Andy, Em, and Cameron strolled into Shooting Stars Inc. and waved a hello to Janet at the front desk. They made their way to Mae’s office and entered just as she hung up the phone. Cameron ran to her and she scooped him up into a big hug before looking up at Andy with a concerned look on her face.

“That was Mike, Andy. He’s really…”

“Well hey Andy, you’re just in time.” Jacks said as she stepped into the office.

“In time for what?” He said, sitting next to Em on the couch.

“In time for this…” Jacks said, pulling out a tabloid. On the cover was a shot of Andy going into Dockside Dolls, a rather infamous ‘Gentleman’s Club’. “What in the…” Jacks glanced at Cam who was now playing with some of the toys that Mae kept for him in her office. “What were you thinking?”

“What business is it of yours?”

“Mike’s not very happy with you.”

“Is that why he called you Mae?” Andy asked, turning his attention to the blonde behind the desk.


“Hunting me down as usual.” Andy growled.

“That’s his job Andy.” Jacks replied. “Mae’s the easiest, fastest, and most discreet way to find you.”

“Of course, because I can’t ever have any privacy.”

“No Andrew.” Mae said, hurt by his statement. “It’s because as a good mother, I know where the father of my child is. Especially when he’s with my son.”

“Alright fine. But that doesn’t tell me any reason why you’re involved with all this Jacks.”

“Because I called Mike and told him about this.”


“I called Mike. He’s your manager Andy, he’s got to know about things like this.”

“Can somebody tell me when I regressed into adolescence? I thought I was an adult.”

“You are an adult Andy.” Mae said.

“But that doesn’t mean you can go to strip clubs, with photographers everywhere, without even a hint of a disguise.” Jacks added. “And I thought adults weren’t swayed by peer pressure. When are you going to stop letting Shade get you into crap like this?”

“You don’t know I was with Shade.” Andy retorted.

“I don’t?” Jacks raised an eyebrow. “Well, I know it wasn’t Sean, because he gets plenty at home, thank you. And we ALL know it wasn’t Scott, because he’s smart enough to avoid negative publicity.”

“Get off my case Jacks. So I went to a strip club, so what? That doesn’t give you permission to call Mike and rat me out.”

“Andy, try and follow my logic here. You, are a celebrity. You know everything that being a celebrity entails and yet you disregard all the rules you know are only there for your own good. You go out with Shade, you get caught, but still you don’t learn. Mike is your manager. He’s got to know every move you make, positive or negative, so that when his phone starts ringing off the hook with people asking questions about you, he’s got something to tell them. Something that will probably save your butt. He’s a big part of why you’ve lasted in this business so long. He’s covered every scandal you’ve ever been involved with. Or have you forgotten who it was that saved Unison from an international scandal when we found out about Cameron?”

“Don’t bring that into this Jacks. Cameron may not have been planned but he can’t be compared to this mistake.”

“So then you agree that going to a boob bar with Shade was a mistake?”

“Yes.” Andy sighed. “I’m going to call Mike.”

“You can use the phone in 5. Nobody’s recording in there.” Jacks said triumphantly. Andy went out the door and Jacks smiled.

“I don’t know how you manage him so well.” Em said. “I swear, you and Mike are the only people I’ve ever seen put him in his place like that.” Jacks shrugged.

“It’s only because he knows that what he did was stupid and that I’m right.” She turned to leave. “Not to mention the fact that I’d whup that little white behind of his if he pissed me off.” Jacks left and Em and Mae laughed.

“Why were Daddy and Aunt Jacks yelling?” Cameron asked in a small voice. “They were talking about me.”

“Aww, Baby boy.” Mae cuddled him close to her and kissed his head. “Your Daddy did a dumb thing, that’s all. Jacks was yelling at him kind of like how I yell at you sometimes.”

“So they still love each other?”

“Right. Just like I still love you, even when I’m angry.” Cameron smiled up at his mother.


“That’s right Cammers.” Mae laughed, for once glad to have the yelling Cameron return.

Mae was such a good mom. She got tired, like all mothers, and sometimes she yelled. But she was always so loving and tender with Cameron. You could see how much she adored him, just like you could with Andy. It was a shame that the two couldn’t maintain the level of love they’d had for each other.


“Dude, movies are so much easier than touring.” Em said plopping down across from Reny in the hotel’s restaurant.

“But just think, we have the whole day off. Nothing to do but wander around Edinburgh with your man.”

“I hope you mean me Reny.” Anton laughed as he slid into the booth. He kissed Em’s cheek as though he’d been doing it his whole life. Em’s blush, however, gave away the newness of their relationship. Reny giggled.

“You guys are so cute. It’s disgusting.”

“Oh yeah, they’re nothing like us.” Scott said with devilishly raised eyebrow. “Right Baby?”

“Oh shut up.” Renee laughed and gave him a quick peck. “Anyway, what do ya’ll want to do today?”

“What’s everybody else doing?” Anton asked sipping the soda the waitress had just brought him.

“We’re eating lunch.” Jamie’s voice came from the next table where he sat with Kit. “And, then we’re just going to wander. I think the others are all doing the same thing. Wander, sleep, eat dinner, and sleep some more.” They all laughed. It sounded like the perfect day.

“I really doubt that all of us will get that much sleep.” Anton said pointedly at Jamie. Kit threw a roll at Anton.

“You’re just jealous.”

“Naw, I like my present situation. In fact, I’m thinking about keeping it for quite awhile.” He smiled down at Em.

“Good.” She said with a smile.

“Yeah, and it’s about damn time.” Jacks, who was using the European tour for a honeymoon, said sitting down at Jamie and Kit’s table with Sean. The group laughed but stopped abruptly when Mandi rushed into the room. She leaned over and whispered urgently into Jacks’ ear. “Starlet meeting.” Jacks said and stood. Kit, Reny, and Em all followed suit, never questioning her.

They were silent even in the elevator. When Mandi and Jacks lead the others to Mae’s room they got nervous. Jacks knocked and the door swung open to reveal Mae looking desperate.

“My God Jacks, what am I gonna do? I can’t have a baby.” Kit, Em, and Reny shared startled glances as they filled into Mae’s room.

“Are you sure Maebee?” Jacks said soothingly. “You know how unreliable those things can be.” Mae burst into tears and Em and Mandi rushed to her.

“She did five tests.” Mandi said.

“And they all?” Reny asked.

“They were all positive.”

“Wow.” Reny breathed, sitting down on the other bed. Em and Mandi were doing their best to comfort Mae.

“What am I going to do? How can I tell Andy?”

“Are you sure it’s Andy’s?” Kit asked. Jacks shot her a harsh look.

“Of course it’s Andy’s.” But then she looked at Em, unsure about her own statement.

“It is his, isn’t it Maebee?” Em asked.

“Yes. He’s the only one I’ve been with. Jesus, we were so stupid. I… I thought the condom broke… he said it didn’t.” Mae clung desperately to Em. “He said it didn’t!” She let go and became almost limp. “It was the last time we were together.”

Andy and Mae’s romance had been hot and heavy from the get go. There was just a chemical reaction between them. Unfortunately, the flame that had burned so brightly had burned out quickly. While Mae was still technically with Scott their affair was dangerous, when she had broken up with him the relationship had gained respectability, but it wasn’t long until the heat and passion Andy and Mae had shared cooled and turned back into the friendly affection they’d started out with. They’d tried to make it work, but it just didn’t anymore. They’d finally broken it off only a month before.

“How many months did you miss?” Mandi asked Mae.

“Three so far. I’m so STUPID!”

“Hush. It’ll be ok.” Mandi petted Mae’s head.

“We’re all here for you Mae. No matter what happens.” Reny said.

“But how can I tell Andy? This will ruin his career. It’ll… oh my God… it’ll destroy ALL your careers.” Mae’s eyes were wide with fear.

“That’s shit.” Jacks said. She knelt in front of Mae and took hold of her hands. “You haven’t ruined anything Mae. It’s a baby, not a bomb. Nothing’s destroyed, and nothing will be. We’ve dealt with babies before. Ok?” Jacks paused until Mae nodded. “And yeah, the situation was a little different because Alex and Mandi were very much together and were going to get married, but it’s still something we can handle. Now, I’m going to call Mike and let him know what’s going on. You don’t have to decide what you want to do about this baby today, but he should know what’s going on.”

“Ok.” Mae sniffled.

“If you want, I’m sure that one of us can tell Andy. All you have to do is say the word.”

“Re?” Mae looked pleadingly at the girl she’d stolen one man from and given another man to. Reny stood up and hugged Mae.

“I’ll tell him.”

“Thank you.” Mae said. There was more than a ‘thank you’ in her voice. There was a final apology for any hurt she’d caused not just to Reny but to all of them. Mae hadn’t meant for any of this to happen and they understood.

For the rest of the day, the girls took turns looking after Mae. She was badly shaken. They also each went to Andy, who blamed himself just as much, if not more, than Mae did.

“I told her it didn’t break.” Andy said with a hopeless look into Em’s eyes.

“I know A. It’ll be ok.” She rubbed her hand over his shoulders, praying silently that she was right.


“Mike’s pissed, but it’ll be ok.” Andy said, coming back into Mae’s office.

“Good. Maybe this time you’ll learn your lesson?” Em teased.

“Oh no, not you too Emmy. You’re the one I thought I could count on to be on my side.” He said smiling.

“About a,” she whispered “tit bar? I don’t think so A, not this time.”

“You have a point.” Andy said, rubbing his chin. He giggled. “Alright, what do you say I take my two best girls out to lunch. I’ll even bring along another handsome man.”

“How can we resist an offer like that?” Mae laughed. “Come on Cammers, you can be my date.”


“And will you be my date Andy?”

“I don’t know.” Andy made a face as though he were seriously considering something.

“Ok fine. Who needs you anyway.” Em said haughtily and linked arms with Mae as she walked out of the office with Cameron balanced on her other hip. Mae clicked off the lights, leaving Andy frozen in his contemplation stance in the dark. The women got all the way to the lobby before Andy came jogging up behind them, giggling and hugging them both. He grinned at Em.

“I love you guys.”

“WE LOVE YOU TOO DADDY.” Cameron responded.

“Yep, that we do. You’re very hard to resist Kid.” Em laughed and put an arm around Andy. He smiled.

“I know.”

Chapter 19