The house seemed so empty when Anton was gone. Em walked around trying to think of something constructive to do while she waited. She’d checked her email, laughing at the odd pictures and flowery letter that Kit had sent her. She’d made herself lunch and straightened the kitchen. She had sat down to watch some TV but her attention was elsewhere. She’d put on some 80’s music and had danced around until she was dizzy. Then she remembered, she was going to call Renee.


“Hey Baby!”

“Hey! I’m so glad you called!”

“Is everything ok?”

“I don’t really know. Scottie told me he called Anton.”

“Yeah, but Anton said that it was just because you had a little cold or something. What’s up Sweetness?”

“Well, I didn’t want Scott to worry. I mean, I know how much he’s been looking forward to doing SNL, especially with Anton. But, I don’t know….”

“Reny, tell me what’s going on.” Em said firmly, getting very nervous.

“Em do you ever…bleed?”

“You’re bleeding? God Reny, why didn’t you tell Scottie?”

“It’s not a lot. Really, it’s not bad. It just makes me nervous, and I called the doctor and I have an appointment with him tomorrow. He doesn’t think it’s anything to be worried about but, Em, I’m scared.”

“I’m coming. I’ll be there by tonight. I’ll get someone to pick me up, don’t worry about anything, just sit back and relax.”

“Thanks Em.”

“You’re my fake little sister, I love you. It’s my job to take care of you.”

“I love you too.”

“I’ll see you soon Sweetie.”



Em hung up the phone and immediately called the airline. At first they said there were no seats available, but after telling them who she was, they were much more cooperative. They booked her on a flight that was leaving in a few hours. She began to pack, playing Unison’s Greatest Hits as she tried to focus on the matter at hand. When she was almost done packing and was about to call Anton’s hotel to tell him what was going on, the phone rang.


“When does your plane leave?” Anton sighed.


“You heard me Em. When does your plane leave?”

“How did you know I was going anywhere?”

“Because I know you and I know her. You can’t stay apart if the other one is in trouble.” Em smiled.

“I should be going in about five minutes.”

“See? I knew it. What’s wrong with her?”

“She says she’s bleeding a little. I don’t know how bad it is, but I’m taking her to the doctor tomorrow so we’ll see. Don’t tell Scott, she’d kill me if he flew home and missed the performance. And even if it’s nothing, we both know he’d drop everything to see her.”

“I’d do the same for you.”

“I know you would. But there’s nothing wrong with me and there’s probably nothing wrong with Reny either, so the two of you should just stay in New York and when the week’s over you can both come back to Orlando. I’m sure your parents would be happy for the visit.”

“ I’m sure they would too. But are you sure it’s all right for you to fly? I mean, that’s the whole reason you aren’t sitting beside me right now.”

“I’m sure that in this case it’s ok. The doctor just said I shouldn’t be flying all over the country for no reason. My best friend is scared, that’s a damn good reason in my book.”

“Calm down Em. I’m just worried about you, not saying you shouldn’t go. I know Reny’d feel much better with you there. Just relax Baby, don’t make yourself sick worrying.”

“I won’t.” Em took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “Have I told you how much I love you today?”

“Yeah, but you can always say it again.” Anton laughed.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“I should go, I’ll call the hotel when I get to Reny’s.”

“Alright. I’ll call Mom and Dad and tell them what’s going on.”


“Take care of yourself.”

“I will. Don’t let anybody tell Scottie.”

“I won’t. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“And you can’t just have Jacks or Mae look in on her?”

“I could, but it wouldn’t be the same.”

“I just don’t want something to happen to you.”

“You worry too much. Goodbye Anton.”

“Goodbye Em.”

Em sighed, but smiled. She was glad that Anton worried about her, but she was a big girl and she knew what was in her best interest and what wasn’t. Reny needed her. She was going. So she climbed into her car and headed towards the airport that would take her from California to Florida.


There was such a good feeling in the air that day. The people dispersed throughout the large house were all very happy. In the kitchen, Reny and Mae were cooking up a storm while Em cuddled Mae’s four year-old son Cameron and Mandi rocked the baby carrier containing her sleeping daughter Rachel. In the living room, Jacks was reclined Sean’s arms and Andy was sprawled on the floor watching TV. In the backyard, Alex, Anton, and Scott half-heartedly watched the grill while playing tag football with Alex’s sons Paul and Jeff who were five and three respectively.

“Hey everybody, what’s shakin?” a voice boomed through the house. The women in the kitchen all looked up to see a petite woman appear in the doorway and strike a dramatic pose. Jamie came up behind her and put his arms around her, kissing her hair.

“That’s what I love about you Kit, you always make one hell of an entrance.” They all laughed and went to give the couple welcoming hugs. Jamie was making his way out to the backyard when the other men came in, baring steaks and seafood grilled to perfection.

“Reny, Baby I hope you women are ready ‘cause the men are starving.” Scott called as he went into the dining room closely followed by Alex, his sons, Anton, Andy, Jacks, and Sean. Mae appeared in the doorway carrying a huge bowl of salad. She was followed by Renee, who after kissing her husband raised an eyebrow and said;

“Well if the men didn’t insist on playing football in the backyard, maybe they wouldn’t be so hungry.” She put down the pasta she carried and sat down. “Oh. Emmy, can you bring the bread? I forgot it.” She called.

“One step ahead of ya.” Em said setting down the dish of corn on the cob and taking the basket of bread from Cameron. Mandi came in from the other doorway.

“I put Rachel down in your room Renee, is that alright?” she asked.

“Of course. Come sit down before everything’s gone.”

The food was excellent and the company even better. The friends hadn’t seen each other all together since Em and Anton had gotten married, and that had been a little over a year before. All the couples sat together; Renee and Scott seemed to be discussing something private, their heads bowed together; Mandi and Alex sat like bookends, one on either side of their boys; Jaclyn and Sean were lost completely in their own world, feeding each other as if they had just fallen in love, instead of the five years married couple; Em and Anton sat quietly, his hand resting on her leg, preparing to tell the others their wonderful news; Kit and Jamie were making faces at each other as they ate, Kit’s round belly a sign of their true feelings for one another; and Mae and Andy both urging Cameron to eat something, smiling at each other when a mouthful was swallowed. They talked about all the “old times” when Unison and Spark were the top names in music, when Shooting Stars and BlueJay were struggling production companies, and when they had all still lived in Orlando. Time had scattered them like leaves all over the country. Em and Anton to Eureka, California, Mandi and Alex to Los Angels, Kit and Jamie to Clinton, Mississippi, while the others had remained in Florida.

Jamie told them all about the new artist he’d signed, Kit claimed she was a hoochie, Jacks wouldn’t be outdone and said that her newest artist was going to be the next Madonna, Scott, Reny, and Andy all talked about their new solo albums, Alex bragged about how good Paul was at the last peewee football game, how Jeff had learned to write his name, and how Rachel now said “Dada” on a regular basis. Mae countered with stories of Cameron shaping up to be a singer just like his father, and Anton talked about his newest role.

“You’ve been awfully quiet tonight Em.” Sean teased his sister-in-law. Em looked at Reny who smiled broadly.

“She’s pregnant.” Reny announced.

“So is she!” Em laughed, pointing a finger across the table. They all sat for a minute, not talking. Finally Kit broke the silence in true Kit fashion.

“Crimminy, I know you guys are close but holy crap, did you really have to get pregnant together?” They all laughed and started talking again. The similarities between Reny and Em didn’t end just with them both being pregnant. They were both carrying fraternal twins, were just about the same time along, and were planning on naming the girls of the set Colleen.


“Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing at Orlando International Airport in about five minutes. I hope you enjoy your stay here in Florida and that you come back soon. Thank you for flying American Airlines.” The captain’s voice woke Em from her nap. She relieved to be in Orlando already. She had called from the plane to ask Mae to come pick her up from the airport and couldn’t wait to see her. She hoped she had brought Cameron. Em sighed, thinking of all the happy, healthy little babies that had been born into the loving, family like atmosphere of her friends. “God, please don’t let Reny’s babies be any different. She doesn’t deserve to be heartbroken.” Em prayed, looking out the window at the Orlando skyline.

Chapter 5