Em stood in the bathroom staring at her reflection. Not too bad for a woman six months pregnant with twins. Skin's a little pale, eyes a little bloodshot, hair a little flat.... She sighed as she looked into the bedroom to see Anton reclined against the headboard. He never looked better than he did just then; his eyes were closed as he listened to the classical music they played so she could go to sleep. He'd hated it early on, but had come to be just as dependent on it as she was.

His dark hair curled slightly on his tanned forehead and his jaw was shaded slightly darker with stubble. She smiled almost sadly. "One of Hollywood's hottest actors, one of the world’s most sought after singers, and he ended up with this." She thought, turning back to the mirror. She frowned and furrowed her brows at her reflection. "Does he regret marrying me?" He had been such a player before he'd met her. Every one thought she was crazy to get involved with him. "He'll only cheat on you." they'd all said. Was if he did? What if he was? Would he go back to his old ways if she weren’t pretty anymore?

"So are you going to sleep with me, or what?" Anton said, looking at her silhouette. A smile lit up Em's face and she laughed coming out of the bathroom.

"You remember that?" She asked, passing his side of the bed. He grabbed her arm and pulled her over to him.

"Of course I do!" he wrapped his arms around her, causing her to lose her balance and topple over on top of him. She shrieked in surprise and rolled over to her side of the bed. He followed her and nuzzled her neck. "How can I forget the best proposition of my life?"

She pulled a little away from him, a serious look on her face. His smile faded and he got serious too, smoothing her still damp hair.

"I've never told you a lie Emmy, and I'm not going to start now. If you hadn't said that that day I would never have had the guts to ask you out, and…" She interrupted him, a bit shocked.

"Why wouldn't you have asked me out? You never told me you were nervous."

"You saw the kind of girls I'd been with before you." he smiled and blushed slightly. She raised a jealous eyebrow. "They weren't anything compared to you. You were so sweet, and young, and innocent. And they were all..."

"Whores." He laughed at her jealously and kissed her forehead before continuing.

"You could say that. But anyway, I didn't think you'd even give me the time of day if I asked you out, and I liked you too much to have you blow me off and never speak to me again. Not to mention the beating I would have gotten if the guys never got to see you anymore." Em opened her mouth to interrupt again, but Anton brushed his fingers against her lips and she stopped. "But, you said it, and I asked you, and for some reason you fell in love with me, and kissed me when I didn’t get it and I thank God everyday that you did. You are the best part of me Em, I love you more than life itself, and every day you grow more beautiful to me."

Em's eyes had filled with tears and as they spilled out over her cheeks Anton kissed her so tenderly she thought her heart would break.

"How do you do that?" she whispered with eyes closed.

"Do what?" he asked, drying her face with his hands. She could hear the smile in his voice.

"Always say what I need to hear." She opened her eyes and looked at his face. It had changed ever so slightly from the face she had gazed at from the bathroom. Still the dark, handsome features, but now she could see the eyes. Eyes that were so full of love for her that she cursed herself for ever doubting him.

"I say whatever my heart tells me will stop the pain I see in your eyes."

"Is it so obvious?"

"Only because I love you." Em closed her eyes again and snuggled down into the covers. She rested her head under Anton's chin and kissed his neck.

"I love you too." And she sighed, as sleep claimed her.


Em sat in her trailer on the set of her new movie, Take A Look Around. Her costars, Jinni Clark and Anton Gilberti, who was also longtime friend of hers, sat listening to the storm that had halted shooting. They were all complaining about how tired they were and how wonderful a nap sounded. A P.A. wearing a poncho knocked on the door and informed them that the storm had been upgraded to a tropical storm and that they wouldn't be shooting anymore today. Jinni got up hurriedly.

"I'd love to stay kiddies, but if I can get in some time with Little Pete I'm going to. Besides, he's scared of lightning." She smiled as Em awwed.

"Ok, see you tomorrow Jin. Don't get too soaked on your way there." Em chirped happily, glad to have the rest of the day to sleep.

"Bye Jin. Say hey to Little Pete for me." Anton said as Jinni rushed out into the downpour to save her son from both lightning and nanny. Anton turned and looked at Em. She smiled.

"She's so great. I hope I'm as good of a mother as she is."

"You will be." Anton said, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. They had been alone together before, but for some reason he was a little nervous. Something about the way she looked at him, with those big, childlike eyes. He was always fighting the urge to hug her.

"You think?" she said, getting off the small couch she and Jinni had been sitting on. She didn't wait for him to answer. "I'm so tired, I'm takin a nap. You're welcome to stay in here, it's hella better than getting drenched on your way to your trailer."

"Thanks. I could use the sleep." He watched as she moved to the back of the trailer and closed the door to the bedroom. Moments later she reappeared, looking so good he had to remind himself to breathe. She had changed into a pair of boxers and a t-shirt and was brushing out her long hair. The light from the bedroom highlighted her form, making her almost angelic. "So, ya gonna sleep with me, or what?" She asked, putting one hand on her hip.

"What?!" He asked in utter shock. Emmiline Strand, the notorious virgin, was propositioning him. She laughed at the face he made.

"Don't get all excited. It's just that sleeping in a chair hurts, and that couch is way too short for you, so I don't see why you just don't sleep in bed with me. I mean, if you don't trust me...." She trailed off into laughter.

"No, no I trust you. I was just shocked is all." He got up and she turned to go back into the bedroom.

"Yeah yeah yeah, you thought I was gonna jump you." She laughed again as the door shut behind them.


Chapter 3