Mike clicked the TV off before they had to suffer through the rest of the tape.

“Who’s bright idea was that?” He asked, swiping at his eyes.

“Who always has the bright ideas?” Alex asked indignantly. “Sean!” He said quickly before the others could answer. It didn’t take long for Alex to be pelted by pillows. “Ok, ok, sorry.” He said, using Mandi as a human shield.

“Alexander!” Mandi cried.

“Oooooooo.” Paul and Jeff both said; they knew what it meant to have their full names used. Alex smiled at Mandi.

“Would you rather I use the children?” He asked, his eyes dancing with mischief. Mandi never took her eyes away from Alex’s but spoke to Paul and Jeff.

“Run boys, Daddy’s gone crazy.”

“That’s right! AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG!” Alex yelled jumping up. Paul and Jeff tore out of the room with Alex, Sean, and Cameron (who just couldn’t let the fun pass him by) close behind. The doorbell rang and Mae jumped up to get it.

“It’s about time you guys got here.” She said as Kit, Jamie, and Lucy paraded through the front door.

“Why are your eyes all red?” Kit asked as she appeared in the living room.

“Did you watch ‘the day’?” Jamie followed, his hands on his hips.

“Yeah.” Reny said, hanging her head.

“Tisk tisk.” Jamie laughed sitting on the couch and pulling Kit down with him. “When are you going to stop listening to Alex?”

“Probably never.” Andy replied smiling. Just then the screaming train of three little boys and two overgrown children ran past the living room.

“Must be because he’s so mature huh?” Mike laughed. They all laughed.

“And what does that say for my Sean?” Jacks asked giggling, as she craned her neck to see Sean sprint away from an arm-waving and yelling Jeff.

“Monkey see monkey do?” Lucy suggested. There was more laughing, but it was interrupted my Sean yelling into the room.

“Watch what you say Lulu, or you’re next.”

“You think he’s serious?” Lucy asked Jacks.

“You never know.” Jacks said with a small smile.

“Oh God, he’s coming isn’t he?”

“You’ve got about a five second head start. I suggest you run.” Jacks laughed as Lucy squealed and took off running out of the room.

“Well, with all this excitement I’ve let Rachel stay up way too late.” Mandi said standing.

“You know where you can put her.” Mike said, yawning.

“What about your little bundle of joy Kit?” Mandi asked.

“I think Jamie can last a few more hours.” Kit answered, lovingly patting her husband’s cheek. Jamie smiled at her.

“You know it Baby Girl.” He raised an eyebrow.

“Ok, stop it.” Jacks said covering her ears. “I seriously can’t take anymore sex talk out of the two of you. Jeeze, aren’t you supposed to be the innocent one Jamie?”

“Sorry Jacks. Kit just has this effect on me.”

“Yeah, well, you have this effect on me.” Jacks proceeded to make gagging noises. Kit rolled her eyes as the others laughed.

“Real mature Jaclyn.” Kit huffed. Jacks smiled at her.

“Thanks, I try.” Even Kit had to laugh at the way Jacks began to wiggle her eyebrows and tongue. Then she and Mandi left to put their little girls down. Andy and Jacks began to talk over Em’s belly, leaving Em looking like she was watching a tennis match.

“As exciting as this is….” Em said, getting up.

“Aww, Emmy.” Andy whined. “I’m cold now.”

“Is that all I am to you Andrew? A human heater?” Em said, her hand pressed over dramatically to her forehead as she made her voice waver. When no one answered her Em lowered her hand to see Andy and Mae, and Reny and Mike deep in conversation. “Ugh!” She gasped, putting her hands on her hips. Jamie laughed at her, so she plopped next to him.

“What are we going to do tonight Brain?” She asked imitating Pinky and the Brain.

“Same thing we do every night Pinky.” Jamie laughed, slinging an arm around her shoulders. “Try to take over the world.” He looked down at her still girlish face. “Are you pondering what I’m pondering?”

“Sure thing Brain, but where are we going to find rubber pants in our size?” Em laughed.

“What about rubber pants?” Mae said as she came back into the living room, sipping a drink.

“Rubber pants?” Andy’s attention was suddenly peaked.

“Huh?” Reny added.

“I AM THE GOD OF THUNDER, FEAR MY WRATH!” Sean’s voice echoed through the house.

“AND I’M THE PARCHEESI KING! BRING ME MILTON BRADELY’S HEAD ON A PLAT….” Alex stopped in the hallway as the others stared at him. “What?”

“Nothing Sweetheart, you go encourage the boys to violence some more.” Mandi said passing him. “But it’s getting late, so at least attempt to calm them down soon.” Kit followed her giggling. As they settled back onto the couch the others were still staring at Jamie and Em.

“Oh come on, what we said was SO not as weird as that.” Em said.

“I don’t know Emmers. Rubber pants…. Kinky.” Reny laughed.

“Yeah, I wanna know where that came from.” Jacks said.

“Me too. Em, if you were propositioning my husband, I think I have a right to know.” Kit added.

“It was the Pinky and the Brain thing. You know, they’re Pinky and the Brain, one is a genius, the other’s insane?” Em sang shallowly as the others just stared. When there was dead silence she began to breath heavier and shift her gaze around the room. “Oh come on! I KNOW you know that!” Em just spazed out and buried her face in her hands, much to the amusement of her friends. A very out of breath Lucy came to her rescue.

“To prove their mousy worth, they’ll overthrow the Earth. They’re Pinky, they’re Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain.” She sang, sitting next to the crumpled Em.

“Thank you Lulu.” Em giggled/cried leaning into Lucy. “Ew though, you’re all sweaty.”

“You try running away from some freak who thinks he’s Thor. No offense Jacks.”

“None taken, I know he’s a freak.” Jacks laughed, the others joining in as Sean entered the room, Cameron slung over his shoulder, panting. Alex followed, dragging his sons behind him with their feet. They all broke off into separate conversations.

“I’ve got a surprise for you.” Lucy said to Em.

“Really? What is it?”

“My mom found it somewhere, I don’t even know why she kept it.” Lucy said, digging around in her bag. She pulled out a copy of People’s 25 Most Intriguing People from 2004.

“Oh my God.” Em laughed and covered her mouth. On the cover was a close up picture of she and Anton laughing at each other. “I haven’t seen this in years.”

“You guys were so obvious.” Lucy teased. Em blushed.

“We were not.”

“Oh, no? Look at the pictures inside.” Lucy said, opening the magazine. There, on the inner cover to the 25 Most Intriguing People section were the words POP MUSIC DOMINATES THE WORLD and a picture of Em, dressed in jeans and a lavender tank top, standing over Anton on an all white bed. She had her hands on her hips, with one hip jutted out to the side. A sly smile lit her face as she looked down at him. Anton was also in jeans, but in a light blue button-down. He lay between Em’s bare feet with his hands raised in submission. On the next page was the actual interview they’d done with them together, accompanied by another picture of the two of them. In this one they were both laying down, the breeze from the outdoor shoot had pulled a curl across Em’s peacefully sleeping face. Her head was resting on Anton’s stomach and her hand was at his knee, tangled slightly in the seam of his jeans. Anton had a very contented smile on his lips, one hand on Em’s arm, and the other deep in her auburn curls that tumbled over his chest. It was in the moment that he had sighed and shut his eyes to always remember the moment that the photographer had snapped the picture.

“So we were comfortable with each other.” Em said. Her smile betrayed her real feelings.

“You were in love.” Lucy teased, elbowing Em and chuckling.

“What are you guys looking at?” Mae asked from her seat on the floor next to Cameron. Em didn’t answer, but held up the magazine. Jacks groaned.

“How much crap did you give me for that Emmy?”

“Quite a bit, if I remember correctly.” Em giggled.


“I’m not going to do it. I absolutely refuse. I don’t give a flyin monkey’s butt if it’s a good career move.” Em said storming into the private dining room that had been set-aside for Unison.

“Em, we’re not going to fight about this. You’re just upset.” Jacks said slowly sipping her coffee.

“No, upset is when you get stuck in traffic when you’ve got an important appointment to keep. This…is…LIVID.” Em said throwing her cell phone on the table. It bounced and almost hit Scott.

“What’s going on?” He asked.

“MY PHOTOGRAPHER? DIED!” Em yelled, punctuating her words with a violent stabbing of her hands in the air. Scott nearly spit his coffee out by laughing.

“He died?”

“Yes. And so now,” Em changed her voice to a mocking tone. “They think it would be SUCH a cute idea to have a joint photo with…. HIM!” Em almost lost it when Anton strolled through the door, a broad smile on his face. Em turned back to Jacks. “They’ve never done something like this before. Why do they have to do it now? Can’t they get me another photographer? WHY DOES GOD HATE ME?”

“Hey guys.” Anton said happily.

“Hey.” Scott answered; sliding over so Anton could sit. “So I guess you’re ok with the photo shoot then?”

“Yeah, why not? I’m just happy to be in it. I mean, come on, People’s 25 Most Intriguing People and all I did was do what I love.”

“Oh shut up Anton.” Em pouted.

“Emmy listen,” Jacks cut in, “God doesn’t hate you. This is still an amazing opportunity. Now people will get to see all the talent you’ve got. Not to mention all the hard work you’ve put in, AND it’s a great plug for the movie.”

“But why do I have to share it all with that?” Em whined, pointing to Anton. He had just shoved one of Scott’s pancakes in his mouth.

“Aww.” Scott said. “Are Beatrice and Benedict fighting again?” Em narrowed her eyes at him.

“Please don’t make me hurt you Scott. I don’t want this vacation to be known as ‘the killing week’.”

“Anyway,” Jacks pulled Em’s arm to get her attention. “He’s in the movie too Em.”

“And we’re both doing Broadway, don’t forget that. It wasn’t just you Miss Diva.” Anton replied. Em almost jumped over the table to strangle him, but held off.

“DON’T call me a diva. I’m just sick of having everything that I do get associated to somebody else. I’m not just ‘Em from Spark’ who tours with Unison. I’m Em Strand, I’m an actress, and, Goddamnit, I’m good.”

“And people will recognize that. Whether you believe it or not, this article will help them see it.” Jacks said, trying to soothe her friend and artist.

“You’re sure you can’t do anything about it?” Em sighed.

“I’m sure. The guys from People are dead, no pun intended, set on having a joint shoot and article with you and Anton. To be honest Em, I agree with them.”

“Fine. Whatever.” Em shook her head. “And when is the blessed event to take place?”

“It’s two weeks before Kit and Jamie’s wedding.” Jacks called after Em already retreating figure. “Anton, go talk to her.”

“Why should I? She obviously hates me.”

“She doesn’t hate you moron.” Scott said, shifting his hips to push Anton out of the booth.

“Of course she doesn’t. She’s just under a lot of stress. Wouldn’t you be? I mean, Reny’s still recovering, they’re not sure if Spark will ever tour again; she’s all alone for the first time in New York, doing something she’s never really done before; and when she finnaly gets a little recognition on her own, it gets taken away from her. If she hated you do you think she’d have gotten you in Phantom? Or the movie?” Anton sighed and nodded.

“You’re right.”

“I know I am, now get your butt out of the booth and comfort her, dork.” Jacks commanded with a smile.


“When you’re stressed out you’re a real wench, you know that Em?” Jacks laughed.

“Yeah, sorry about that. But I just couldn’t believe it. I mean, whoever heard of your photographer dying on you?”

“But it all worked out in the end.” Mae said.

“This is true.” Em nodded. She began to read from the article. “After Strand had sufficiently flexed her Broadway muscles playing Eponine in Les Miserables, earning rave reviews from many stunned seasoned critics, and convincing producers that Gilberti could play Raul in The Phantom of the Opera, she set her sights on Hollywood.”

“As did Gilberti.” Mike teased. Em rolled her eyes and skipped to the part about Anton.

“Finishing a whirlwind tour with his band mates in Unison, Gilberti came to New York to secure, with solid talent and drive, the part Strand opened for him. It was no surprise that when a supporting male role became available Strand, once again, happily suggested her old friend. The two are set to start filming soon on a project tentatively called ‘Looking Around’. It is slated to hit theaters some time next year.” Em stopped reading. “Wow, it makes me sound so important in his life. All I did was suggest him and get him the auditions.”

“Oh is that all?” Reny said sarcastically.

“Who wants to watch a movie?” Alex asked. The room was kick started into motion as they all voted for their favorite and vied for the most comfortable seat. Em studied the pictures one more time before setting the magazine back on the table.

“You were SO obvious.” Lucy quipped before Em smacked her playfully and the movie started.

Chapter 28