What's New?

Hey all, sorry for the lack of updates lately. I've been way busy with school and all. I've got lots of stories and a grand opening of a new picture site with neat pics. I also need anybody out there, if you have a site and would like to be an affliate to please contact me. Thanks again all. The big update that you should be expecting should be coming this weekend. :)


I've added the Episode Summary for Skins and Bones as well as the Quotes
My new pictures site should hopefully be up over the weekend. :) So keep a look out for that. That's all for now, hopefully more tonight.


This site is now open once more. It's got a whole new look and I've got a huge update for you. Unfortionately there will no longer be a picture page. I'm in the process however of making a picture site where you will be able to find pictures. :) Now for the updates.
Mary N.'s story Taking a Step Back has been updated and now all the parts to this wonderful story are in. She also has a new story. Exploring Avenues Parts 1 - 13 are there so go check it out.
We have a new author. Jade and her story Tess's Secret Go see this nice and realistic story.
I've added a few stories myself. One is called The Chosen so go see that if you like. It's Prologue to 10 parts. Another story of mine is Didn't turn out as Planned Both of these stories are more or less Alternative Universe, more the first though.
Also two more fics have been added to the Futuristic Series
We now have a Tess Believers Society page for those out there who think Tess will make a great character. So all you Tess fans can go there and submit you thoughts, fics and join the Tess Believer's Society e-group. :)
We also have new Links and we now have pictures for the complete Episode Guide for Season 1. There is also a new page, a Supports and such page so go see that and maybe take a link for your site.

That's all I can think of at the moment, take a little tour around the site it has changed quite a bit I think. Welcome back and have fun.
Added two stories by Syndee. Reflections it's the sequel to Tess to Tess
And the other one is Lost Treasures . That's about all for tonight, enjoy. Neeka :)
Added the sequel to True Test it's called My Angel
Added a new piece to my Futuristic Series

Neeka :)
Added the next to additions to my Futuristic Series
Added a new author DM and her story True Test
Also another new author Calie and her trilogy Tired Outmeal Silent Rumblings
Added a new story from myself The Truth of the Matter

That's all for tonight, enjoy. :)

Added some new Fic Challenges


Added a major Pic update. Go check that out.
Might be up later tonight with some fic. :)


Added a new fic by Syndee Tess to TESS
Added some more pics to the pic section.

That's all tonight.

~Updated the Cast page. Go check it out it looks neat.
~Added pics to all the cast Bios

Happy Independence Day for all those USA peeps who celebrate it.

That's it tonight.

Added more Pictures to each page. Go check that out.
Added the next part to my Futuristic Series
Also added a new page, Challenges Go see!

That's all for tonight, hopefully I'll be up with more pics tomorrow and gals and guys, send in you fic!


Kinda fixed the pages up a little. I started a new Furturistic Series, to involve all the characters and set it after Destiny, so go check that out: Futuristic Series.
I also added a new story by mwah Growing up. It's as hard as they say. A little futuristic POV from Maria's daughter. Hope you enjoy.
Did a little something to the Pictures pages. More should be up within the next couple of days.
Hey! Me and a friend started a great awards site! (Silver Handprint Awards!) :) I would totally love it anybody goes and nominates their favorite fics! Thanks much, here's the link:

That's all I got for now. Enjoy.

~Added the next three parts to Mary N.'s story, Taking a Step Back in the Max & Liz Section
~Added the next part to Bonnie's Courage and Cowardice in the Everybody Section.

Sorry again for lack of updates, just so much to do in so little time. I'll make up for it, I promise.

~Added the final part to Like Father, Like Daughter
~Added some links to the Links Page

That's all I got for now.

~Added the next two parts to Mary N.'s story Taking a Step Back
~Added the next part to Bonnie's Like Father, Like Daughter
~Added Seeking Comfort to UC Section and Failure to the Michael & Maria Section by our new author Mariem
~Also added a couple links to the Links Section

Sorry bout the lack of updates lately. Been busy with Finals and stuff. But here's a pretty big one to make up for it.

~Added the next two parts to Mary N.'s story Taking a Step Back
~Added the next part to Bonnie's Courage and Cowardice
That's about all I added and authors e-mails. If you e-mail wasn't posted, then that means I don't know it and would totally appreciate it you sent it to me, thanks.

~Added the next part to Bonnie's Like Father, Like Daughter
~Added Looking Twice by Kat.

That's all.

~Added one or two pictures to just about every Picture pages.
~Added an award I won.
~Added the next to parts to Mary N.'s Taking a Step Back.
~Added a story by Maxsgirl Key to Michael's Heart.
~Added a story by Lique The Moon Princess.
That's about all for tonight.

I added image links to the Pictures page but the pictures, unfortaionately won't be up until tomorrow. Sorry.

Please, if you have a site go and add it to my list here:


~Added the next couple of parts to Bonnie's Like Father, Like Daughter in the Michael & Maria Section. And I added her next 2 parts to Courage and Cowardice in the Everybody Section.
~Added the next to parts to Mary N.'s story Taking a Step Back in the Max & Liz Section.
~Added a poll to the Main Page
~Added a new Unconventional Fanfiction Section.

That's all for today.

~Added parts 1-8 of Like father, like daughter to Michael & Maria Section
~Added parts 1 and 2 of Courage and Cowardice to the Everybody Section
~Added a couple Dawson Creek links to the Links Section

That's all for today.

~Added Lock the Door to the Michael & Maria Section
~Added Blank Slate to the Everybody Section ~Also added a couple Links
That's it for now, should be up tomorrow with some more stories though.

~Updated the Episodes
~Added My Favorite Mistake to the Michael & Maria
That's about all for now.

~Added a couple links to the Links page.
~Added a little more info to Jason Behr's Bio.
Might be back up later with some more stuff.
Alien Eyes

~Added two new links, should be back up with more later
~Added the next two parts to Mary N's story in the Max & Liz Section
That's it for now.
Alien Eyes

~Added Stranded & Property of Maria DeLuca in the Michael & Maria Section.
~Added Together & Alex's Dream and Isabel's Future in the Isabel & Alex Section.
~Added all three parts of Memories and an Old Tattered Notebook to the Everybody Section.
That's all for tonight, enjoy.

