Reny, Em, Jamie, Kit and little Fate had all returned to Reny’s house that night. Kit put Fate to bed and then joined the other adults in the living room as they watched old videos that Sean made of the groups on tour.

“Ah, the ‘Joined at the Hip’ Tour.” Kit giggled as she entered the room and sat on Jamie’s lap.

“Yeah, Samson thought he was just sooooooo funny with that one.” Jamie replied almost bitterly.

“You have to admit though James, it was a lot cuter than ‘Unison and Spark 2003’. And we did end up adopting it ourselves.” Reny reminded him.


“And,” Em spoke up. “He felt really bad about it when all the stuff with Re happened.”

“Yeah.” “Yeah?” Kit teased, kissing his nose. “Is that all you have to say, is yeah?” Jamie kissed her forehead.


“Ugh. Can you two get a room or something? Ick.” Em said, throwing a pillow at them.

“Oh yeah, like you never kiss your husband?” Kit asked.

“Not in public I don’t. We keep it behind closed doors thanks.”

Jamie threw the pillow back at Em but managed to hit Renee.

“Good one Jamie, I see you still throw like a girl.”

“What is this? Pick on the Mississippians night? Sheesh, if we have to take this abuse we’re going to bed.” Em rolled her eyes as Jamie spoke and pretended to try and stand.

“Whatever Jamie. If ya’ll go to bed I can guarantee that it won’t be because you’re getting abused.”

“Oh God, Em!” Reny yelled. “That is so gross.” She turned quickly to Kit and Jamie. “Please tell me you wouldn’t do that on my sheets?” They all laughed at her horrified face.

“Never. My mama taught me better manners than that.”

“You’re mom told you not to have sex at your friend’s houses? That’s disgusting.” Em replied. Kit growled and then pounced on Em.

“That’s my dear, sweet, mother-in-law you’re talking about Emmiline and I don’t much appreciate it.” She began to tickle Em.

“Arg, Reny, help me.” Em managed to gasp between loud giggles.

“Not on your life dude. You asked for it.” Reny said laughing.

“Oh, now, that’s not very nice Re.” Jamie said in a rather menacing voice. “Do you know what happens to people who don’t help their friends?”

“Get away from me Jamie, or I swear to high holy hell, you’ll never be able to have another child.”

Kit paused in her attack on Em.

“I’m sorry, did you just threaten my husband’s manhood?” She asked.

“Yeah she did!” Em whispered. “Go get her Kitty!” Kit looked down at Em and winked.

“I think I will.” And she moved to tickle Reny, but Reny shrieked and ran into her room.

“I’m not coming out until everyone promises not to touch me.” She called through the door. There was silence as the remaining three weighed their options. They could say they wouldn’t, and then do it anyway: they could wait till she got bored, but then she’d just go to bed; or they could try to force their way in. They decided to just let it drop and continue watching the videos.

“Come on out Reny. You’re safe, for now.” Kit said, laughing menacingly at the end. Reny popped her head out of the door.

“Are you sure? I don’t want any surprises now.”

“We promise.” Em said, and held up her pinky. “Pinky swear.”

“Well ok then.” Reny smiled and took her seat.

They watched three of the tapes before they were all pooped and decided to go to bed. Em went to the room that she and Anton always had left open for them and lay on the bed. Watching the tapes made her think about Sean, which made her think about Jacks and their whole stormy relationship, but she focused on the culmination of it.


Everyone was having an amazing time. The banquet hall was decked out with festive decorations and the d.j. had everybody dancing. Shooting Stars was officially launched and this was the celebration in Jacks and Mae’s honor. Unison, Spark, and a few other artists under Mike were there, as well as the artists who had signed on to Shooting Stars. Em was dancing with a solo artist called Dante when she noticed the Unison boys huddled in a corner with Sean. She was about to go be nosey when Jacks got on the mic.

“Hey people, are you guys having fun?” She asked. The crowd whistled and cheered. Jacks smiled as Mae climbed up on the platform beside her.

“Maybe you should screw the management end and be a pop star yourself.” Mae teased.

“Ya never know girl.” Jacks laughed, turning back to the crowd. “Anyway, I just really want to thank everybody for being here tonight. This all means a lot to Maebee and I.” Mae grabbed the mic.

“Yeah, I’d like to thank the Academy, and all the little people.” Jacks jabbed her with her elbow and took the mic back.

“I’d like to thank, and I’m being serious,” she glared at Mae and continued. “First off, I want to thank my parents for coming down here to see what I’ve been wasting all my time doing while I was here. I have to thank mah girls, cuz without you guys, I don’t know where Shooting Stars would be.” Jacks looked at Em and Em did a little dance to lighten up the mood. Jacks giggled and continued. “Most of all though, I want to thank Mike for all the support, all the knowledge, and all the faith you’ve put in us. Thank you so much.” Mike smiled warmly at Jacks and put a fatherly arm around Reny who was standing next to him.

“I just wish you weren’t stealing my babies away from me.” The crowd laughed and Mae took the mic again.

“I’ll just say that there have been a lot of people behind us for this to work out and we love every single one of you. And speaking of love, I think there was something that Sean wanted to say. Come up here man.” The crowd gave some confused murmurs as Sean made his way to the platform. Em turned to see Jamie with a very satisfied grin on his face.

“What’s going on?” She asked. He just shook his head and motioned for her to watch.

Sean took the mic away from Mae and smiled into the crowd.

“As you all know, I’ve grown very close to these girls over the past three years, but I’ve gotten to the point where that level of closeness isn’t enough.” He turned to Jacks and got down on one knee. “Jaclyn, I knew from the day I met you that you were the only woman for me. I love you for all that you are and all that I know you can be. All I ask is that you let me be a part of that. Will you marry me?” Sean pulled out a beautiful diamond ring and waited as Jacks collected herself.

“Yes.” She whispered, her voice barely audible in the large room. A huge smile covered Sean’s face as he put the ring on and stood to embrace her. Everyone cheered for the couple, but Em turned and punched Jamie’s arm.

“Were any of you going to tell me?”

“Ow.” Jamie rubbed his arm. “And it wasn’t my idea to not tell you. Blame Scott.”

“Are you lying to me?”

“No, don’t hurt me, jeeze.” Em narrowed her eyes at Jamie and he gave her a pathetic puppy dog face.

“Aww, don’t do that. You know I can’t resist that.” Jamie grinned.

“Why do you think I did it Sherlock?” He jibed, before darting away so Em couldn’t retaliate. She stood with her hands on her hips trying to look indignant for a while, but got bored and went in search of the future bride and groom. She saw Jacks surrounded by Mae, Kit, Reny, and her sister Rebecca, so Em decided to find Sean first. He stood off to the side glowing with pride, and talking to Anton.

“Hey Doll face.” He said as Em came up to hug him.

“Hey yourself Stud.” She stepped back and pretended to be hurt. “Why was I not in on all this? I’m very upset with you Sean. You too.” She said poking Anton in the ribs.

“Whatever Em, it would help if you stopped smiling before you tell someone you’re upset.” Anton said, poking back. She laughed.

“You have a point there. But anyway, I’m just so happy for you Seanjohn!” She hugged him again. “How’d you pick tonight?” She asked, still holding on to him. He released her a little and pulled back to face her.

“I wanted there to be enough people around that she’d feel bad about saying no.” Em stopped smiling.

“Oh Sean, I hope you don’t mean that. Jacks loves you so much. She’d have said yes even if you guys were all alone.”

“I know. It’s just that sometimes she makes me wonder.”

“Then tell her that. She’d never hurt you intentionally. Just look at her.” They both turned to see Jacks excitedly talking to the other girls. “This is the best night of her life, and it’s because of you Sean. Shooting Stars is one thing, but now she has you to share it with.” Sean hugged her tightly.

“Thanks Em. But if you’re right, I should be over there holding her instead of you.” Em laughed.

“Then get that Italian butt over there and give your woman a squeeze!” She said, lightly slapping his shoulder. He saluted her and jogged off. She felt an arm slip around her shoulders.

“You’re not so bad Em.” Anton said.

“Yeah, I know. Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not always the bitch you’ve come to know and love.” She teased. Anton sighed.

“I guess I’ll learn to live with that. Would you like to dance Sweet Em?”

“Love to, For Once Not Hitting on Everything With Boobs Anton.” Anton shook his head as Em laughed and pulled him on the dance floor.


Em giggled a little to herself as she stared at the dark ceiling of Reny’s guestroom. Jacks really made Sean earn her love. “Must be something about the Gilberti men, you just have to make them beg a little.” She giggled and rolled on her side and rubbed the sheets on what would be Anton’s side of the bed. She sighed.

“But you’re the one that ends up never wanting to leave.” The phone rang and she grabbed for it. “Hi.”

“You sound sad Baby, what’s wrong?”

“I just miss you.”

“I miss you too. But hey, just think, in only a few short days you’ll have your man back.” Em giggled.

“I can’t ever be sad around you can I?”

“Nope. Even though you’re beautiful when you’re sad, I don’t like to think about you hurting.”

“I want to know what I ever did to deserve you.”

“I know, what crappy luck right? Forever stuck with me.” She laughed.

“You know what I meant.”

“Yeah. And the same goes for you Emmy. You made me the kind of man I always wanted to be but was to weak to be on my own.”

“God Anton, I’m gonna cry now.”

“Aww, don’t cry. You’ll short out the phone.” She had to giggle at that.

“I love you.”

“I love you too. Take care of yourself.”

“I will. Don’t pull any pranks on Scottie for the show.” Anton laughed.

“I won’t. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Wanna have some phone sex?”

“Ew. Gross Anton. No. Where did that come from?” He giggled.

“I don’t know. I think its Aunt Rosales’s pie, I swear she laces it with crack or something.”

“Ask Scottie, he’ll know.” They both laughed at that.

“So, what are you wearing?”

“Anton! I am shocked an appalled. Stop it right now.” He laughed.

“Ok, ok. I’m going to sleep now.”


“I love you. Tell everybody hi for me and make sure they watch the show.”

“I will. They’re all coming over here in fact. We’re havin a big party.”

“Aww, without me?”

“Well, yes Sweetheart. It would be kind of hard for us to have a party about you hosting a live show if you were with us.”

“Oh yeah.”

“Ok, you are so giving me Aunt Rosales’s recipe because I want to know what she’s feeding you to make you like this.”

“I’ll get it from her tomorrow.”

“Alright. I love you, get some sleep, I’ll see you Sunday.”

“Goodnight Emmy.”

“Goodnight Anton.” She clicked the cell phone off and made a face in the dark. “You’re daddy’s a big dork Babies. But hot dang, do I love him.” She giggled again. This time it was because she’d censored herself because she was talking to the babies. “Yeah, Mommy’s a dork too.”


Em screamed and hurled her cell phone across the room and watched as it broke into three hunks. She saw the connecting door to Anton’s room open before she crumpled to the floor and buried her face in her hands.

“Holy shit Em, are you ok?” Anton asked almost afraid to come in the room.

“I can’t take it anymore. I just can’t take it.” Em mumbled into her hands. Anton watched as her shoulders began to shake and he thought she was crying.

“What happened?” He asked, stepping closer to her. She looked up at him with fire in her eyes.

“I…hate…my family.” He knelt next to her.

“What happened?”

“My mother just spent a half and hour telling me that I should come home more, that I should call more, that I should maybe thank them for what they’ve given me my whole life. I can’t take it anymore Anton. I thought I got away from them. I thought that if I bought them a new house and new cars that they’d finally leave me alone. That my debt to them would be paid and I could stop feeling like shit. But every time I think I’m away, every time I think I’m clear, they pull me back. Em, your mother’s suicidal again, Em, your father isn’t taking care of his diabetes, Em, your grandmother wants you to visit her, Em, we don’t have enough money to come see you why don’t you just fly home, Em, you should really wear a Wonderbra in your videos the boys don’t like flat chested girls, Em….” She finally broke down and tears poured out of her eyes. “Why can’t they just leave me alone? Why won’t they let me be happy?” She looked helplessly into Anton’s eyes and he pulled her onto his lap.

“Why didn’t you ever tell us things were so bad?” He asked.

“Because…because they could be worse. I mean, I was never abused or anything. My parents never drank or did drugs, they tried the best they could to raise me. But they won’t let me go. They won’t let me be who I really am, I have to be what they want me to be or I can’t be anything at all.”

“Things sound pretty bad to me Em. Why didn’t you ever tell us, we’re here for you, you know.”

“I know.”

“You don’t always have to be the strong one.” At that Em wept even harder. It was all Anton could do to hold on to her as her body was wracked with sobs. She had buried her face in his neck and he could feel each hot tear as it rolled down her cheek. “Shhh.” He tried to soothe her. He’d never seen Em like this before. “I wish you’d let us in Em. It’s not a weakness to need people.” She continued to cry.

The door to Anton’s room opened and Sean’s voice called out.

“Hey Little Bro, are you ready to party?” Sean came into view and saw Em balled up in Anton’s lap as he sat, leaning against her bed.

“I’m not going tonight Sean.” He answered. Em quickly scrambled up.

“Oh yes you are.” She pulled him to his feet. “I’m going to sleep.” She glanced at Sean and saw the shock and concern in his eyes. “I’m just overtired. P.M.S. and all.” She laughed shallowly. “Ya’ll have a good time.” And she rushed into the bathroom and closed the door.

A few minutes later she heard the men’s voices fade and a door close. She sighed and tried to clam herself, only managing to start crying all over again. She splashed cold water on her face and for a second wondered if she had any pills strong enough to kill herself with. But instead, she pushed the door open again and walked back into her room. She froze when she saw Anton sitting on her bed.

“Why didn’t you go out?”

“And leave you like this? I don’t think so. You’re going to have to try a lot harder to get rid of me.” She nodded.

“Fine, get out.”

“Not till you tell me what’s going on in that head of yours.”

“You don’t want to know.”

“Yes I do. Now come here.” Em tried to resist him with everything she had. But she was so drained that she was willing to do anything any one told her just then. She sat next to him on the bed and he wrapped a strong arm around her shoulders. “Who hurt you Em, who hurt you so bad that you’re afraid of everyone?” Em turned her head and buried her face in his chest, pulling him close to her with her arm.

“I always tried so hard to be what everyone wanted me to be, but I never was. I just can’t do it. I’m not the child my parents wanted, I’m not the kind of girl that men want, I’m not the kind of student that teachers brag about, I’m not as smart, or as nice, or as talented as anyone thinks. I’m nothing, and I’m so tired of pretending to be what I can’t be.”

“Emmy, Jesus, listen to yourself.” He pulled her face up to look at him. “Listen to me. None of that matters. You are the best daughter I’ve ever seen, you love your parents and you always worry about them so much that you can’t even sleep. You’re a beautiful girl with thousands of male fans that call TRL just to tell them they think you’re hot. You’re one of the most intelligent people I’ve ever met. You’re so sweet and caring, even when you tease people you do it with love. And you’re a great performer. You’re all the things that people think you are, you just don’t see it in yourself.”

“But if I’m all those great things, then why am I not happy? All I want is to be happy.”

“You will be happy Em. I promise you that.” He laid her head back on his chest and shimmied down into the pillows so that they were almost lying down. “Everything will be alright.”

“Please don’t say that.” Em said, finally giving in to the exhaustion of her raging emotions and the tour they were on.

“Why shouldn’t I say it? It’s the truth.” He tightened his hold on her. “Don’t you believe me?”

“I believe you Anton. That’s the whole problem.” She managed to mumble as she drifted off to one of the most peaceful night’s sleep she’d ever gotten.


Chapter 15