
Spark and Unison had been on a double headlining tour of the U.S. for almost two months, and everyone’s nerves had worn a little thin. Jacks, Mae, and Kit had taken a long weekend and flown to Detroit for a visit, but no one felt much like visiting. Renee, Emmiline, Alex, and Anton were all laid out on couches in one of the dressing rooms. Every one else was scattered about, somewhere backstage. Em got bored of lying around and was too afraid that if she fell asleep she’d be useless during the show and that wasn’t fair to the fans. She wondered aloud where everybody else was and was answered by two people snoring and Alex’s groans as he sat up too.

“What do ya say old man? You up to go looking for them?” Em teased as she stood and stretched.

“Hey I might be old, but at least I’m not a gimp like you Miss Em.” Alex teased in return, alluding to Em’s bad knees. Em just smiled at him and went over to their compatriots.

“Should we tell ‘em we’re going?” Em said looking at the two sleeping beauties. Alex stood next to her and put his elbow up on her shoulder.

“But they’re such angels when they’re sleeping.” Em had stifle a giggle as he bent down and kissed their foreheads. She followed suit with Reny, but then turned to leave. Alex put his hands on his hips and blocked the doorway. “No love for Anton?”

“I think Anton gets plenty of love without any help from me thanks.”

“Awe, come on Emenemmers. We all really need love.” Em rolled her eyes at him but turned and kissed Anton’s forehead.

“Happy now?” She asked turning to Alex again, her hands folded across her chest. A voice behind her answered.

“Yes.” Em jumped and spun around to see Anton with one eye open. She opened her mouth to say something, but only a squeak passed her lips before Alex pulled her out of the room and closed the door. She batted his arm.

“I hate you.”

“No you don’t. You love me. You love all of us.” Alex said matter-of-factly.

“Ok yeah, but still.” They laughed but stopped short when they heard yelling.

Mae and Scott stood facing each other. Mae had her hands on her hips and Scott’s arms were crossed over his chest. Em knew the face he was giving Mae. His head was cocked to one side and one eyebrow was raised. This was his, “Oh yeah? Tell me about it” face. It drove Mae nutty. She was trying to tell him how she couldn’t just drop everything in her life and fly all over the planet on his whims.

“My job is important to me Scott.”

“My job is important to me too.”

“Exactly! That’s why I don’t see how you can expect me to just come running when you call. You’ve always said that you wanted a woman with a life of her own, but apparently that was all bullshit. Apparently you want some weak little twit whose sole purpose is to follow you around the world ‘a waitin the time when you’re going to want some action. Hell Scott, why don’t you just start doing Sean?” As loud and passionate Mae was, Scott was icy.

“I wouldn’t mind a woman with her own life. Just so long as I can trust her while I’m gone.” Mae slapped him.

“You can’t trust me? Ugh! I’ve seen the way you look at Reny. You probably just started this fight hoping I’d break up with you so you could go out with her. Well, I’m not going to give you the satisfaction. I still love you Scott, and I’m not interested in anybody else. I’m not going to cheat on you and you know it. So if you want to breakup go right on ahead and breakup with me. But I’m not going to do it for you.” Mae stalked away and Scott took off after her. Alex and Em stood stunned for a moment.

“You think he’ll break up with her?” Em asked.

“No. Scott’s got this big thing about not breaking up on tour. I think it messes up his concentration or something.”

“What about the thing she said about Reny?” Alex held up his hands.

“Call me Switzerland, I’m not getting involved.” Em laughed.

“Ok. Well, let’s see where everybody else is.” Alex nodded and they continued on their hunt for their friends.

It wasn’t long before they heard more shouting. This time it was Andy and Sean. They stood underneath the basketball hoop arguing over whether or not Sean had fouled Andy with his “big, Italian butt”. Jacks played ref and was trying to calm them down as best she could. Em and Alex just turned the corner, not really caring about the outcome of that little tiff.

“Sheesh, is everybody fighting today?” Em asked as they headed back to their quieter friends on the couches.

“We aren’t.” He smiled at her. And they linked arms. Alex was always someone Em could go to, to just be friendly. Even in his worst teasing moods, you always knew he was just kidding, and so it didn’t hurt. He was also really good with advice. As they turned a corner there was more shouting. Alex made a face at Em.

“Kit, I can’t take this anymore.” Jamie’s voice rang in the hallway. “You know how I feel about you but you won’t let me closer to you.” The two eavesdroppers peeped around the corner to spy on the couple. Kit stood with her back to them and Jamie was on her right.

“I don’t know what’s going on with me James, I love you. I do.” Jamie took hold of Kit’s tiny shoulders and turned her to face him.

“Then why don’t you trust me? I would never hurt you Kit. Never.” Kit looked up at him and into his eyes. She began to cry and answered barely above a whisper.

“I know. And I do trust you. I’m just afraid that something will happen to destroy us.” Jamie pulled Kit into a tight hug, kissing her hair and rubbing her back. She rested her head on his chest. He smoothed back her hair and put his cheek on her head.

“I won’t ever hurt you Baby girl. And I swear I’ll never let anyone else hurt you either.” He said, his lips brushing her forehead as he spoke. He pulled away, and as she wiped her eyes he knelt in front of her. Kit looked confused, but then he pulled out a small velvet box. Jamie took her hands. “Kit, I can’t imagine my life without your energy and your love. I want to spend the rest of my life at your side. Will you marry me?” Kit began to cry all over again, but now they were tears of happiness.

“Of course I’ll marry you.” She whispered as Jamie jumped up and pulled her close. Alex and Em snuck away smiling at each other. It was about time those two got serious.


Em tossed in bed, a smile spread across her face. Kit and Jamie were coming in two days and Alex and Mandi were coming after Mandi finished a commercial shoot. They’d all be together by the end of the week. It was so wonderful how they’d all gotten the love they’d all aspired to. Em closed her eyes again and drifted back to sleep.


Em and Mae had come to pick Jacks up after work so they could all go out together. Jacks was still in a sound booth helping one of The Truth’s artists. The two other girls sat on couches in the lobby. Em was mumbling about being late and got to her feet to pace the room. Mae tried to get her to relax.

“We aren’t going to be late Emmy. Besides, if we are, I’m sure Kit will wait for us.”

“That’s not the point. The point is, she was supposed to be done half an hour ago.”

“You know how important this job is to her. You’re just stressed out because you haven’t slept lately.” Em sighed, she had been kinda bent out of shape lately with finals coming up, and working for the mouse, and her mother wanting her to come home for Christmas. The door to the studio opened and Em smiled.

“You’re right Maebee-baby. I don’t mean to be a pain.” A tall man popped his head around the corner. Em almost died right there. It was Scott from Unison.

“Did I just hear Buddy Holly?” He said smiling. Jacks was close behind him and laughed.

“Scott, stop being a dork for one minute and meet my friends.” He walked the rest of the way into the lobby and stood with his hands behind his back. “Ok, this lovely blonde on my right,” Jacks said pointing Vanna style to Mae, “is the one you heard called Maebee-baby. But please, Mae will suffice.” Mae smiled at him and shook the hand he put out.

“Are you sure I can’t call you Maebee-baby?” He asked. Mae laughed.

“Well only my friends call me that. But if you’re going to be one of the select few I allow to spend time with me, then I guess so.” Scott raised an eyebrow intrigued.

“And…” Jacks said pulling his attention away from Mae. “This is the baby of our little group, Em.” Scott reached out a hand, but Em pushed it to the side.

“Oh honey, I know we’re gonna be friends, just come here and hug me.” Scott looked at Jacks as if asking for help, but she just laughed.

“Go ahead Scottie, she doesn’t bite.” Scott turned back to Em who smiled and completed the Austin Powers line.

“Hard.” She growled but dissolved in giggles and as everyone laughed, Scott hugged her.

“I hear you guys are going to dinner.” Scott said walking back to the booth he and Jacks had come from.

“Yeah,” Jacks said. “I would have already been gone if it wasn’t for you retards.”

“Hey!” A voice called down the hall. “We heard that.”

“Yeah, I’m deeply hurt Jacks.”

“Me too.”

“Me three.” The rest of Unison appeared in the hallway. Mae elbowed Em in the side.

“Not impatient now are we?” She whispered. Em coughed on a giggle and looked at the floor as a blush spread across her face.

“Guys, these are my new friends Mae and Em.” Scott said as everyone shook hands. He glared at Em. “What? No hugs?” He teased. Em made a face and bit her lip. Scott still stared at her and the others began to as well. She got all flustered and finally just blurted out,

“Ok, one I can deal with. But all five? I’m havin a little trouble.” They all laughed at her and Jamie put an arm around her.

“It’s ok. Just don’t cry or throw up or anything.” Now she laughed too and the new friends headed out the door to go to the restaurant where Kit waited for them.


Chapter 9