The lovers now sat in the VIP lounge of the airport waiting for Anton’s flight to New York.

“I wish you were coming.” He said facing her.

“I know Sweetheart,” she replied kissing his hand as it held hers. “But I don’t want to take any chances with the babies.” She laughed as he closed his eyes and smiled a goofy grin at the word “babies”.

“Renee won’t be there either, so Scott and I will be all alone.” She gasped and playfully swiped at his arm.

“You didn’t tell me Scottie was the musical guest!”

“Well he is.”

“Well I know now.”

“And we’re going to be so lonely.” He stuck out his lip.

“In New York?” She laughed and poked at his lip. “Not with your aunts. They’ll take very good care of you both.” He smiled. It was a contented smile that he reserved for thoughts about his family.

“You’re right. But they’ll be sad not to see you.” Now she smiled. They had always been so wonderful to her and accepted her more warmly than her own relatives did.

“I know. You’ll have to give them a big hug from all three of us.” She patted her belly. The goofy smile crossed his lips again, but he sobered quickly.

“Have you talked to Reny lately?”

“No, why? Is everything ok? Did your hear from Scott or something?” She asked worriedly. Renee was her best friend from high school and the other half of the pop duo Spark.

“Yeah, he called when you were at the dentist yesterday. But you know him…. He just said she was a little sick and he felt bad leaving her alone.”

“I’ll give her a call when I get home. I was going to anyway. I miss her.” Anton kissed her forehead as his flight was called. They stood and said the good bye they were both so used to saying.

“Take care of yourself.” Anton said as he bent to kiss her belly.

“I will. Don’t party all night.”

“I won’t. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to come?”

“I want to, but I can’t.”

“I hate leaving you.”

“You worry too much.” They smiled at each other, both remembering “their” first good bye after Take A Look Around.


Anton had just interrupted Em’s packing progress by bursting into her trailer and scaring the crap out of her.

“I’m leaving for Orlando in two hours and I want you to come back with me.”

“But I’ll be in Orlando in a few weeks anyway.” She said after a confused pause, returning to her packing. She wondered why he was acting so strangely.

“But I won’t be there. We’re starting the European tour rehearsals as soon as I get back and then we’re going to be gone for three months.” Em stopped what she was doing. Now she was really confused. What was he getting at?

“Ok….” She said biting her lip and furrowing her brow. He crossed the room and stood in front of her but was reluctant to look her in the face.

“I wanted to spend some time alone with you before we left.”

“Oooohhhhh.” She said laughing. She bent her knees so he had to look at her. She smiled at him. “That’s very sweet of you to offer.” They both straightened.

“It’s alright. I should have known you wouldn’t want to. I’m going too fast, I’m sorry.” He mumbled, turning to leave. She caught him by the shoulders.

“I haven’t said no yet.” She said. Em took a deep breath, summoning courage to tell him what she’d wanted to tell him since the day they’d met. They’d been going out to dinner, although, Jinni and Little Pete had usually joined them. Even Big Pete had come along when he’d had the time off work. But he had always asked her in private; they just seemed to tag along. He must have some feelings for her, and she should have been more blatant with hers towards him, but had wanted it to be just between them. This was the first time they’d been alone together since the storm, and it was also the last day they’d be together for a long time if she didn’t go back with him. She looked in his eyes and reprimanded herself for not letting him know how she felt. She put a hand on his cheek, her own growing quite pink. “I can’t go because it’s been almost a year since I saw my parents and if I don’t visit before our Australian media tour, my mother will rip me a new one.” She paused again, removing her hand. “Just say it Em!” her heart yelled at her head. “But I’d love to see you before you guys go.” Anton missed her meaning.

“Yeah, I’m sure the guys would love to have a chance to say good bye. Although, I think Scott’s got his hands full with the whole Mae/Reny thing. I guess that kind of thing happens when you get involved.” He smiled a hurt smile. Em was frantic to let him know that spending time with him was different now. It wasn’t just hanging out with friends, it was, it was more.

She was visibly upset and Anton figured it was because of what he had said. He blamed himself for thinking that she was even interested in him just because she’d offered to share her bed with him. Of course she had, he realized, the two of them had been friends for years now. She was just being friendly. And all the times she’d gone to dinner were as a friend, not a potential girlfriend. Rightly so too, she was pure class and he was nothing but a male whore. He stepped back from her, feeling very stupid.

Every thought possible ran through Em’s head as her chance of finally telling Anton how she felt slipped further and further away. With a squeak of fear, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. It was only a quick kiss, and a rather weak one at that, but it did the trick. She pulled away. “Oh please God, don’t let this all be some weird mind game. Please let him like me.” She prayed, listening to the silence pound in her ears. She bit her lip and held her breath.

Anton stood still for a moment, shocked, but as happy as he had ever been. The look on her face was priceless, eyes squeezed shut, brow creased with worry, and pink lip blanched white with pressure. He hated to see her so afraid, but he also hated to unfreeze the arms still wrapped around his neck.

“Emmy.” He whispered finally. She slowly opened one eye and peaked at him.

‘What?” she said, finally releasing the breath she had held. He only looked at her; he had never seen her look so fragile. “What?” she asked again, both eyes opened. She began to shiver, her nerves pushed to their farthest. This time he couldn’t resist. He pulled her close to him and enveloped her.

“You don’t have to be afraid anymore.” He whispered in her ear. This was all it took. Em sighed as though the world had been lifted off her shoulder and began to laugh as she squeezed him back with all her strength. He laughed too and pulled away enough to see her face. She looked up at him still giggling.

“Oh, thank God.” She laughed and buried her face in his neck, the awkwardness completely gone between them. “Tell the others that I’m really sorry I won’t get to see them before they leave. But I have a feeling I’ll be busy that week.” He smiled.

“So you’re cutting your visit short?” She laughed again, and put her hands on his face.

“How can I not?” Em stepped back and put out both her hands. “Time with Mom, where I can hear about all her aliments and how she’s one step closer to the grave and how my father doesn’t even care because he’s never home. OOOOOOrrrrrrrrr. Time with you, where I…can….” She paused, blushing. “Time with you.” Then she made a face and seemed to seriously weigh her options, suddenly the hand designated to be time with him dropped. “Ding ding ding, I think we have a winner.” They both laughed.

“What do I win?” He asked. She considered it for a minute, glancing around the room. Her eyes suddenly lit up and she giggled to herself as she reached into her suitcase.

“Hold out your hand, and close your eyes, and you will get a big surprise.” She chanted, doing a little dance of self-satisfaction. He was a little afraid of the smile that was on her face. He’d seen it before when they’d played tricks on their sleeping friends. But he did it anyway. His palm was met by cold plastic. And, opening his eyes, he saw that it was an autographed copy of his own group’s c.d. “Aren’t you lucky?” She asked laughing. “You get your own autographed Unison album! They’re one of the hottest groups in the country!” He just shook his head. This was the Em he was used to.

“I was thinking I could get another kiss.” He said, raising an eyebrow. But Em crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head.

“Nope. That was simply an introductory offer. If you want another you’re going to have to take me out to dinner. Besides, I have to finish packing and you should be on your way to the airport.”

“Alright. I know better than to argue with you.” She smiled. “But at least come walk me to the door.” He held out his hand. She took it, but mumbled,

“Isn’t the man supposed to walk the woman to the door?” He laughed at her. She was such a contradiction to herself. So girly and yet so tough all at once. They got to the door and pulled her close again.

“I’ll see you in two weeks?”

“Yep. Tell the others hello for me.”

“I will. Take care of yourself.”

“I will. Don’t forget about me the first time you go to a club.”

“I won’t. I couldn’t. Are you sure you don’t want to come now?”

“I want to, but I can’t.”

“I hate leaving you. You might find some one else.” He smiled, expecting a crack about how he was the player, not her. But she looked down and whispered;

“There is no one else. Besides,” she continued, looking at him again. “You worry too much.”

“Goodbye Em.”

“Goodbye Anton.” He kissed her forehead and left.


The flight number was called again, this time asking for all first class passengers. The couple kissed and held each other for a long minute. Then Anton gathered his things together and headed off to his gate.

“I’ll call when I get there.”

“I’ll be waiting. I love you.”

“Love you too.”

“Goodbye Anton.”

“Goodbye Em.”

Chapter 4