Em lay in bed later that night and smiled over Lucy’s teasing. Everybody knew how she felt about Anton, and everybody knew how he felt about her. They just sat back and waited for the two of them to admit it to each other. “And it always centered around a bed with you two.” Lucy had joked. As Em thought about it, Lulu was right. For some reason, a lot of the important things in Anton and her lives had something to do with a bed. She had always picked on him about using his too much; he thought that if she used hers a little more, she wouldn’t be so cranky; after sleeping together on the movie set, they’d figured out their feelings; their sharing a room became so common place on the final tour that eventually they didn’t even bother reserving separate ones; against Reny’s moral standpoint, Em and Anton had moved in together; and of course, one of the most important events in their lives had taken place in bed.


Anton and Em lay in bed listening to soft Christmas carols. The hotel suite was lit softly with candles that shone their warm glow on Anton’s suit and Em’s silvery bridesmaid’s dress that were draped over chairs. Only a few hours before Renee and Scott were married in the same church Reny had grown up in. Reny was a beautiful bride, and Scott’s eyes filled with tears as he looked at his soul mate. Scott’s sister Hannah had been the maid of honor, with Em and Reny’s other best friend Brianne as the other bridesmaids. Scott’s brother JT was the best man, and Scott’s oldest friends Brian and Matt were the groomsmen. They whole group, and all of Scott and Reny’s family had gathered in Southwest Florida for the event, and Em and Re had been the tour guides of their little hometown. It was perfect holiday weather of around 70 degrees and everyone took the opportunity to tan on the beach before a little last minute Christmas shopping.

“I’m so glad Snot didn’t really cry.” Em said. She was lying on her back, staring at the ceiling, cradled in Anton’s arms, with her head on his chest. Anton chuckled.

“He knows how much you hate that.” Em smacked Anton’s belly.

“Like it’s so much to ask that a man be a man on his wedding day. Sheesh, if Reny wanted to marry a woman she’d have moved to Hawaii.”

“That’s my girl.” Anton said, now laughing out loud and rubbed Em’s pajama covered arms. “I was just proud that you didn’t laugh.”

“Oh I know!” Em cried as she flipped over onto her stomach. “Ever since Alex and Mandi I’ve been so good at weddings.”

“I know.” Anton said in a fatherly tone, tucking an auburn tendril behind Em’s ear. “Almost no one knows about your freakish little habit of giggling at the bride and groom.”

“I am not freakish.” Em pouted.

“You fell in love with me.”

“You have a point there.” Em sighed and rolled back over, waiting with sparkling eyes and a grin for Anton’s reaction.

“Hey.” He whined and prodded her side.

“Hey what? You said it.” She laughed. “What time is it?” Anton rolled to look at the clock on the nightstand, leaving Em temporarily without a pillow.

“Almost two. You think Reny and Scott are workin on those six kids yet?”

“Ugh, please don’t make me picture that. But, unless Scottie can master feeding a baby while taking out his false teeth, they had better get crackin.”

“Six is a lot.”

“Yeah, the hippies. What’s wrong with three?”

“You want three?” Anton asked, though he already knew the answer.

“Well, give or take. I’m always up for an ‘uh oh’.” Em laughed.

“And when are we going to get crakin?” Anton said softly.

“As soon as I get a ring and a priest.” Em said nervously.

“Well…here’s the ring.” Anton said, holding a diamond engagement ring up. Em flipped over and stared first at Anton and then at the ring. “Will you marry me Emmy?”

“Yes, of course. Oh Anton.” Em gasped before kissing him. He put the ring on her finger and as Em looked in awe at her adorned hand, he kissed her forehead.

“Did I take long enough?”

“If you had taken any longer…” Em trailed off.


“I’d have just waited more.” She sighed and then laughed.

“I love you Em.”

“I love you too Anton.”

“So…” Anton said suggestively, “about getting crackin on those kids.”

“And ruin you’re amazingly clean track record? I don’t think I could break you in the middle of your stride like that.” Em teased.

“Come here.” Anton growled and pulled her close.


“Hey Sleeping Beauty.” Mae’s chipper voice called. Em felt herself being shaken gently.


“I’m sorry? What was that? I don’t speak mumble.” Mae laughed. Em opened one eye.

“But I don’t want to get up.”

“Oh, well, too bad, cuz we’re having a girl’s day out and you’re coming.”

“Where are we going?” Em said propping herself up on her side, but refusing to actually get up and out of bed.

“Magic Kingdom Baby.” Mae said, sticking her tongue out and nodding.

“Woo hoo! I can’t pass up the mouse.” Em said getting up.

“Good, I’ll tell the other girls you’re getting ready.”

“Is everybody else here?”

“Yuppers, the whole Starlet crew with the lovely additions of Lulu and Mandi.”

“What about the kids?”

“They have all been shipped off to Mama Lynn’s.”

“Because all children deserve a Southern Mama.” Em laughed.

“According to Lynn they do. And it didn’t hurt Andy anyway…well…” Mae trailed off before she and Em laughed.

“Tell them I’ll be down in a bit.”

“Will do.” Mae saluted Em, and then left. Em smiled and admired her left hand for a moment before moving to get ready for the day.

Chapter 29