Em and Reny stood laughing in the recording studio at Mike’s house. He had put on a recording of them goofing off while the technicians fixed something. Periodically Scott’s voice could be heard as he told them that it would take just a few more minutes. The two had already gone through their normal inside jokes, and so they had begun to sing…badly.


Then Reny soloed for a while as Em began to wheeze with laughter.






“WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, MY FRIENDS. AND WE’LLLLLLLLL KEEP ON FIGHTIN TILL THE END.” They both began to sing, and as they listened, the older Reny and Em put their arms around each other and swayed as they giggled. “WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, NO TIME FOR LOOOOOOSERS CUZ WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS…. OF THE WORLD! WE LOVE YOU DETROIT, GOODNIGHT!” Scott’s laughing but clearly somewhat disturbed voice cut in.

“Ok, well, if ya’ll are done, we’re ready out here when ever you guys want to start again. Drugs are bad.” The sound of the girls’ laughter filled the room. As Reny began to hoot in efforts to calm herself Em did her Penny impression.

“Birthdays are good, hamsters are REAL good…. Drugs are bad, I wouldn’t do drugs.”

“That’s true, I wouldn’t.” Em stated as the tape stopped. “I’m high on life.” She started laughing again.

“That was a good day.” Reny said clutching her aching sides.

“I think you both need therapy.” Mike laughed at them. Reny and Em shared a glance.

“Probably.” They said together.

“Who needs therapy?” Alex asked coming into the room.

“You mean besides your kids?” Em asked.

“Funny. So funny I forgot to laugh Emmy.” He replied, reaching up to give her a noogie. “Anyway…” He was cut off.

“It’s eating time!” Andy yelled into the room.

“Yeah, what he said.”

“Are Jacks and Sean here yet?” Em asked as they headed towards the dining room.

“No, and neither are Kit and Jamie, but that’s just too bad for them, because I’m hungry.” With that Alex nodded once and marched off. Mike came up between Em and Reny and put his arms around them.

“My little girls, all grown up.” He said squeezing their shoulders gently. “I miss you two. Everything was so quiet after ya’ll left.” As Mike said that they watched as Alex shoved Andy into a wall.

“Somehow I doubt that Mike.” Reny smiled.

“Yeah, well, I meant besides the Wrestle Mania twins over there.”

“Did I hear someone say wrestle?” Alex said spinning on his heel.

“DO IT DADDY DO IT!” Paul yelled jumping up and down excitedly. Alex spun around again and raised his arms.

“AAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGG!” He yelled scooping up a screaming and wiggling Paul before running with him into the living room and body slamming him on the sofa.

“What about me?” Jeff said, tugging Em’s jeans.

“Uh, Mike, a little help here? If I do it you’ll have birth goo on your floor.”

“Lovely picture Emmy.” Reny laughed.

“You know it’s true.”

“Yeah.” Reny nodded. Mike picked up Jeff and ran with him down the hallway.

“DADDY! I WANNA DO IT TOO!” Cameron yelled.

“Be careful Andy.” Mae warned.

“Ok Buddy, but if you break your head and Mommy says something, I’m blaming it all on you.” Andy laughed as he moved to attack his son.

“Should we be concerned?” Em asked.

“That my husband is trying to kill my children? That they enjoy it? Or that it’s contagious?” Mandi laughed as she stood next to Em and Reny, watching the carnage.

“Nope, that I would really love to join them.” Em laughed back. Reny patted her shoulder.

“Nothin’s sadder than a pregnant tomboy.”

“Unless it’s two pregnant tomboys, Renee.” Mandi teased before turning to settle Rachel into her playpen. There was a knock at the door, and since the men and boys were occupied, Reny and Em went to answer it.

“We heard screaming.” Sean greeted them.

“Well, you know, when Mike steps out of line…” Reny trailed off into giggles.

“It’s about time ya’ll got here.” Em said pulling Jacks through the door.

“You know how Sean is at work.” Jacks said rolling her eyes.

“Asleep?” Em asked before the two broke up laughing.

“I can hear you, ya know.” Sean said crossing his arms over his chest.

“We know Honey.” Jacks patted him lovingly before laughing again. They all moved into the living room where panting bodies were scattered over the floor.

“Are they dead?” Reny asked.

“You’re not that lucky.” Alex replied, prying one eye open.

“Darn it all!” Reny said snapping her fingers.

“There’s always the arsenic we put in their food Re.” Em said slinging an arm over her friend’s shoulder.

“Shh. Don’t let on that we know.” Mae said shifting her eyes nervously around the room. Em and Reny did the same.

“Yeah, and we’re the strange ones.” Andy said to Alex.

“Wasn’t dinner ready?” Mike asked, still laughing to himself as Mae, Reny, and Em continued to act paranoid. The group moved into the dining room and settled down long enough to eat their meal with only a dull roar of laughing and teasing. Kit called in the middle to say that she, Jamie, and Lucy were on their way. They’d somehow been roped into having dinner at Lucy’s parents’ house. So after dinner the others settled in to watch the rerun of All Requests Daily because Andy’s newest video was just one day away from breaking Unison’s record of forty consecutive days at number one. As the new vj segwayed into some old clips of the different Unison videos that had done so well on ARD, Alex turned to Mike.

“Hey Mike, do you have the tape of ‘the day’?” He asked ominously.

“Yeah, it’s in the cabinet over there.” Mike said gesturing to the cabinet set aside for all Unison videotape paraphernalia. Alex went digging through it and came up with one.

“Eureka!” He yelled. “Let’s watch.” He popped it in against a few groans from the peanut gallery. They weren’t all sure they wanted to relive that day. Jacks and Andy had each snuggled up one either side of Em. Mae was cuddling Cammers in her lap. Sean lay sprawled on the floor with Paul and Jeff using him as a pillow. Alex and Mandi were happily huddled together in a corner of the couch. Mike had his arm around Reny as she leaned against him like she would her father. The room grew quiet when Mike hit play.

Hello and welcome to a very special edition of VTV News. You all know their faces, their music, and their relationships. Somehow Spark and Unison have not only been able to fight the pop group stigma of one hit wonders and bright yet short careers; they’ve toured together four times, been to all the same award shows, sometimes pitted against each other, and dated within their ranks…yet this is their very first interview together. For those of you who may have been locked in a closet for the last nine years, let’s have Matt Morris bring you up to speed.

Thanks Kent. It’s been said that there must be something in the water in Orlando that produces these groups, but there is something extra special about the seven people in front of me. A slew of albums, tours, talk shows, magazines, photo shoots, and recording sessions have gone by since Unison first came together in this magical city. Alex came first, calling Andy, who recommended Scott. Then came Anton and finally Jamie. They hold the record for most albums sold in a single day and single week. They’re ARD favorites, and haven’t been voted off the countdown since their second single came out in ’98. After their break with their first record company Unison has only gotten bigger and bigger. Their fan base expanded from teen-aged girls, to teen-aged boys, and their high energy and honest personalities have even endeared them to the over thirty set.

Spark on the other hand has seemed to live a charmed life. Two best friends from high school in Southwest Florida found they shared a love for music and performing and followed their destinies to O-Town. There they auditioned for the renowned manager Mike Truthful and blew him away with singing, dancing, and songwriting ability beyond their years. From that moment on these two blunt yet softhearted girls have been swept up in their own momentum. First there was a mild scandal when Renee openly admitted to dating Andy, then years later, the ultimate shocker to find that she and Scott have married, and that Emmiline and Anton are seriously dating as well. Of course, these stories broke slowly and quite calmly for the two groups, having barely discussed each other in interviews, and declining to be interviewed together. Two groups’ career’s that have been so tightly joined were able to keep a separation…until now.

Today we find out why Unison and Spark have broken their six yearlong vow of separation of public careers. Today they’re here for moral support…to announce the end of their professional lives together. That’s right…Unison and Spark disband, stay tuned.

The screen blackened for a moment and then came back on to show the friends. Em and Reny sat in the middle flanked by Anton and Scott. Jamie, Alex, and Andy sat behind them on stools. Alex’s nervous knee-bounce had infected Jamie for the time being; Andy had a tight hold of Em’s shoulder; Scott held Reny’s hand; and Anton rested his hand protectively on Em’s leg.

Welcome back to what is possibly the most shocking VTV News we’ve ever aired. If you’re just joining us, Unison and Spark are in our studios today to announce the breakup of the groups. Now, Scott, this all seems so sudden. To the casual observer you are at the height of your popularity, why throw it all away?

We don’t feel like we’re throwing it away. We’ve been so blessed in our careers, but we realize that we’re older; it’s time that we develop some of our other interests.

By other interests I assume you mean solo projects. Reny jumped to answer that.

Some of us are interested in solo projects. Andy for example had been working on material for his solo album for some time now. Scott and myself have both expressed an interest in doing solo albums, and as you know, he’s been producing and writing for other artists for years. Alex has his clothing and production company. Jamie’s production company is getting more and more exposure everyday. And of course, Anton and Em have always said that acting is their passion, and so they’d like to peruse that more.

So you’re all just sick of each other then? The whole group laughed, but Alex felt the question deserved an answer from his smart-alecky brain.

Matt, we’ve been sick of each other for years now…. Truth is, the cash just isn’t rollin in.

I guess the main question is, after all these years of avoiding the topic of being together, why end your careers en mass?

Just because we never made talking about Spark an issue doesn’t mean that we avoided it. In fact, when people asked we were more than happy to answer their questions. Jamie said matter-of-factly. Andy picked it up.

Even though the press was kind enough to view us as distinct groups, I think we’ve always felt a kinship with Spark. I mean, we’ve spent more than half our careers with them and it’s become a natural thing for us. Wherever we go, we want them to be there too, to share it with us.

Especially seeing how two of you are married. Matt said, smiling at Reny and Scott. Scott shrugged and smiled.

You can’t argue with fate man.

And what is fate saying about the two of you? Matt turned his attention to Em and Anton.

Fate is just waiting for a really good time to step in. Anton cryptically answered.

Ok, and as for you guys…how’s married life with you?

It’s great.

Really good.

Alright, well, we have to go to commercial now. When we come back, we here at VTV have put together a little something special for your, and our, favorite groups. Stay tuned; you won’t want to miss it.

The screen blackened again temporarily. Around the lavish living room of Mike’s house, the friends shifted to get more comfortable, all knowing that what came next was going to be as difficult to watch, as it was to experience the first time. The image came back to the screen and there sat all the friends. Alex was now completely distracted, and was looking at the lights in the ceiling; Jamie sat very quietly, with his hands folded in his lap, staring at the floor; now Andy had the jitters, and he fidgeted nervously with his fingernails; Em was looking intently into Anton’s eyes as he whispered something to her, their hands twined together; and Scott and Reny were playfully bumping each other’s knees.

Hi everybody, we’re back with Unison and Spark and it’s time that we gave them a little going away gift. Though, he said, turning to face them, we really wish that all of you would come back whenever you’re in town. Think of the as your home away from home. Don’t really go away, or our studios will be very boring. The groups nodded and agreed smiling. Anyway, back to their gift. To introduce it we have an old friend. The camera cut to a video with an inset of Unison and Spark watching the same video on screens set up in the studio.

Hi guys, Samson here, and I had the absolute pleasure of knowing and working with both Unison and Spark. It was on their many appearances on VTV and particularly ARD that I got to know them along with you viewers at home. Let me tell you… Samson leaned forward as if telling the viewers a secret. They’re all twice as nice in person. And yes, Andy really is THAT hot. There was a reaction shot of Andy laughing and the others laughing at him. Anyway, I’m the schmuck that got to watch and show their videos everyday, and so here is a montage of some of the greatest Unison and Spark video moments. While the two groups watched their greatest hits flash upon the screen in a matter of a few minutes, they began to feel very insignificant.

Although that was really great, I know for a fact that it’s not only the video’s that will make me remember these wonderful people. The things that I’ll miss most are the private moments that they chose to share. Guys, this is for you…

Celine Dion’s “The First Time” began to play in the background as the video rolled.

The first time, ever I saw your face.

It showed Unison’s very first appearance on VTV. They guys groaned about how they looked.

I thought the sun rose in your eyes, and the moon and stars were the gifts you gave.

There was a close up of Andy wiggling his eyebrows seductively at the camera, before Jamie pushed him out of the way in order to do the very same thing. Then Scott came up and seemed to be yelling at them both, but he suddenly turned to face the camera and did a goofy little shake of his shoulders and hips.

To the night and the empty skies my love, to the night and the empty skies.

A shot of Anton snoring on the couch of the bus while Alex and Andy stuck post-it notes all over him. That cut to a shot where the camera panned the desert horizon of Unison’s tenth video. All the guys were lined up and talking to the director as dusk fell and covered them in a rosy-golden light.

The first time I ever kissed your mouth.

Shots of Andy, Jamie, Anton, and Scott all kissing actresses for videos and other projects, with a well placed end shot of Alex shrugging his shoulders.

I felt the earth turn in my hand, like the trembling heart of a captive bird.

A shot of all the guys goofing off on the bus, bumping into each other and screaming, followed by a shot of them at soundcheck where Jamie and Anton were for some reason prancing around like fairy’s and wiggling their fingers to symbolize wings.

That was there at my command my love, that was there at my command.

Various scenes of either Scott, Andy, or Alex yelling something at the others, were followed by shots of the numerous occasions where bodyguards had to literally pick the guys up to get them to safety, or just do what they were told.

The first time ever I lay with you.

A shot of all the guys piled onto two small hotel beds to watch a movie together, their eyelids drooping with every passing second.

And felt your heart beat close to mine, I thought our joy would fill the earth.

Alex and Andy stood in a melodramatic lover’s pose. Alex’s head resting on Andy’s chest before they both broke up laughing. Then came just various shots of the guys laughing both on and off stage.

And love would last till the end of time my love, and would last till the end of time.

The video went through, showing each guy at different stages of their careers, until the song faded out.

The first time ever I saw your face.

And now for the ladies. Samson said, momentarily stepping into the video. It began with Billy Joel’s “She Got A Way”

She’s got a way about her, I don’t know what it is, but I know that I can’t live without her.

It was a shot of Em standing in the rain outside the bus, yelling at Spark’s puppy Hero to go pee. The camera swung to inside the bus, to catch Reny laughing so hard she couldn’t stand up.

She’s got a way of pleasin’, I don’t know what it is, but there doesn’t have to be a reason anyway.

There was a shot of the two of them, drenched in sweat, receiving a standing ovation from the crowd. They yelled something into their mics, and then shared a glance, before laughing and bolting off stage, waving all the way.

She’s got a smile that heals me, I don’t know why it is, but I have to laugh when she reveals me.

Em and Reny were taking turns making fake smiles and other odd and painful looking faces into the camera. It cut to a shot where the camera was following Reny and she suddenly turned and pulled her hands quickly away from her face to reveal a goofy grin and stuck out tongue.

She’s got a way of talking, I don’t know what it is, but it lifts me up when we are walkin, anywhere.

There were several shots of the two on talk shows, then shots of them laughing at what the other one had said. That cut to Em walking with Reny on her back around MGM when they’d done their special for Disney.

She comes to me when I’m feelin down, inspired me without a sound she touches me, and I get turned around.

These were all shots of Reny and Em talking to and just holding either patients in children’s hospitals, or Make A Wish Foundation kids.

She’s got a way of showin, how I make her feel, and I find the strength to keep on goin.

Various shots of Reny and Em hugging people, some were fans, others were journalists, others were in the music industry, and sometimes it was each other. Then there was a shot of an exhausted looking Spark during dance rehearsals. But they were smiling and laughing anyway.

She’s got a light around her and everywhere she goes, a million dreams of love surround her.

It was a shot of Emmy with a flashlight poised over a book on the bus. Then there were shots of all sorts of signs the fans had made, in all colors and sizes, all held by cheering people. Then a shot of both girls asleep on the back couches of the bus, still in their costumes.

She’s got a way about her, I don’t know what it is, but I know that I can’t live without her, anyway.

There were different montages of Reny and Em separate, and then the sad faced male interns at VTV with a “we’ll miss you” sign.

And to finally send you guys off in style… Samson trailed off, his voice heavy with emotion. On came, “I Will Remember You” by Sarah Maclachlan.

I will remember you, will you remember me? Don’t let your life pass you by. Weep not for the memories.

It was all shots of various appearances the two groups had done on VTV.

I’m so tired, I can’t sleep. Standing on the edge of something much too deep.

It was shots of both groups dragging themselves off of planes, busses, and into hotels where screaming fan waited eagerly for them. Then a shot of them sitting on the edge of the stage after soundcheck one day.

Funny how we feel so much, but we cannot say a word.

A poignant shot of Mandi and Alex with Paul on a blanket on the floor of the bus.

We are screaming inside, oh, we can’t be heard.

Scott hunched over a pad of paper scribbling as fast as his hand could move. Then a shot of the one time they’d done a “duet” on a charity album, where they had all pressed themselves against the glass of the booth and were yelling to be set free.

I will remember you, will you remember me? Don’t let your life pass you by. Weep not for the memories.

It was a shot of Andy chasing Reny around the basketball court behind one of the venues. Then it was Em and Jamie tangoing down a hallway. Then Scott and Anton seeming to discuss something serious before they both started laughing. Then a shot of Reny’s tear streaked face as Spark finished a song that had always made her cry.

I’m so afraid to love you, I’m more afraid to lose. Clinging to the past doesn’t let me chose.

It was an eeriely telling shot of Scott and Reny and Em and Anton all secretly watching the other from early on in their careers. Then one of Andy hugging his mother while Reny hugged her father before they boarded the buses.

Once there was a darkness, a deep and endless night. You gave me everything you had, you gave me light.

It was a shot of a Christmas when they had all been working in New York and had gone to Anton and Sean’s relative’s house to celebrate. They were sitting around a huge tree and singing.

I will remember you, will you remember me. Don’t let your life pass you by. Weep not for the memories.

Now it was a shot of a few weeping fans, followed by all the vj’s, video directors, crew, and management, that the groups had worked with over the years; their faces were all very grim, but trying to smile though it. Samson came into the frame again.

Thank you Unison and Spark, for all the memories.

And against the words of the song, every one in the studio, and every one that watched as the seven friends huddled together in their grief, cried. Jacks, Sean, Mae, Kit, and Mandi all rushed in, before the cameras had even stopped rolling and threw themselves into the mass of comfort.

Even as they sat in Mike’s living room, three years later, the pain was still there. Every eye glistened a little at recalling the realization that they couldn’t ever go back to being they way they’d been shown in those clips. Em felt Andy hug her closer and she did the same to him. She thanked God then and there, that they had each other.

Chapter 27