It turned out that the friends went bowling. They had decided that it would be something fun that they could all do and that if they went early in the day they’d avoid a lot of people. They got two lanes and split up into teams, Reny and Andy being team captains.




“Hey! You can’t pick my son.” Andy said, putting his hands on his hips as Cameron happily skipped over to hug his “aunts”.

“Sure I can. You could pick my son, but you’ll be here for a few months.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“No problem whatsoever.” Reny said smiling and smacking him on the rump.

“Anyway,” he glared at her with a half smile on his lips. “Em.”



“And I want Paul and Jeff.”


“I have my reasons. You got a problem with that?”

“No, no problem. I just don’t think it’s fair that it’s going to be us men against you poor women and children, that’s all.” Andy said and slung an arm around Em who was always pleased to be considered ‘one of the guys’.

“Well, don’t you worry your pretty little afro-puff head Baby A, cuz we’re gonna kick your butts.” Reny countered as she stepped closer to Andy. They stood there for a minute as the others waited patiently for them to stop growling at each other. Andy was the first to laugh because Em slowly snuck her pinky up to his face and planted it in his nostril.

“Are the two of you quite finished now?” She asked laughing, as Andy jumped away from her, scampering around the lane batting at his nose and mumbling to himself.

“Ye…ah.” Reny answered as she gave odd looks to both Em and Andy.

“Cool!” Em chirped. She took her seat and the game began. Of course, as it always did, a scandal arose when the ‘women and children’s’ team started to bowl.

“Bumpers?!” Andy yelled. “You have GOT to be kidding.”

“What?” Kit asked innocently. “You expect these poor kids to bowl without them? They’d be in the gutter more than Em’s mind.”

“Hey, I resemble that remark!” Em called over to her as she blushed. Alex laughed at her and patted her head as Kit and Andy continued to argue.

“Some father you are.” Kit continued. She picked Cameron up to face his father. “How can you break his ego before he even gets one, huh?”

“Maybe that’s a good thing. He won’t end up like his father.” Alex laughed.

“Hey man, who’s side are you on?”

“Oh, yeah, sorry.”

“Ok, ok, the kids can use the bumpers.” Andy said, taking Cam from Kit. “But it’s not even his turn, it’s Reny’s.”

“What do you think I’m doin here, smuggling basketballs?” Reny said, letting her belly protrude. “I know you didn’t go to high school Andy, but really, I think you should know where babies come from by now.” The others laughed and Andy sighed in frustration.

“Fine, whatever. I seem to be the only one who cares about winning, so never mind. Use the bumpers, see if I care.”

“Thank you Daddy.” Cameron said, slipping his arms around Andy’s neck. Andy smiled, remembering that this was just a game and it was supposed to be fun. It wasn’t about winning, although if they lost, Reny’d never let him hear the end of it.

“So are we bowlin or are we standin?” Jamie asked, one hand on his hip, the other with a ball. The others looked at each other for a moment and then picked up all their things and started to walk away. “Oh ha ha. Yeah, that’s real funny guys. You’re funny bunnies.” Jamie quoted Spark’s bus driver, Dave. At that Em and Reny began to laugh and the rest of the friends settled back down and started the game.

“Funny bunnies.” Em giggled.

“NO MORE BOP BOP!” Reny replied.

“Simmer down back there.” They started laughing again, but the tone of it had changed. They were thinking about a day that tested their entire friendship.


As soon as the lights went down, Reny and Em raced to their bus and climbed aboard. They were met with three smiling faces.

“Hey guys!” Em said happily, slumping down next to Andy on the couch. “To what do we owe the honor of your presence this evening?”

“Alex and Jamie are working tonight and we didn’t feel like being quiet so they could conduct business over the phone.” Scott said glancing over at Reny who had just slammed her fist into the countertop of the kitchen.

“Besides,” Andy said nuzzling Em’s arm. “We love you guys.” Em giggled but Reny let out an exasperated growl and stormed to the back of the bus. Andy, Anton, and Scott all gave Em questioning looks.

“Just forget about it Re.” Em called.

“I can’t Emmiline. I’m not like you.” Em decided to ignore the barb and turned to the guys.

“She keeps missing one of the lyrics in ‘You’re The Reason’.” She explained.

“But she wrote that song.” Scott said confused.

“EXACTLY!” Reny yelled from the back.

“Don’t freak out about it Reny. Just come back up here with us and have some fun.”

“Not until I remember my own damn song. Ugh! I can’t believe… It’s called dedication Em.”

“HEY! Simmer down back there. No yelling unless somebody’s bleedin!” Dave yelled at Em.

“I know that Reny. ” Em said, making her way towards the back in hopes of claming her friend down. “But sometimes you go to far Babe. Sometimes you’re a little too intense. That’s why everybody thinks you’re a bitch.” Em laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

“I’m the bitch? Ha!” Reny laughed a shallow laugh and raised an eyebrow.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. I’m so fucking tired of you Em. You get away with everything.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“You! GOD you make me so mad! You just go around treating people however you want and they friggin ADORE you! I say one thing and I’m the bitch. Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?”

“Have you ever considered that people like me because I actually show a little emotion every now and again?”

“And what does that mean?”

“It means that maybe if you let people know you have feelings for them that they’d understand that you’re joking when you talk shit. Hell Reny, sometimes I don’t even know if you like me and I’m your Goddamn best friend! And don’t even get me started with you and guys.”

“Oh no, please, start about me and guys. I’d like to hear your opinion. Because as I see it, I don’t think you have much to say about it.”

“Oh I don’t? Cuz see, I think that after six years of watching you end every relationship you’ve been in because you’re in love with someone COMPLETELY unattainable, gives me a little insight into it.”

“At least I’ve HAD relationships. All you ever do is get confused and run away, or, the ever so much more fun option, play with a guy’s affections just because you can. And THEN, when you finally find a guy that you are attracted to and still doesn’t,” Reny changed to a mocking tone, “strain your little head, you treat him like shit. And don’t bother thinking that you’re stupid tactics are working Em, this isn’t elementary school, we all know you’re in love with him.” Em froze; trying desperately not to look over her shoulder to where she knew Anton was sitting and could hear every word.

“You know what? Forget what I said about you just joking with people, you ARE a bitch Reny. Everyone is right.”

“I may be a bitch, but at least I’m good at what I do.” The girls both heard the whispered “Ouch” come from one of the guys.

“You’re right Reny. You’re right and I’m wrong. And not only am I wrong, but I’m a stupid, heartless, bitch. How’s that? Did I get it right?”

“Oh don’t you DARE agree with me just to piss me off more.”

“There’s not much point in arguing is there? It’s not like I’ll win. You ever think about that? All those times people just caved on you? It wasn’t because you were right, it’s because you’re too damn bullheaded to EVER admit that you’re wrong.”

“Listen, the last time I checked, determination was a quality, not a flaw. And if I remember correctly, it’s what got us here in the first place. It sure as hell wasn’t you!”

“So I guess you were the one who met Mike and got to know all the people in the business? Oh, no wait, you were still in high school.”

“I’m done talking to you Em. Go away. I don’t want to see you till sound check tomorrow. And even then, don’t try talking to me.” Reny then slammed the door to the back room and cranked up the radio. Em stood still for a moment, trying to decide if she could face the three men who’d heard all of her and Renee’s most private thoughts. She glanced over and saw them staring.

“WHAT?” Was all she could yell before cocooning herself in her bunk.


“Em, you’re up.” Jamie’s voice called. Em and Reny shared a knowing look and squeezed each other’s hands. It was their way of telling each other that, even though they didn’t forget the hurt they’d caused, it was all forgiven. It always would be.

Chapter 17