The Starlets...five best friends who all moved to Orlando to pursue their dreams. Two became a hot pop duo called Spark, two others started their own management company, and the fifth became a booking agent to the stars. Along the way they found that through the best and the worst of times their friendship survives...that Somewhere Someday, things work out by surrounding yourself with people you love.

|Cast| |Disclaimer| |Chapter 1| |Chapter 2| |Chapter 3| |Chapter 4| |Chapter 5| |Chapter 6| |Chapter 7| |Chapter 8| |Chapter 9| |Chapter 10| |Chapter 11| |Chapter 12| |Chapter 13| |Chapter 14| |Chapter 15| |Chapter 16| |Chapter 17| |Chapter 18| |Chapter 19| |Chapter 20| |Chapter 21| |Chapter 22| |Chapter 23| |Chapter 24| |Chapter 25| |Chapter 26| |Chapter 27| |Chapter 28| |Chapter 29| |Chapter 30| |Chapter 31| |Chapter 32| |Chapter 33| |Main|

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