Reny pulled into Andy’s mother’s driveway and maneuvered around all the other cars. They’d been all set to leave, but Scott had called, so Kit and Jamie left and Em waited for Reny. Now that they were an hour late both the women knew Lynn would have something to say about it. Despite that, they were excited about the evening ahead of them. Just as they reached the door it flew open to reveal a short woman with more curls than any one head could handle.

“Renee Michelle and Emmiline Christine! Where have you been?” She yelled at them as they approached. “I’ve been worried sick!”

“We’re sorry Mama Lynn, but Scottie called.” Reny apologized as Lynn threw her into a huge hug.

“Well, I guess I can accept that.” Lynn held Reny at arms length. “You know I worry about you Renee, you’re the daughter I never had.”

“And what about me?” Em asked. Lynn smiled.

“Emmy, you’re the daughter I never wanted. Now come hug me.” Em did as Lynn asked and the three women went inside the large, comfortable house. “All the other kids are out back. Well, except for the babies, they’re my job tonight.” Lynn smiled such a warm and motherly smile that Em and Reny couldn’t resist hugging her again before heading outside. Reny and Em passed Andy’s stepfather Mark in the kitchen as he readied the barbeque. Mark was a quiet man, but incredibly nice, so the girls made sure to give him big hugs.

“Finally!” Kit’s voice sounded as she opened the sliding glass door, and pulled Em and Reny though. “I’ve got a surprise for you guys.”

“What is it?” Reny asked.

“LULU!” Em screamed as she saw their old friend talking to Mandi by the side of the pool.

“Hey guys!” Lucy laughed as she ran over to them.

“How? When? Weren’t you in Chicago or somewhere?” Em stammered, taking in everything about her rarely seen friend. Lucy laughed as they all walked back to the table where Jacks still sat.

“My company had some time off and I was visiting my parents for the week, and then Kit called and said everybody was coming back here…and, well,” Lucy shrugged “I had to come.”

“And we’re so glad you did!” Kit cried. “We never ever get to see you. Always off doin some musical. Didn’t even come to my wedding. Sheesh!” Kit giggled to show she was joking and the others laughed too.

“Well you know Kitty, it would have been just too painful to see the man of my dreams go off with another woman…I would have had to stand up in the middle of the service and say why the bride and groom couldn’t be married.”

“And then I would have had to kill you.” Kit said with a matter-of-fact nod.

“Exactly.” Lucy said with a grin. “And nobody wants to see blood stains on a wedding dress. That’s not exactly festive.” All the women started to laugh.

“What in the?” Alex said coming up to the table. “I don’t even think I want to know what that was all about.”

“Probably not.” Em replied. She hugged Lucy again before heading to the basketball court to see the others. Em saw Andy totally miss the basket, and yet he didn’t throw the normal tantrum about it.

“Dude, what is your problem today?” Sean asked.

“Nothin man, I’m fine.” Andy shrugged off his friend’s concerned hand.

“I thought you said everything was cool with Mike.” Jacks said, her hands on her hips.

“IT IS! God, can we just play?” Andy snapped. The others shared a look of worry.

“Hey Emmy!” Jacks yelled as Em approached. Em smiled as she saw Andy sigh, he was glad to not be the center of attention for once.

“Hey Jacks, what’s shakin?” Em hugged her friend with hearty abandon.

“Other than my shimmy…nothing girl.” Jacks illustrated by wiggling her shoulders.

“Jaclyn!” Sean said in mock horror. “I’m shocked.” This prompted both Jacks and Em to really shake their shimmies. Sean sighed but smiled. “I can’t win, can I?”

“Nope!” Em cried with the girlish glee she was known for. She gave her brother-in-law a big hug and patted his cheek. “But you love us don’t cha Seanjohn?”

“How could I not?” He answered with a grin. “Anton would kick my ass.”

“Ha!” Em laughed and softly punched Sean’s shoulder. “I don’t need Anton to do it, I could kick your ass myself.”

“Oh yeah? You and who’s army?”

“Ok, before this escalates into you calling each other poopy heads and crying for your mothers…let me just settle it. Sean, honey, Em could totally kill you.” Jacks said, desperately trying to keep a straight face.

“YEAH BABY! HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW?” Em yelled, throwing her fists in the air. Sean just shook his head and chuckled.

“Just don’t make me call you Daddy, ok?” He asked. The friends laughed again but were interrupted by a yell from the deck.

“FOOD…NOW!” Alex’s voice rang out.

“Ye-haw, I’m starved.” Jamie said. He threw an arm around Sean. “Come on ya big loser, let’s eat.”

“Hey now…” Sean said in protest. “I’m not THAT big a loser.” Jacks grabbed Sean’s hand and said laughing:

“Yeah, uh huh. You just keep telling yourself that Sweetie.” Jacks looked back at Em meaningfully as she and Jamie led Sean away from a still silent Andy. Em pretended not to notice the stormy look on his handsome features.

“You comin Kid?” She asked in an easy tone.

“Yeah, I’ll be right there.” As Em turned to go, Andy opened his mouth to speak again but closed it quickly. Em smiled as she continued walking towards the house, she knew he’d come talk to her in his own time.

“I made potato salad just for you Emmy, but if you don’t hurry up they’ll be none left.” Lynn called.

“That’s ok Mama Lynn.” Em called back. “It’s the thought that counts. It just proves that you don’t hate me after all.”

“Oh hush.” Lynn swatted at Em’s backside as she passed. “Don’t ever say something like that Emmiline, you know I love you as if you were…”

“The daughter you never wanted?” Em teased.

“And now we know why.” Reny quipped. “Didn’t your mother teach you it’s rude to interrupt?”

“Mama’s girl.” Em jokingly grumbled as Reny smiled at Lynn who patted her shoulder.

“Enough of that now.” Lynn said. “Give me a hug Daughter-I-Never-Wanted.”

“Ok.” Em giggled.

“Some of us are tryin to eat here.” Alex called. Lynn and Em turned and both replied.

“Oh shut up.” Em went to fill her plate but heard Lynn as she moved to lavish some Southern mother love on Alex.

“You always were a trouble maker.”

“He still is.” Mandi replied dryly, never looking up from her dinner.

“Uh! My own wife, and I thought I married a quiet girl.”

“It’s always the quiet ones.” Jamie said. “That’s why I married Kit.” Lucy snorted with laughter as Kit looked indignantly at Jamie.

“Are you saying that I’m loud?”

“Yes. Especially in bed. Grrrr.”

“Would you guys stop it with the sex stuff? Geez, as if my nightmares weren’t bad enough now I’ve got naked Mississippians running around.” Jacks said with an overdramatic shudder.

“Just be glad that they’re not staying with you Jacks.” Reny said.

“Ew, yeah, you win Re.” Jacks stuck out her tongue and tried to focus on her food. Em shook her head as she settled between Jacks and Lucy.

“Dinner’s really great Mama Lynn.” Lucy spoke up.

“Well of course it is.” Lynn said with her hands on her hips. “After all these years I know what my kids like.” Em smiled, how many times had she sat at this very table?


Em was reveling in the sunlight baking her skin; in the breeze that blew the sent of Mark’s barbeque to her nose; in the sound of her dearest friends around her; in the fact that she was on vacation; and in the fact that this vacation was from her dream job. She sighed happily.

“OH! She dissed you bad G!” Andy’s voice laughed. Em sat up in time to see Reny on the court helping Alex to his feet.

“Sorry Alex.” She giggled.

“Sure ya are. Mmm hmm, I believe that.”

“Oh shut up.” Reny punched his arm and Alex let out a loud yelp.

“Come on man, she didn’t hurt ya. Let’s keep playin.” Andy said anxiously bouncing the basketball.

“Tisk.” Em heard beside her. She turned to look at Jacks, also sunbathing. “She’s got to be more careful with the elderly.”

“I know.” Em said with a disappointed look. “Such disrespect.” The girls locked eyes and began to giggle.

“What did I miss?” Lucy asked, plopping down next to them.

“Nothin important, we were just makin fun of Alex.” Jacks replied as she watched the basketball game in front of them. “Where were you?”

“Well, see, I went in to go to the bathroom, but then I couldn’t leave because Mae and Scott were outside the door.”

“They locked you in the bathroom?” Em asked confused.

“No, they were fighting.”

“When AREN’T they fighting?” Jacks asked, rolling her eyes.

“I don’t see why they even bother staying together. They want different things.” Lucy said almost sadly.

“Who knows? Here comes Scottie.” Em said. She jumped to her feet and scampered over to where Scott now stood. He saw her coming and the look on his face let her know that he was on to her. “Snooooooooot!” She sang.

“Not now Emmy.”

“Aww, come on Snotty. I know you wanna do it.”

“No I don’t. What’s your fascination with that?”

“I don’t know. But come on.…” She whined a little as she nuzzled his shoulder. “Snotty.” She began to prod his sides, trying to find his tickle spot. “Snotty.” She head-butted his arm. “How can you say no to this face?” She looked at him and made the goofy face she knew he always laughed at. It worked, and he chuckled a little.

“If I do it will you leave me alone?”

“Do you want the truth or a lie?”

“A lie.”

“Sure I’ll leave you alone! Not a problem.” She cried happily with a huge, childish grin on her face. Now Scott really laughed.

“Alright then…ready?”

“Yeah, totally.” Em said as she did an excited little dance.

“He’s going to sing the song isn’t he?” Jacks yelled from her towel.

“YES!” Em screamed back. This stopped the basketball game.

“Nuh uh, not with everybody watchin.” Scott said.

“You said you’d do it! Snotty!” Em whined full out now. She tugged on the hem of his shirt and hopped up and down like a little kid. He couldn’t help but laugh at her.

“Alright fine.” He raised his voice. “Is everybody listening? I’m not doing this again.”

“Not today.” Em mumbled.

“Not ever.” Scott said.

“We’ll see.” Em smiled as Scott gave her a warning look. “Just do it!” She cried.

“Ok…. I like big butts and I cannot lie, you otha brothras can’t deny. When girl walks in with an itty-bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get sprung. Wanna pull up tough cuz you notice that butt was stuff...” Scott began to break it down while the others were either laughing or singing along. Em was on the ground convulsing with laughter. Scott sang the whole song and then stood over Em who was panting and holding her stomach from laughing so hard.

“I love you Scottie.” She managed to gasp before launching into another fit of giggles. Scott laughed at her and went off to join the game.

“Good job Emmy. He’s not even upset anymore.” Jacks said helping her to her feet.

“Thank you thank you. No applause is necessary. Besides… God that was funny.” Em began to laugh again and Jacks joined her.

“Hell yes it was.” Jacks went off to find Mae and Em surveyed the court. Lucy was still lying off to the side, and all but Anton were in the game. He was sprawled out on the grass panting and rolling his ankle as if it were hurt. Something came over Em just then and she took off towards him. When she was about four feet away she dove at him, knocking him over. They lay there for a second…Em still laughing, Anton looking very confused.

“Sorry.” She answered his questioning look. “Impulse control problems.” And she walked away just in time to see Lynn come out on the deck and holler for everyone to come inside for lunch.

They all sat down at the big table on the deck and passed the food around. Em was about to dig in when she felt some one plop next to her. It was Reny with an odd look on her face.

“What’s up?” Em asked. Reny was silent as she loaded up her plate. She turned to face Em but didn’t say anything. “Dude, what’s up?” Em asked again.

“Um, Andy just asked me out.”

“Get out.”

“No really.”


“You’re tellin me.”

“You gonna go?”


“Oh, yeah.” Em giggled. “But still…” The girls faced each other.

“Yeah, I know.” Reny confusedly shook her head and returned to her food. Both were silent for a long minute.

“How’d you like the song?” They both burst out laughing.

“I can’t believe you did it.”

“I told ya I was gonna.”

“I know, but…”

“But nothing Hootchie. Em Strand gets things done.”

“Ya wanna go on a date with Andy?”

“No, that’s just weird.” They both laughed again.


“Em, what are you laughing about?” Jamie asked suspiciously.

“Baby Got Back.” She answered smiling. The rest of the table also chuckled. Em got up and went into the kitchen to refill her drink. Lucy followed her.

“Wasn’t that the day Andy and Reny started dating?” Lucy asked opening the fridge.

“Sort of. How weird was that?”

“Very weird. They were just so….”

“Like brother and sister?” Em completed.

“Exactly, I mean, I guess tha….” Lucy stopped her words as Andy entered and heaved a heavy sigh.

“Emmy, can I talk to you?” He asked, looking at the floor.

“Sure Baby.” She said. Andy looked pointedly at Lucy.

“Uh, yeah, so like I was saying…I think I’m goin to get back outside.” Lucy said while Em tried not to laugh at her.

“Em, can you come stay at my place tonight?” Andy asked.

“Yeah, no problem. If you don’t mind swinging by Reny’s so I can get an overnight bag.”

“Sure, whatever. I just want to talk to you.”

“Alright.” Em hugged Andy tightly. Whatever it was that he wanted to say she knew he wouldn’t say now, and so she went back outside.

Chapter 21