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Scott Stewart Bakula was born October 9th, 1954
in St Louis, Missouri. U.S.A

Tiny Tot Scott

Scott as Amahl in Amahl and The Night Visitors (1967)

He attended Kirkwood High School, Missouri and performed
in many of the local school and theater

[The Observer,Ann Raymont's Scott Bakula Biography]

Scott first stepped on stage at age 13
in the title role of Menotti's "Amahl And
The Night Visitors" "It was such a great
piece,it just hooked me"

[The Playful Style of Scott Bakula,
magazine article by Paula Vitaris,1995/96]

From a very early age, Scott was musically
talented and played in rock groups from the
fourth grade on.

[Source:The Observer]

Exposure to musicals came early, with parents who brought back
show music albums as souvenirs from trips to
New York.In the 1970's Scott joined a
rock band. He played keyboards and sang,mixing
in the occasional original composition with the groups
usual diet of pop song covers.

[The Playful Style of Scott Bakula
magazine article by Paula Vitaris,1995/96]

Several quotes by Scott Bakula copied from Ann
Raymont's Scott Bakula Biography published in The Observer,
issues No 7/8 and 9 in 1993, unless
otherwise noted

Scott played the role of Jesus in 1973

A quote from Scott
"As a kid, I loved performing, I had
rock bands from the fourth grade on, I
was in choirs, I was Amahl in Amahl
And The Night Visitors"

Scott attended the University of Kansas to study
pre law and accounting in 1973

For one year before leaving St Louis, Scott
painted houses, worked as a musical director and
held a job with Household Finance. He took
classes at the local Jefferson College at Hilsboro,
composing musicals, acting in and directing community theater
Scott appeared in many musicals in Missouri from
1967 to 1976. One of them being Man
Of La Mancha where he played the role
of Don Quixote at age 20 or 21

"About halfway through my sophomore year in college,
I realised accounting and pre law was not
me. So I went back to what I
"Midway, through the third semester, I decided it
wasn't happening for me and switched my major
to theater"

[NY Post, Martin Burden, 1988]

"I was well beyond the preliminary classes for
stage work. I really wanted to get on
with it and see if there was a
possible career there for me or not"

[The Playful Style of Scott Bakula.
[magazine article by Paula Vitaris, 1995/96]

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