Em’s own words echoed in her mind as she snuggled down into the covers of the bed that night. “My baby’s coming home. Home to Orlando.” Em sighed. This really was home. Although she loved their little house in California, she’d never felt truly at ease there. She didn’t really know anybody, since most of the people she’d met through work lived in L.A. or New York, and she didn’t really WANT to know anybody. She had the best friends in the world and the best surrogate family in the world and they all either lived in or often visited Orlando. True, she and Anton had decided when they got married that living closer to Hollywood would make it easier for them career wise, but they were established now. They both got plenty of offers, and the offers came over the phone anyway, and there were planes if they needed to go back to California. The more Em thought about it, the more her heart ached not to go home, but to BE home. She was a Florida girl through and through and she loved it more everyday she was away from it.

Em suddenly giggled as she thought about how shocked she’d been to meet people who’d never seen an alligator. People who didn’t know what a mangrove or a swamp looked like. People who didn’t expect a thunderstorm everyday at four o’clock during the entire summer. Especially people who had never seen the ocean. Those things were who she was and were all she ever wanted to be. It was fun and exciting to take a gondola in Venice, walk the moors in Ireland, hike through the Rocky Mountains, and rush through traffic in New York, but when it came right down to it, Florida was in her very blood. “This is my home.” She said aloud to the empty room. “This is home.”


“I can’t believe how much shit ya’ll have.” Em said, pushing a distracting curl off her face as she surveyed the inside of the newly dubbed “Starlet House”. It wasn’t much, just two bedrooms, two bath, and a den with French doors, but it was theirs and they had fallen in love with it the second they saw it. Em still couldn’t really believe this was all happening. Mae walked past her carrying yet another box.

“Fine, then you get the den, oh ye of little boxes.” She laughed, sticking her tongue out.

“That’s fine with me. I’d live in an old refrigerator box in the backyard I’m so happy to be back in Florida.”

“We have a refrigerator box?” Kit asked confused as she stuck her head over the second story railing. Mae and Em laughed and were about to explain but Jaclyn interrupted.

“So who all gets what room?” She asked in a business tone.

“Well,” Mae started. “I was thinkin, since you and I know each other the best, and since you’re the only college dorm girl among us…. We’d share the master bedroom.”

“That’s cool. It’s bigger than any dorm I’ve ever been in.” Jacks laughed. “What about Laurel and Hardy over there?” She said, motioning to Em and Kit who stood, making faces at each other on the stairs.

“I think Em’s gonna take the den, since she lives like a MONK!” Mae said pointedly.

“Hey now now, if anybody has a problem with my vow of poverty they can take it up with the Big Guy ok? I, brother Joseph Em, do not ask questions. Now, if anyone needs me I will be flogging myself in my cell.” With that Em nodded and walked into the den and shut the French doors.

“Ok, I think Emmers knows a little too much about religion.” Kit said.

“Yeah, but on the bright side, you get the room with a closet.” Jacks laughed while Mae went to see how Em’s penance was going.

“What are you going to put up over these doors?” Mae asked Em, who was surveying her new room. Em shrugged.

“Nothing really. But I was thinking of maybe getting a job at a peep show, so this would be my practice area.” Em swiveled her hips a little and winked at Mae.

“No offense Emmy, but,” Mae couldn’t help from giggling at her friend’s attempt at being sexy. “That’s really gross.” Em stopped as suddenly as she’d started and shrugged again.

“Or, you know, some cheap blinds. Wanna help me lug my bed in here?”

“What’ll ya give me?” Mae asked with her hands on her hips.

“A… big kiss?” Em smiled a goofy smile.

“Tempting but no.”

“I’ll help you unpack your mass quantities of crap?”

“Now that’s more like it!” Mae laughed as they headed into the living room to retrieve the mattress left by the movers.

“What does everybody want for lunch? Cuz I feel like christening our phone with some delivery orders.” Jacks called from the kitchen. The others dropped what they were doing and rushed to the kitchen.

“Pizza!” Em said happily.

“Ooo, I second that.” Kit nodded.

“Chinese?” Mae asked shyly. Em turned to her and shook her head.

“Silly Scott fan, Chinese food is for dinner, not lunch.”

“Yeah Maebee, where have you lived your life? Under a rock?” Jacks asked sarcastically with sparkling eyes. Em and Kit took the old commercial bait and echoed Jacks.

“Under a rock?”

“That’s right!” Mae smacked her forehead. “I’m sorry guys. I guess I’m just a big weirdo.”

“The first step is admitting you have a problem.” Em said seriously as Jacks dialed.

“What am I getting here kids?”

“Cheese.” Em said as she plopped down into a chair.

“Yes Emmy, very good. Cheese usually does come on a pizza.” Mae said smiling.

“Ouch, got me back.” Em laughed.

“Can’t we just get plain cheese?” Kit asked.

“I don’t have a problem with that.” Jacks answered.

“Me neither.” Mae answered over her shoulder as she and Em began having a “girl fight” slap war. Jacks reached back and kicked Mae in the butt as she put in their order. “Oh, don’t think cuz you’re on the phone you’re safe from my wrath.” Mae said as she shook her finger menacingly at Jacks. Jacks responded by making an overly dramatic scared face and pretending to bite her fingernails. “That’s it Jackass, you’re going down.” As soon as Jacks hung up the phone she tore out of the kitchen with Mae on her heels. Kit and Em looked at each other before running after the other two, who were by this time screaming obscenities through their laughter. They all ended up in the master bedroom, on the floor, play fighting and tickling each other.

“Good God I’m gonna pee myself!” Em screamed.

“You’re always saying that Em, but I’ve never once seen you make good on that threat.” Jacks laughed.

“Ew Jacks! This is our room! Don’t make Em pee herself!” Mae yelled over the laughing.

“Oh yeah, crap!” Jacks said and bounced quickly away from Em. Kit, however, continued.

“Kit! Stop! Oh God somebody stop her!” Em said, trying her best to fend off her tenacious friend. Mae suddenly remembered the peeing threat and went to pry Kit’s hands off Em’s sides.

“Come on Kit, you don’t want a puddle on the floor.” She said laughing.

“You forgot Mae…. This isn’t my room!” Kit laughed evilly and was quickly attacked by Mae and Jacks, if only to save their carpet. Em lay sprawled on the floor, clutching her aching sides and catching her breath.

“I hate all of you.” She gasped.

“Aww, we love you too Emmers!” Jacks said happily as she patted Em’s back and settled herself against the wall. It was quiet for a little bit while the girls relaxed their muscles and just enjoyed the endless possibilities that awaited them now.

“Do you guys wanna go out tonight?” Kit asked suddenly.

“Eh, I’m kinda tired.” Jacks said. “I think I’d rather just stay home.” Em grinned.

“Home.” She echoed just loud enough for Jacks to hear. They looked at each other and sighed as they smiled. They were home.


Em’s alarm blared in her ear, but for once she didn’t mind it. She hurried to get dressed and slipped into the still quiet house and into Reny’s bedroom. Reny was standing at the sink in her bathroom putting on some mascara.

“You’d think after all this time we wouldn’t bother making ourselves pretty for them.” Em said, looking at her own face in the mirror.

“Yeah, you’d think that wouldn’t you?” Renee laughed. “I can’t help it though. I’m so excited!”

“Me too. It hasn’t even been a week since they left and it feel like forever.”

“God,” Reny dropped her hands. “We’re disgusting aren’t we?”

“Yep. But I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

“Me neither.” Reny laughed. “You ready to go?”

“Of course woman! Take me to our men!”

“Will do!” Reny nodded and grabbed her keys.

Chapter 32