“Boys, are you ready for bed yet?” Jordan called out, making her way up the carpeted steps of the large Florida home.

Wandering down the hallway, the brunette stopped in front of the massive playroom that her oldest son occupied. Leaning against the doorframe, she sighed, running a hand through her dark locks as she spoke. “Zachary, what, may I ask, are you doing?”

Inside the spacious room, Zachary stood amidst a sea of toys, his eyes sparkling mischievously as he quickly hid a hand behind his back. “Nothin’ Momma.” he said, feigning innocence as he smiled coyly up at the slender woman in the doorway.

“Zach’s throwin’ toys. He’s a bad boy.” a small voice came from the hallway behind her.

Turning, Jordan’s hazel eyes fell upon a tiny boy with loose sand colored curls protruding from his head. Her lips drew into a broad grin as she bent down to scoop up the two year old, kissing him gently on the forehead before turning back to her eldest. The smile dissipated as she glanced around the messy room. “Zach, it’s late. I suggest you go get your pajamas on and get in bed within the next five minutes.” she stated firmly. “I’m gonna put Noah to bed, I’ll tuck you in when I’m finished. “

Zach just nodded glumly, tossing the toy he had gripped behind his back into the mass of playthings surrounding him. As soon as Jordan turned to exit, the four year old stuck out his tongue defiantly before stalking out into the hallway, heading for his bedroom.

Jordan quickly put Noah to bed, wishing the two year old boy good night and making sure he had his favorite blanket in his arms before she left the room. Walking the short distance down the hall to Zachary’s room, she paused momentarily at the large picture window that looked out onto the driveway. Frowning, she noticed Justin’s car still wasn’t there, indicating that he was still working, despite the late hour. Her attention was refocused however when she heard a loud crash coming from the nearby bedroom.

“Zach?” she questioned, entering the room as the young boy hopped into his bed, a guilty look sliding across his cherub like features.


“What did you just throw?”

“Nothing!” he said uncomfortably, avoiding his mother‘s piercing gaze.

“Oh, so…nothing made that loud noise just a second ago?” Jordan inquired, glancing around the room. Her eyes landed on a bright red football lying near a large pile of Legos, and she continued to speak as she walked towards it. “It wasn’t…a football crashing into the Lego house you built yesterday?” she concluded, holding up the toy as Zach scowled.

“Whatever. Where’s Dad? He said I could wait up for him tonight. It’s not fair.” he pouted, folding his arms over the comforter he had yanked up hastily.

Jordan sighed as she walked over to the bed, tossing the football into a small bin of toys as she passed. Perching on the edge next to her son, she reached out and ran a hand over his bouncy chestnut colored curls. “He’s still at work sweetie. I’ll have him come up and kiss you good night when he gets in though, I promise.”

“But I’ll be asleep by then and I haven’t seen him all day!” he protested loudly.

“There’s nothing I can do Zachary…I wish he didn’t work so late either baby.” Jordan explained gently, her voice soothing to her frustrated child. “Now go to sleep sweetheart, it’s late and you’re tired.”

Yawning, Zach struggled to keep his heavy lids from closing. “I’m NOT tired Momma. Please let me stay up?”

Jordan shook her head and leaned forward to place a kiss on the young boy’s tan cheek. “I’m sorry Zach, maybe another night. I’ll see you in the morning, ok? Maybe Chris will come over tomorrow and take you to the park.”

“Fine, but I’m mad at Dad.” he stated firmly, yawning once more as Jordan rose from the bed and headed toward the doorway.

“I’m sure you’ll forgive him by morning. Night Zach baby.” she said, flipping off the light as she exited into the hallway.


Jordan exited the bathroom, steam billowing out behind her like a giant cloud as she rubbed a towel halfheartedly over her long chestnut hair. Removing her robe and dressing in a pair of boxer shorts and a plain white t-shirt, she exited the room and padded barefoot down the carpeted stairs to the main floor. Heading into the kitchen, she cleaned up the mess Zach had made with his snack before glancing at the clock, groaning when she noticed it was well after midnight. Grabbing the cordless phone as she started towards the large family room, she dialed a familiar number, waiting patiently as it rang.

Plopping down on the overstuffed couch, Jordan frowned slightly, still waiting for someone to pick up the phone at the studios. After it rang several more times, she sighed and hung up, figuring that Justin was probably on his way home, therefore unable to answer the phone at work. Flipping on the television, she leaned her head tiredly against the arm of the sofa as the movie she had chosen blared from the speakers.

Eventually the long day caught up with Jordan, causing the remote to slip easily from her fingers as her eyes closed heavily and her body succumbed to the fatigue that lingered within.


Jordan sat upright in the room, the only source of light coming from the television that still blared despite the late hour of the night. Blinking hard against the shock of brightness, her hazel eyes protested against the sudden light penetrating her vision like tiny needles. Squinting, she felt around her body, looking for the remote that had seemingly been sucked into the couch sometime after she fell asleep. After a few moments of searching, she found it, lying on the floor next to her. Hitting the power button, she lay back, her eyes grateful for the return to blackness.

After several minutes, she sighed inwardly, deciding the bed she shared with Justin would be much more comfortable as she rose tiredly off of the sofa. Muttering to herself about how it would have been nice of her husband to wake her when he got in, she headed up the stairs and down the hall to the master bedroom. Not bothering to flip on the light, she slid into the unmade bed, wrapping the covers around her as she spoke aloud. “Thanks for waking me up, I really appreciate it.” she stated, her voice dripping with tiredness as well as sarcasm.

When there was no reply, Jordan frowned in the darkness, listening for a sign that her husband had heard her complaint. Not hearing a single sound, not even Justin’s gentle breathing, she turned onto her back and allowed her hand to wander across the mattress to her husband’s side of the bed. Touching nothing but the smooth texture of cool sheets, Jordan sat straight up and reached for the lamp, suddenly feeling very alert. Glancing at the alarm clock that rested on the nightstand, her eyes grew troubled as she saw that it was nearly three thirty in the morning. Without a second thought, she grabbed the phone that was resting on it’s receiver next to her and dialed the familiar number of Justin’s cell phone.

“Hey you’ve reached Justin Timberlake. Unfortunately I’m unable to take your call at the moment, but if you leave your number and a short message I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.” Jordan hung up, frustrated at the sound of Justin’s voice mail. She rose from her position on the bed and began to walk the length of the room, dialing the number of the studios in hopes that maybe he had fallen asleep there. The line rang impatiently as she paced back and forth, willing him to pick up the line. After several rings, she gave up, hitting the off button as she stopped mid-stride.

Worry there had been some sort of car accident took over as her thoughts ran rampant, clouded by exhaustion due to the late hour. Finally Jordan collected herself with a deep breath and walked out into the hallway, where she approached the large picture window and peered out. Noticing immediately that her husband’s sports car was still missing from it’s usual spot on the driveway outside, Jordan quickly dialed another number on the phone she still held.

Listening to the constant ring, Jordan headed down the staircase and into the kitchen as the answering machine at April’s picked up. Hanging up without leaving a message, she sighed, figuring that April was probably dead asleep considering the late hour. In an attempt to not only wake up a bit, but also calm her nerves, Jordan started a pot of coffee and glanced at the clock as she reached yet again for the phone.

“Hello?” a familiar male voice inquired, answering on the second ring.

“Chris, hi. It’s Jordan.”

“Woman, do you know what time it is?”

She nodded as she spoke meekly through the receiver. “Almost four am?”

“That’s right. And I’m not going to stand for this interrupting of my beauty sleep!” he shouted loudly, causing Jordan to wince at the sudden burst of sound.

“Oh sorry,” she said dryly, “I didn’t realize you were actually sleeping. I figured with the way you look all the time, beauty sleep didn’t figure into your late night schedule of video games and kung-fu movies.” Jordan quipped.

“Whoa, awfully sassy at this hour of the morning aren’t we Jordie?”

She sighed inwardly, “I’m sorry Chris, I don’t mean to be a bitch…I’m just worried. It’s late, Justin still isn’t home, and there’s no answer on his cell or at the studios.” Jordan explained.

“Maybe he fell asleep?” Chris suggested.

“Yeah, that crossed my mind. I just dunno, I have a weird feeling.” Jordan stated doubtfully. “Anyways, the reason why I called is to see if you could do me a favor? I know it’s late and all but…”

Chris cut her off before she could finish her request. “But you won’t be able to sleep with your studly husband at the studios doing God knows what, therefore you’d like to take a midnight drive over and check things out. Of course, before dashing out the door you realized that you have two small devils sleeping upstairs that you really don’t want to wake up. That’s where I come in….was I close?” he prodded teasingly.

“Actually, yeah, you were. Would you mind coming over for a little bit? You can sleep or whatever it is that you were actually doing at this obscene hour of the morning, I just need someone here with them.” Jordan asked hopefully.

“You’re asking if I mind, yet you don’t seem to care whether or not I mind you calling me at all hours of the day and night!” Chris taunted, sighing dramatically. “Give me five minutes to get decent.” He hesitated before continuing, “That is, unless you have a thing for men in sport shorts and…”

Jordan cut him off before he could finish describing his late night attire. “I’ll see you in a few minutes. Good bye Chris.” she stated as she hung up the phone.

Several minutes later, Jordan opened the door and walked out onto the front step, peering impatiently in the direction of Chris’ nearby house. Just when she was about to head indoors and call him again, she noticed a short figure walking aimlessly through the neighbor’s front lawn. The man was dressed in a pair of khaki colored shorts and a bright orange t-shirt, his crop of dark hair topped by a black visor. He waved, noticing Jordan watching him, her hand perched on her hip as she awaited his arrival.

“Hey sweet thang.” he chided, eyeing Jordan’s messy topknot along with the low slung jeans, and hooded sweatshirt.

Holding the door open with her arm, she silently motioned for Chris to go on inside. Digging the car keys out of her pocket, Jordan spoke as Chris shuffled indoors. “I’ll be back in probably a half hour tops, help yourself to food, tv…you know the drill. Call me if there’s any problems, but there shouldn’t be since the boys are--”

Jordan stopped mid-sentence as Chris moved back towards the doorway and shoved her playfully towards her vehicle. “Go, go. I know what to do, I mean please woman, you act like I’ve never watched your kids before. Leave already would ya? Go to the studios, find your husband and tell him to bring his ass home so his woman can stop calling me in the middle of Mario Cart when I’m winning, okay?”

The dark haired woman smiled brightly as she started towards the SUV in the driveway, pausing halfway to turn back to the man in the doorway. “I really appreciate this Chris, thanks.” she said sincerely.

“Yeah yeah, you can take me out for dinner or buy me a car or something.” Chris teased, “Now go!”

“I’m going, I’m going.” Jordan muttered, continuing the few steps to the car and keying her entry after shutting off the alarm. Remembering something, she turned back to the raven haired man. “One more thing…”

“Don’t watch the sex tapes? Trust me, I don’t want to.” Chris laughed aloud with a mock shudder.

Jordan made a face. “You’re so weird. I was gonna tell you that if you wake up my children, I’ll be crashing at your house tonight while you deal with them on your own. Got it?” she inquired with a sweet smile.

Chris shrugged her off with a wave of his hand. “Are you still talking to me? Cuz I thought I told you to leave.”

“I mean it Chris!” she said warningly, trying to hold back a smile as she climbed into the car. Starting it, she backed out the driveway with one last quick wave to the man on the front step before he disappeared indoors.


Pulling into the studio lot, Jordan frowned slightly as she noticed Justin’s tiny sports car parked alongside April’s silver Jeep. “That’s weird, what the hell could they be working on this late?” she muttered to herself as she pulled into a parking space and shut off the vehicle. Exiting the SUV, she shut the car door before meandering over to the front of the studios. Digging in her purse for the set of keys that would allow her entry, Jordan finally managed to rescue them from the bottom of her bag.

Unlocking the door that lead into the small entryway, Jordan pulled back the heavy door and entered, stopping in front of the glass double doors that opened into the lobby. Her expression grew confused as she gazed through the crystal clear door at April’s desk where a single light burned brightly. Pausing, her grasp on the keys in her hand loosening as she took in what the lamp atop the front desk illuminated.

Justin sat in the desk chair, his arms resting on the wooden desktop as he leafed absently through a stack of papers. His blue eyes were cast downward as he stopped occasionally to point out various things, making notations of his own with a pen he held in one hand.

April leaned over Justin, one arm draped lazily across his broad shoulders as she too focused on the papers before them. Neither of them noticed Jordan’s presence as they conversed and laughed, their voices animated and lively despite the late hour.

Jordan’s hazel eyes darkened with jealousy as she watched April with her husband. Her reasoning fought against the tide of envy, and she suddenly felt very uncomfortable watching the two of them in such close proximity. Don’t be silly, she told herself, they’re friends, co-workers, nothing to worry about. Shaking the strange feeling that had suddenly overtaken her, she reached out for the lock, keys in hand as she prepared to enter the lobby area. Before she could place the key into the lock, she stopped, tilting her head to the side as she continued to watch her husband and friend interact.

“So you’re saying I don’t do it right? How can you say that? I’m unbelievably hurt.” April stated indignantly, righting herself and placing her small hands on Justin’s wide shoulders. Massaging them gently, she shook her head. “I mean seriously J, I do it ten times better than you could.”

Justin sighed dramatically before allowing his features to erupt in a wide smile. “It’s not that it‘s bad…so don’t go putting words in my mouth there woman. It’s just…different. Plus I never said I could do it better than you, I just don’t have the patience for it.”

“I suppose Jordan does it better than me though, right?” April teased, still rubbing patiently at Justin’s neck and shoulders.

Justin laughed aloud and reached behind him to pat the blonde woman’s hand gently. “I’ll tell you one thing for sure, Jordan never did it like this.” he stated, turning in time to catch the brilliant smile April gave him.

Jordan pulled her hand away from the lock as if it bit her, her features prominently displaying her confusion and hurt. She wasn’t sure what they were talking about exactly, but her thoughts were already running rampant as she turned and hastily exited the building. Making her way to her car, she struggled to keep her imagination in check as she pulled out of the parking lot and back onto the road towards home.

Chapter 2