After a brilliant victory for the “Women and Children’s” team, the friends headed back to Renee’s house. They were just in time to see a UPS van pull up. The driver was a young woman, probably only a year or two younger than Reny, and she moved quickly to the front door without noticing the cars that began to pull into the driveway. The friends got out and started walking to the door.

“Can I help you?” Reny asked the woman.

“Uh, yes, I’ve got a package for Renee Su…” The woman struggled to pronounce the last name. Reny giggled.

“That’s me. Do you need my i.d. or anything?” The woman looked up at Reny then, ready to tell her that wasn’t necessary, but her mouth didn’t form any words as she stared at the group in front of her. The friends giggled a little, still flattered that some one recognized them.

“Oh my gosh,” The woman finally stammered. “You’re, you’re…”

“I’m Renee.” Reny volunteered smiling.

“I’m Em.”

“And we’re Spark.” They said in the pattern they were so accustomed to.

“And I’m Jamie.”

“I’m Alex.”

“I’m Andy.”

“And we’re…. Well, we’re part of Unison.” The woman pointed to Mandi.

“And you’re a model right?”

“Yep.” Mandi said quietly.

“Wow, it’s so great to meet all of you. I was a big fan. I’m still a big fan actually. I’ve got your albums.” She motioned to Reny and Andy. “And I love your movies. Hey, are Anton and Scott here?” She began to breathe a little more quickly. The friends glanced quickly at each other… they knew when hysteria was eminent. Reny tossed the keys to the house to Kit who herded the children into the house with Mandi’s help.

“Is there anything you’d like us to sign Sweetheart?” Reny asked, patting the woman on the shoulder.

“Um, yeah, uh, well I need you to sign this….” She gave the receipt to Reny. “And can you wait a sec while I get some paper out of the truck?”

“Sure Honey, take your time.” Andy answered smoothly. The woman tried to walk calmly to the truck, but they could all tell she was just doing her best to suppress a skip. They all decided it would be faster if they just followed her.

“Here you go. My name’s Sarah.” She said handing the pen to Reny.

“When isn’t their name Sarah?” Alex whispered to Jamie, who suppressed a giggle and whispered back,

“When it’s Jennifer.” Reny shot them both a hard look as Andy signed his name and passed the pen and paper to Em. Alex shrugged apologetically, but he knew very well that Sarah was too involved in reading what each of them wrote to have been listening. He and Jamie both signed and after hugging Sarah, they all went into the house.

“So what did you get Re?” Kit asked from the kitchen where she sat with Mandi.

“I don’t know.” Reny leaned against the counter and ripped open the package. “It doesn’t even have a return address.”

“Let’s hope it’s not some crazed stalker.” Andy grinned wickedly. Em elbowed him in the ribs. “I’m just kidding.” He said rubbing his side and jutting out a bottom lip.

“It’s from Scottie!” Reny cried happily, pulling a tape and a letter from the large envelope. “He, aww, he recorded a song for the babies to listen to. He’s thinking about putting it on his next album, but he wants to know what I think first.”

The group gave a collective “Aww.” And knew that whatever plans they’d had for the afternoon were going to be minus Renee. She’d want to have a full critique ready for Scott when he called that night. She glanced up at her friends, but they all smiled, giving her permission to stay home.

So Reny went into the small studio at the back of the house; Mandi and Alex decided to take their brood to visit their Grandma; Kit and Jamie wanted to visit some old friends of theirs; and Andy was taking Cameron to have lunch with Mae. Em decided to join him.

“I can’t believe we still have that effect on fans.” Em said as they pulled out of Reny’s driveway.

“Well, I don’t know about you… but I’ve always had that effect on people.” Andy smirked.

“Oh, that’s right, I forgot. You popped out of your mother oozing charm.”

“I don’t think that was charm.” Andy made a face. Em laughed and shook her head. He could always crack her up. “Hey,” he said, changing the subject. “Are you and Anton going to come to Memphis for New Years?”

“I don’t see why not. What’s going on?”

“I thought we could all get together and go skiing in the mountains or something. I mean, I know you and Re will have the babies by then, but, I really want us all to be together.”

“Aww.” Em put her head on Andy’s shoulder and rubbed his arm. “That’s real sweet A, and of course Anton and I will come. I’m sure the other will too. Jacks is going to be the only hard sell, but I’ll work on her too.”

“Thanks Emmy. I miss you guys a lot. It’s hard goin on the road alone.”

“DO I GET TO COME TOO DADDY?” Cameron asked from the backseat. Andy smiled his lopsided grin that Em noticed was mirrored in Cam’s face.

“Of course you do Buddy. And we’ll take you skiing too!”


“Yep, Cammers.” Em said. “There’s lots of snow in skiing.”

“CAN I MAKE SNOWBALLS?” Cameron asked excitedly.

“Yup. I’m sure Uncle Scott and Aunty Re can teach you how.” Andy said laughing and looking pointedly at Em. She laughed too.


“Ok, who was the genius that booked us for a show in Maine, in February?” Alex grumbled as they looked out the window of the Unison bus at the completely white scenery. Jacks slapped the back of his head as she came up from the back.

“Who were the geniuses that kept complaining to Mike about how they didn’t want their opening act to show them up at a charity event?”

“Is that why ya’ll decided to come to this? Out of vanity?” Em asked from her seat at the table across from him. Alex made a face.

“She wasn’t supposed to say anything.” He glared at Jacks as she got two sodas from the fridge.

“Oopsie. Must have slipped my mind.” She turned to go back to play video games with Andy. “Whiner.”

“Now you die Jackass!” Alex cried as he ran towards her. Jacks shrieked and slammed the door to the back section with a loud bang. “Nuts!” Alex said, snapping his fingers. “Foiled again.” Em laughed at him.

“GIN!” Scott yelled, slamming his cards down on the table.

“You reject,” Reny said laughing at him. “We’re playing poker.”

“Oh, then… I FOLD!” Scott raised his arm triumphantly in the air. Em playfully leaned into him and he put an arm around her.

“Watch yourself there Scottie. Just because my back is turned doesn’t mean you can move in on my friend.” Mae teased from her seat on the couch.

“Uh oh Emmy, she’s caught us.” Scott whispered into Em’s ear.

“What are we gonna do?” Em whispered back, adopting his tone of mock concern, but not looking up from her cards.

“This.” Scott replied. He blew a raspberry on Em cheek, she shrieked and dropped her cards.

“I WIN!” Alex called throwing down his hand and grabbing the pile of candy in the middle of the table.

“We’re here.” Carl, Unison’s driver, called. Reny used her hip to force Alex out of the seat and after he fell on the floor she climbed over him to tell Andy and Jacks they’d arrived at the venue.

They joined up with Jamie, Kit, Sean, and Lucy (an old friend of the girls), who’d been on Spark’s bus, and went to sound check for the show that night. Everything went smoothly. Jacks had already briefed them on the other acts, Unison and Spark’s placement within the show, and all the million other details that a manager had to worry about. When the groups walked out of the venue a few hours later, it was snowing.

“Ugh. Snow.” Jacks mumbled as she pulled both her coat and Sean closer to her.

“I still think snow is about the coolest thing ever.” Lucy marveled as she walked, an arm linked with Em. Suddenly a big, wet, snowball hit Lucy’s back. She and Em spun around to see Renee look quickly at the sky, but start to giggle.

“Hoo hoo hoo!” She hooted.

“Oh lord.” Jacks laughed. “Ok, you freaks can play for awhile, but we do have to get to the hotel for dinner. Any sane people can join me on the bus.” She began to walk away, but turned quickly around. “If anybody even tries to nail me with a snowball, I an not responsible for any questions from fans about why their favorite singer lost an arm.” Jacks raised an eyebrow at Alex and Andy whose hands had been quickly stuffed behind their backs when she’d turned around. She then climbed the steps of the bus with Sean close behind. With them gone it became all out warfare. Andy and Alex were most concerned with hitting each other, Kit and Jamie had more fun shoving handfuls of snow down each other’s backs, and all the others tried to fend off the volley of snowballs that came from Reny and Scott as they both hopped around sporadically, hooting. Mae slipped on some ice and managed to take Lucy out with her. Anton tripped over them as he ran away from Scott, and Em became the main target for the two hyperest members of the group. They pummeled her with snow, now not even bothering to ball it up. Mae snuck up behind Scott and put a huge handful of snow down his shirt, and Lucy pegged Reny right in the butt with a huge ball, causing Re to retaliate. Em shook herself off, laughing, and glanced up at the bus where Jacks and Sean sat laughing at all of them. She waved to them but was nailed in the head with a snowball.

“Ouch!” She cried and grabbed her head. “Holy crap Re, did ya put a rock…” She turned but it wasn’t Reny that had hit her, although she and Scott were still hooting like owls on crack. But she, Scott, Mae, and Lucy had gotten tangled in with Andy and Alex’s war.

“Sorry Em, you ok?” Anton asked coming towards her.

“Yeah, I’m ok.” She said, her hand still holding the side of her head.

“You sure?” Anton put a hand over hers and placed the other gently on the other side of her face. “Your cheeks are freezing. Is your nose cold?” Em was frozen in that position (not so much from the cold, but from Anton’s more than “friendly” attention). She did the first thing that came to mind…

“Hoo.” She hooted.

“EM!” Lucy screamed before slamming into her. Both girls managed to topple over. Lucy laughed and Em joined in as soon as her shock wore off. Anton helped them up as Jacks called from the bus.

“Alright you crazy kids, it’s time to go.” She was laughing, but as Em caught her eye, she saw concern flash over Jaclyn’s fair face.


Chapter 18