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Ekaterina Alexandrovna "Katia" Gordeeva is a life hero of mine, as well as skating. Always presenting herself as a lady, she has skated through the good times and bad in life. She allows her passion to feed her and uses it healing power. Artistically, no one holds a candle to Katia. She won 4 World Titles and Two Olympic gold medals with her late husband Sergei Grinkov. Katia currently tours with Target Stars on Ice, and in which she makes a return to pairs skating in a breathtaking routine with Ilia Kulik. Every day, she proves unknowingly to many fans why she is a champion both on and off the ice.

This photo copyright to Andrea "Hoo" Chempinski. Visit her site here

Forever a Fan

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I met Katia Gordeeva, briefly, on March 17, 2000. This day lives forever in my heart.

I met Ilia Kulik as well, and he defines "champion", both on and off the ice. A true gentleman. Thanks Ilia!

Last Updated on 7-14-00

Congratulations to Sergei Grinkov on being awarded the PSA Gustav Lussi Award for the promotion of family in the world of skating. The skating world will never forget him, and will always love him!!!!!!

My Favorite Links

My Tribute to Man's Best Friend
Kind of Magic: Ekaterina Gordeeva Fan Page
Illia Kulik's Official Web Page
A Guide to Mailing Lists and Fan Clubs
My friend's My Little Pony Page
Same friend's Pokémon Page.
Tracy Mark's Beautiful Web Page
Facts about Katia Gordeeva
G & G Fan Club
Photos of Sergei's Garden
Backstage at Stars on Ice
Gordeeva and Grinkov: Eternal on Ice
