After lunch Andy dropped Em back at Reny’s house. Em found her friend still in the studio.

“Hey Sugar!” Renee chirped happily. “You should hear this song, it’s absolutely beautiful. I don’t know how he does it.”

“Maybe later Re. I’m not feelin that great.”

“Are you ok?” Reny stood and felt Em’s forehead. “You’re not hot.”

“I’m ok. It’s just a migraine. I think I just spent a little too much time with Cammers.” Both women laughed. “I’m just gonna lay down for awhile.”

“Good call.” Reny said. “I’ll be in here if you need me.”

“Thanks Babe.”

“No problem. Oh, and remember, we’re all having dinner at Lynn’s house tonight, so I’ll come wake you up in time to get ready.”

“Alright. See you in a bit.” Em turned to leave.

“Have a nice nap Sicko.” Reny giggled after her.

“Hey now, I haven’t been sick in a long time.”

“I know. Go sleep.”

“I will.”

So Em went to her room got ready for her nap. “I really haven’t been sick in a long time.” She grumbled to herself. “Re’s full of crap.” Em lay down and got comfy in the cool sheets and soft pillows. In the dark, quiet, stillness of the room she quickly fell asleep.


It wasn’t often that the tour busses rolled during the day, but today they were. Em was sick with a sore throat that had worsened into a horrible cough. The previous night’s show had been flawless from the audience’s point of view, but the guys of Unison noticed the looks between Renee and Emmiline when either one of them questioned Em’s ability to hit the notes. Mike saw it too and decided that instead of traveling to the next venue that night, they’d use up the groups’ day off, so that they could all get two good nights sleep, uninterrupted, in real beds.

So as the busses drove through a very sunny North Dakota, Renee sat up front working on some new material, and Em sat in the back. At a gas station stop Alex and Anton came aboard the Spark bus.

“Hey guys.” Reny said barely glancing up from her keyboard and paper.

“Hey Re. How’s Em?” Alex asked.

“Hacking in the back.” Reny smiled. “You can go back, if you aren’t scared of the germs.”

“I think we can handle it. We’re men, aren’t we?” Alex and Anton puffed out their chests and Reny whacked them with her notebook.

“Go away, I’m trying to write something.” She laughed.

“Alright fine.” Alex huffed, making his way towards the back.

“Yeah, we love you to Reny.” Anton added, following right behind. They both heard a wheezy cough echo behind the door, followed by a faint curse.

“Morning Sunshine.” Alex said as he opened the door, revealing a haggard Em.

“Hey guys.” She croaked. “How come you’re here?” As the two sat down on either side of her, they answered at the same time.

“Because you’re the only one that lets us change the channels as much as we want.”

“Because we love you.” Alex said. Em began to laugh, but choked on a cough. When she finished she slumped against Alex.

“I think I’m dying.”

“You aren’t dying.”

“You don’t know that for sure.”

“Yes I do.”

“Oh? How?”

“Because if you were dying you couldn’t argue with me.” Alex smiled triumphantly and Em groaned and laid her head in his lap. “You are really hot though.” He said, pressing his hand to her forehead.

“Yeah. Mike is having Warren take me to the emergency room when we get to Minneapolis.” Em tucked her legs up and put them on Anton’s lap. He patted her hip before turning his attention back to the TV.

“I think your show’s cancelled too.” Anton said.

“Really? I didn’t know that. Re’s gonna be pissed.”

“No she’s not.” Alex grabbed a pillow and put under Em’s head. “She can hear how sick you are Emmy. She knows you can’t perform like this.” As if in answer, Em began to cough again. “Anton, can you go get Em a glass of juice or something?” Alex asked.

“Sure.” Anton got up and left.

“Thanks Alex. My mother would be proud that somebody’s taking care of me.”

“Yeah, well, you don’t have a house full of little sisters without learning how to take care of them.” Em smiled up at her friend. “Besides, I want to ask your advice about something and I know Anton would just have some wiseass answer for me.”

“What is it?” Em sat up.

“What do you think I should get Mandi for Valentine’s Day?” Alex asked in all seriousness. Em burst out laughing.

“Holy crap Alex, you had me all worried there.” She paused to cough. “Is she flying out to see you?”

“No, see, that’s the problem. She’s got a job the next morning…”

“And we’ve got a show that night. So there’s no way you can see her.”


“Well, why not make her a video tape. Like, virtual romantic evening with Alex. That way, even if you guys can’t be together. You’ll both know that the other one is thinking about you.”

“That’s a pretty good idea.”

“Of course it is. And you can still call her when the show’s over.”

“And I could even have the dinner delivered to her….” Alex trailed off as his mind went through the details.

“Here ya go Emmy.” Anton said as he returned with a glass of orange juice. Em made a face, but took the glass.

“Thanks. You were gone awhile.”

“Did you think I could pass up the chance to annoy Reny when she’s trying to concentrate?” He giggled. Em laughed too but then turned her attention to the dreaded orange juice.

“You better drink it all Young Lady.” Alex warned in a fatherly tone. Em turned to whine about how much she hated orange juice, but Alex shook his head. “Nope, no excuses. Drink it.” Em sighed and looked one more time at the juice before closing her eyes and gulping it down. Then she set the glass on the floor and lay back down. Alex shifted into a more comfortable position and brushed loose strands of Em’s hair back from her forehead. “Get some sleep Emmy.”

“Yeah.” Anton echoed, rubbing her pajama-pant covered legs. “We need you healthy again.” Em smiled and closed her eyes.


“Em? Emenemmers?” Reny’s voice sang in the dark room. “Time to get up Honeybear, you need to get ready to go to Lynn’s.” Em roused a little but wasn’t going to give up her nap so easily. “Come on Emmy. Don’t make me get Jamie in here to do this. You know he’ll only jump on the bed.” Em giggled. “Ah ha! I knew you weren’t asleep anymore.” Renee laughed. Em rolled over and smiled.

“You know me too well.”

“Yeah.” Reny sighed. “It’s a nasty side effect of being your soul mate.” Both women laughed. “You feelin any better?”

“Yep.” Em replied. “I just needed to sleep a bit.”

“Ok then, I’m going to get ready. I expect you to do the same and not fall back asleep on me.”

“What do I look like, a five year old?” Em asked indignantly. Reny paused in the doorway and put her hands on her hips.

“Do you really want me to answer that?”

“Oh shut up.” Em threw a pillow at her but Reny dodged and they both laughed. Em stretched but still giggled a little. Tonight would be fun. They always had a blast at Lynn’s house. Although, when in her presence it was always “Mama Lynn”.

Chapter 20