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To Attract A Lover

Tools you will need are:

Protection Incense (herbs or oils work fine also)
Red 8" Taper Candle

This is a 3 day spell, and it is best 
to find a work area that you can leave
untouched for three days.
If you must put away your tools, 
try to at least keep your spell 
candle out in the open. This
spell can be used for the type 
of the person you want to attract.

It is never recommended to direct 
a love spell towards a specific individual. 
You may choose a ficticious name for the type 
of person you want to attract to make this spell 

Read over this spell and customize it prior 
to use-the work will go much smoother.

Prepare your work area by setting up any tools 
you may use in addition to your spell candle. Love
or protection incense is recommended 
(herbs or oils can also be used). 
While setting up your
area, Concentrate on the purpose of your 
work. Do not let negative thoughts enter your mind!

Just prior to your work, bathe in 
purification herbs. While you are bathing, 
concentrate again on
the purpose of your spell. Again, do not 
let negative thoughts enter your mind.

After bathing, go to your work area. 
Light some incense and cast your circle. 
Envision a large,
pink ball of light surrounding you 
and your work area.

Hold the candle between the palms of your 
hands and direct all of your energy into the candle.

Place the candle in its candle holder. 
Prior to lighting the candle, say (either aloud, 
or to

“This candle represents the love 
between (your name) and (ficticious 
name of intended lover).”

Light the candle and say (either aloud 
or to yourself):

“As I light this candle, the love between 
my intended lover and me grows strong. 
Our love is such,
that all feels the attraction. 
As this candle burns, it draws us ever near. 
Powerful is the
persuasion! (Intended lovers name)‘s days 
are long and filled with yearning for me. 
lovers name)’s nights are long and filled 
with desire for me. To be as one, together, 
is all that(name) would wish. 
To be as one, forever is (name)’s 
immediate need.For no rest shall she/he
find, until she/he is by my side!”

Sit and meditate and concentrate on your 
intended lover and the desire that person
has for you.
Concentrate on your desire for your lover.

When the candle has burned 1/3 of the way, say

“My lover will come to me” and blow out the candle.

Repeat this for two more nights.

Your desire will come to you.