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Welcome to the Polls section.  I will post monthly polls and after the month is over I will post your results on the page.  Please check back every week for new polls and to read everyone's answers to the previous polls.  If you have any ideas pleas let me know at  I will credit you for all of your ideas.


Poll #8

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How do you feel about the future of USA men's Gymnastics, and who will be the key players in the next 4-8 years? Stunning, fast, FREE!    
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Lots of different style answers on the past poll.  Many of you think this is the best national team the USA has had since 1984 and you feel they are going to rock at worlds (you were right).  About the unranked spots- although you would like to see everyone on the National team many put that it is fair to have the unranked spots as gymnasts that are injured and not gymnasts that were at nationals.


I think that the Men's Gymnastics Program will be a great influence in the future. I think that this generation is the best single generation that can dominate in the 2004 Athens Olympics. I think the key players are going to be: The Hamm's, Sean Townsend, Steve McCain (for possibly 2-4 yrs), Henderson, Young, Jamie Natalie (again for 2-4 years).
USA Gymnastics is going to be very successful in both the women's and men's fields for the next 4-8 years because the national teams are all around the same age. Schwikert and Uzelac are both around 16 and the rest of the team is as well. Same with the men, they are all around the prime age for gymnastics and there are enough to field a decent long term team.- Rebecca