked back. But I didn't, I did not walk away. There I was dragging your sweaty, gross body through the Indian reservation, getting my clothes all muddy and...and worrying. 'Cause, you know I...I really thought...I thought you weren't gonna make it. Look, I went out on a limb for you...and you hug Max and Isabel...and it's all about the three of you. I mean...were...were you even gonna thank me?

MICHAEL: Thank you.

MARIA: It's to late pal.


MICHAEL: What is your problem?

MARIA: It's cheating. You can't just wave you hand over a problem and make it go away. Why don't you figure out what's really going on with you. Michael why can't you just peice together an apology like a normal human being? (whispers) Opps, maybe that's the problem.


MICHAEL: So what did you get?

MARIA: I flunked as predicted.

MICHAEL: Well did you get the thing I made you?

MARIA: Yeaah, I got it.

MICHAEL: Well, I worked my ass off on that thing. It was beautifully crafted. It was spring activated to secure the napkins. It redifined the term napkin holder.

MARIA: Yeah, I know it did.

MICHAEL: Well how could he have flunked you, I mean wh...

MARIA: Because I um...I didn't use yours, I kept it. Thank you.


MICHAEL: I got to be a stone wall, and when I'm around you sometimes I don't feel like a stone wall.

MARIA: How do you feel?

MICHAEL: I don't know, like confused.

MARIA: Like human?

MICHAEL: Yeah, and I don't wanna feel that way.
