After waking up more and goofing off for a while, Andy and Em decided to drop by The Truth to visit Mike. They pulled up to the building and hopped out of the car giggling like kids. Mike had just gotten back from “a check” of his new band’s tour and so they knew that he’d be buried in work and ready for a break. The pair walked easily through the doors and past security who looked questioningly at Andy’s pregnant sidekick.

“Maybe we shouldn’t have moved to Shooting Stars. They all think I’m just your bitch.” She whispered to Andy. He just laughed at her and pushed open Mike’s office door.

“Yes I know I was supposed to call you back yesterday…. One of my artists has a problem controlling himself…. I had a lot of people asking questions Nora…. You know that she’s very important to us…. Yes I realize that she could very well be the next pop princess. Have you forgotten that I’m the one who got her a record deal? …. Yes, no problem…. Thank you very much for understanding the situation…. Good-bye.” Mike hung up the phone and growled at it.

“Another stage mother?” Andy asked as he and Em came forward.

“Yes, and this one is the worst I’ve seen. I wouldn’t have had to talk to her if you knew how to stay away from strip clubs An… Emmy!” Mike said when he finally looked up from the paper he’d been scribbling on. Em smiled and went around the desk. Mike hugged her as tightly as he could. “You’re HUGE girl!” He laughed.

“Gee thanks Mike, make me feel beautiful.” Em teased.

“That’s what you get for not being one of my clients anymore.” He teased back, his dark eyes shining. “But at least you’re keeping that,” he motioned to Andy, who grinned, “out of trouble. So for that I thank you…you gorgeous minx you.” Mike sat back down and Em laughed as she took one of the plush chairs next to Andy. “I saw your last movie.” Mike said.

“And? Are you just gonna leave me hangin?” Em asked.

“You’re a natural Em. What can I say? All that energy that you used to put into being yourself onstage you put into being the character on screen.”

“Wow, thank you Mike.”

“Don’t be that flattered.” Andy said, leaning close to Em. “He told me the same thing.”

“Boy!” Mike yelled as a pen flew just past Andy’s head. Em laughed.

“It’s ok Mike. I know you mean it.” Just then the phone rang.

“Hello, Mike speaking…. Yes Maebee, they’re both here actually…. Sure, hold on.” Mike covered the mouthpiece of the phone. “Andy, can you go in booth 2 and pick up line…seven?”


“Ok, he’s going…. It was great; they’ve got real talent…. Oh really? Tell Jacks I’m up for the challenge…. You there Andy? Ok, I’m going then…. Yeah, see you at Orlando Bands Together Mae.” Mike hung up the phone and was about to say something to Em, but it rang again. He held up a finger. “Hello Mike speaking…. Oh yes! How are you Bob?” Emmy scribbled, “I’ll be back” on a sheet of paper and slid it to Mike who nodded. She left the office to wander around for a while. She wound up in a conference room, with a grin on her face and residual butterflies in her stomach.


“Emmy, will you please calm down?” Jacks asked putting her hand on Em’s knee to stop the incessant bouncing. Em didn’t answer in words, but in a “deer in headlights” sort of look. Jacks laughed. “Calm down. I’ve seen you guys perform a hundred times. This is no different.”

“Not exactly Jacks.” Reny said thinly. “This is our chance, and it could be our only chance.”

“Oh come on Re, what happened to ‘this is our destiny’?” Jacks asked.

“Oh, this is our destiny alright, but that’s only if Em doesn’t pass out.” They both looked at Em as her face paled beneath her tan. “Emmy?” Reny asked.

“I can do this.” Em said.

“Yes you can.” Renee answered.

“I can do this.” Em repeated a little louder. “Jacks, tell me I can do this.” She said turning to face her friend. Jacks smiled.

“You can do this.”

“I can do this.”

“You can do this, and you’re going to have to do it now.” Reny whispered sharply as a secretary came to fetch the girls. Em grabbed for both Reny and Jacks’ hands and held tightly to them until they were right in front of the door.

“If you girls would just wait one more second, I’ll pop in and see if they’re ready.” The secretary said.

“That’s fine.” Reny answered her. She took a deep breath as the door in front of them opened and shut.

“Now, I’ve already told Mike more than he ever wanted to know about you guys, and he’s really excited to be seeing you in person. He’s also a very nice guy and he understands that people get nervous.”

“Thanks Jacks.” Reny said, smiling. The door opened again.

“Ok ladies, they’re ready.” The secretary said smiling. As the door swung wider Reny quipped under her breath;

“But are we?” With that Em laughed and the two were transformed. When the businessmen sitting at the conference table got their first look at Spark in the flesh they did not see two scared, young friends; they saw two vibrant, charismatic performers. Reny smiled broadly and Em’s dark eyes sparkled as she sauntered towards the men. Jacks slipped in and stood by the door, she’d seen the duo perform, but she’d never seen the transition they both made.

“Hello girls.” Mike said. “Could you introduce yourselves please?”

“Sure.” Reny said. “I’m Reny.”

“I’m Em.”

“And we’re Spark.” They said, even their speaking voices in perfect harmony. The men made their introductions as well and then asked them if they’d sing acapella for them. Reny and Em both smiled coyly at the men before launching into a hauntingly beautiful ballad they’d chosen just so the men could see they were more than just two more pop divettes. As they sang Em’s eyes closed as she felt every note, and Reny looked at each man as if she were singing only to him. When their last note trembled into silence they both held their breath fearing the silence would continue. Instead they were met with applause.

“Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful girls.” Mike shook his head and looked back at Jacks who stood in shock. “Jaclyn, you promised me stars, and you made good.”

“That was…wow.” Jacks said stepping forward. “Girls why don’t you have a seat, there’s a lot we need to talk about.” Mike said smiling. Reny and Em both beamed back, sharing a look of “YES!” before they sat.

**** Em sighed as she settled into one of the chairs. That day had been magic. She hummed the ballad again, and swiveled the chair around. It seemed like only yesterday, and yet it had been seven years.

“Seven years.” She said aloud. It had all gone so fast, the deal, the debut album, the tours…so much in only seven years.

“What cha doin Emmy?” Andy’s smooth voice came from the doorway.

“This was the room Re and I auditioned in.” Em said, trying not to let her voice give away her emotions. Andy’s hands slid onto her shoulders.

“Gone to fast Emenemmers?” He asked quietly.

“I don’t feel twenty-eight Andy, I still feel eighteen. When did we all age?”

“We haven’t really.” Andy chuckled. “We still act like teenagers.” He stroked her hair. “Besides, you’re acting like your life is over.”

“This part of it is.”

“Yeah, but come on, do you really miss twenty hour drives, countless hours of dance rehearsal, never knowing what city you’re in, and singing through laryngitis?” He asked, turning her chair so she was facing him. Em bit her lip to keep her eyes from spilling over. “You don’t have to answer Em.” Andy bent and kissed her forehead. “I know you do…. You sick little monkey.” Em snorted a laugh and wiped her face.

“You know what the worst thing about being pregnant is?” She asked.

“No, what?” Andy asked as he helped her to her feet.

“You turn into a huge wuss.”

“And that’s different from normal, how?” Andy said quickly before darting out of her reach.

“You little punk. You better run, cuz you know I’ll beat you down.” Em laughed. After he stood still and allowed her to punch his shoulder, they left the conference room.

“I know you’re just a fuzzy little bunny in wolf’s clothing Em. Don’t try foolin me.” Andy smiled at her and threw an arm around her shoulders. “What do you say we say goodbye to Mike, go to Reny’s, and you give Anton a call.”

“Sometimes I think you know me a little too well Andy.” She winked at him.

“Yeah, well,” he shrugged, “I try.”

Chapter 25