
“Chris!!” Zach squealed excitedly, racing from the family room where he had been quietly watching tv to the front entryway where the two individuals had stepped indoors.

The dark haired man grinned at the chestnut haired boy hurtling towards him, bending to catch him in a tight hug. “Hey Z, what’s up?”

“It’s the Human Beatbox.” He corrected earnestly, wiggling out of the embrace Chris had caught him in.

“Okay, Mr. Human Beatbox…so whatcha doin this morning?” Chris chuckled.

“Torturing his mother.” Jordan interrupted dryly, leaning in to give the raven haired woman that accompanied Chris a hug and kiss on the cheek. “So what are you doing here so early? I thought you and JC weren‘t flying in until later tonight” the slender brunette inquired, shooting Mo a questioning gaze.

“Yeah well he wanted to make an emergency pit stop this morning before April left for work. Apparently the unplanned, surprise factor tends to work in his favor when it comes to well…you know.” Mo stated dryly, glancing at the small boy bouncing around eagerly as she spoke.

Jordan laughed as Chris interrupted, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “What the woman is trying to say is that he wanted some nookie.” He stated bluntly.

“Momma?” Zach suddenly stopped energetically moving around the entryway to tug on his mother’s hand. “What’s nookie mean?”

Jordan gazed down at her son, and then back up at Chris, her hazel eyes dancing. “Ask Chris what nookie means, he’ll tell you all about it. Right Chris?” she said, arching a well defined brow at the dark haired man.

“Chris come on!” The boy’s curls bounced crazily as he hopped up and down, pulling Chris toward the carpeted stairs leading to the second floor as he spoke.

“Thanks a lot Jordan.” Chris muttered, “I’m getting too old for this ya know.”

“No problem. Oh, and Chris?”

“What now?” he asked, managing to distract Zachary momentarily so that he could talk briefly with Jordan before heading upstairs.

“Tell my son what nookie really means and I’m afraid I may have to harm you.” she said discreetly.

Chris rolled his eyes. “Well I don’t know what YOU think nookie means Miss ‘My Mind is in the Gutter’ but the rest of us normal people KNOW that it’s another word for cookies.” he stated matter-of-factly, his voice projected loud enough to grab Zach’s attention.

“What kind of cookie Chris?” Zach inquired, tilting his head slightly as he looked up at the older man.

Allowing the young boy to lead him by the hand up the stairs, Chris answered his question as they walked. “It’s a very special kind of cookie Zach. One that only girls can give you. But not your teacher…or grandma. Or mother for that matter. Uh…how bout you ask me again when you’re 16?” he asked hopefully.

“Okay!” Zachary stated jubilantly, forgetting about it for the moment as the pair reached the second floor. “Hey Chris?”

“Hey what kiddo?”

“Wanna hear me beat box?”

Chris chuckled loudly, “Sure, let’s hear what you got.”

The two women laughed as the four year old burst into an impromptu beat boxing routine he had learned after watching tapes of his father’s N Sync days. As Chris and Zachary headed into the large playroom, the beat boxing became less audible and Jordan turned back to Mo. “So I see you dropped by Chris’ rather early this morning…“ she mused, gesturing for the dark haired woman to follow her into the well lit kitchen.

Mo shrugged in response. “I was just…uh…checking in on him. Old man like that, gotta make sure he didn’t fall down the stairs and bust a hip or anything. Didn’t you ever see those ‘I’ve fallen and I can’t get up’ commercials?”

“Right, right.” Jordan laughed. “I’m sure your early visit had absolutely no connection to the actions Chris was referring to April and JC partaking in this morning.” she stated sarcastically, offering her friend a soda as she shut the refrigerator with her hip and motioned for Mo to take a seat.

“Ugh. I am offended and appalled by you even suggesting such a thing. Do I look like a trollop to you?” Mo huffed, crossing her arms in front of her.

Laughing, Jordan shook her head. “Nice try Mo, but the ‘Miss Innocent’ act faded a year or so ago when you and Chris finally announced that you were, indeed dating.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?”

“Despite the obvious shock value of you two actually semi-settling down, I’d say just the age difference. Last time I checked, your ‘like a virgin‘ routine didn‘t include dating someone eleven years your senior.” Jordan replied matter-of-factly.

Mo relented, “Okay, well you do have a small point there. A teensy TINY point, but a point regardless. But you do have to admit, the man acts like a 18 year old half the time so when it comes right down to it, I’m the only mature functioning adult in this relationship.”

Arching a brow, the brunette had to shake her head at her friend. Who would have thought that someone as focused and mature as Mo, could find her match in someone as free spirited and childish as Chris? They had seemed like such an odd pair at first, but now it was plain to see how they balanced each other out. Bringing Jordan out of her thoughts, Mo quickly changed the subject. “So have you heard from Rach lately?”

“Yeah, actually she called me the other day. Her and Joey just got back from their vacation so she seemed tired, but happy.”

Mo smiled. “That’s great. I really love them together.” she sighed, cupping her chin in her hand. “Have they decided what to do about extending their family yet? I know last time we talked they were contemplating making some additions in the way of children.”

Jordan smiled, her eyes grazing over the photos of her own boys that were scattered haphazardly upon the magnetic surface of the refrigerator. “Well they did come to a conclusion recently…”


“Well, they just moved into a bigger apartment on the West side and although they have enough room for a baby…they decided to wait. Rachel is really enjoying her work at MTV, and isn’t ready to give that up in order to be a stay at home mom. Plus she mentioned something about the week Zach spent with her last month being enough birth control to last her a lifetime.” she joked.

“You mean to tell me you knew they were thinking of having kids and you sent your little hell raiser to spend a week with them?” Mo inquired, her tone light with humor. “What are you, nuts?”

Jordan held up her hands, “Hey it wasn’t my idea. Besides, I couldn’t have sent Noah, he’s still a bit too young to go and spend that much time away. Plus the city still scares him a bit, while Zach absolutely lives for his visits to Rach and Joey‘s apartment.”

“Of course Zach loves New York, he lives for chaos. Doesn‘t matter if he‘s the one causing it, as long as he‘s in the middle of it. I think that‘s the Justin in him.” Mo stated. “Speaking of J, how is that hot ass hunk of a man doing these days? I swear I barely see him!”

“Join the club.” Jordan retorted dryly.

“Is something wrong? You two are okay aren’t you?” The raven haired woman’s dark eyes became clouded with concern as she watched her friend intently for a response.

Sighing, Jordan spoke. “I don’t know. He’s just been spending a lot of time at work lately, the boys and I hardly see him during the week. He comes in late, leaves early, that whole deal.” she explained, her bright eyes suddenly becoming dull. “I just miss him, ya know?”

“That is a little strange, but I’m sure it’s nothing…I mean you guys haven’t been fighting lately or anything, right?” Mo pressed, slightly worried.

“No, we haven’t been fighting really…things are just, I dunno, different between us…” Jordan tried to explain, trailing off as her memory pulled her back in time.


Jordan sighed deeply as she bent down to pick up the colorful blocks that were strewn wildly throughout the airy family room. Zach was finally asleep for the night and instead of taking advantage of the stillness, she was roving around the house picking up stray toys as well as various articles of clothing her young son had shed en route to the bathtub. Jordan’s usually sparkling brown eyes seemed dull in the lamplight, as her dark hair tumbled out of it’s messy ponytail. Clad in loose gray pajama pants and a white tank, the only sign that she wasn’t a 20 year old college student was the very pregnant belly protruding slightly from under the cotton fabric of her shirt.

“Why are you doing that? You should be relaxing, not picking up after Zach…come on, let me do that.” Justin’s voice filtered in from behind her as he entered the room.

Turning, she held out a few random toys that she clutched in her hands. “Be my guest.”

Taking the playthings out of her grasp, Justin tossed them gently into the overstuffed chair nearby. She sighed, “Justin, I appreciate the gesture but that’s not where they go.”

“I know.” He murmured, pulling her towards him and planting a loving kiss on her lips. “They can wait though, I’ll take them up later. I want to spend some time kissing my beautiful wife.”

“You must be speaking of some other beautiful wife then J, cuz there isn’t one in here.” Jordan stated doubtfully, moving out of his embrace with a frown.

Justin plopped down on the couch, catching Jordan’s elbow as she moved to retrieve the toys resting in the nearby chair. Pulling her gently down onto his lap, despite her protests, he wrapped his strong arms around and spoke. “I was talking about you, hot stuff.”

“Please.” Jordan rolled her eyes at her husband despite the soft kisses he was placing on her shoulder. “Justin, how can you possibly say I’m beautiful at a time like this? I’m so fat I’m about to pop…I just, well…I look like hell.”

Placing a hand on her protruding stomach, Justin smiled as he felt the baby kicking within. “Baby, you’re not fat…you’re pregnant…there’s a difference. You look gorgeous by the way, seriously. Would these eyes lie to you?” he asked, tilting his head up to look at his wife, his blue eyes sincere in their gaze.

Jordan smiled slightly. “Seriously though, I’m fat. I think this is the first time I’ve seen my feet all day.” She joked, wriggling the toes on both feet. “In fact, I haven’t seen my feet in so long I’m surprised I remember to wear shoes.”

The blonde haired man laughed, “Well there was that one day…”

Swatting at her husband, Jordan giggled as well. “Oh shut up, there was not.”

“You’re right, I was just trying to make you laugh.”

“I know. Thanks, I needed that.”

“Have I told you lately that I love you?” Justin sang, tossing his wife a broad grin before moving in to plant another kiss on her tender lips.

“You just did.” Jordan replied between kisses.

“Oh yeah.”

“It’s okay, a little cheesy, but I’m pregnant so I loved it.”

Justin pulled back, feigning hurt. “Cheesy? I personally thought it was rather romantical and sweet.”

“Yeah, well it was that too.” Jordan laughed.

“Are you patronizing me?”

“Of course.” the dark haired woman replied with a firm nod. “But if it helps, I only patronize the ones I truly love.”

“Is that so?”

Jordan’s lips drew into a wide grin as she met her husband’s piercing blue eyes. “Yeah.”

“Well I’m glad, considering you’re carrying my child.”

She frowned slightly, as if in thought. “Wait a second. This is YOUR child? You’re the reason I’m moody, fat, and am no longer able to sleep on my stomach without resembling a deformed see-saw?” Jordan paused as Justin nodded meekly, “On second thought, I take that whole love thing back.”

“Ooh nice try but you’re stuck with me now.” he laughed evilly as he drew her face towards his once more and silenced her reply with a kiss.


Pulling out of her memories, Jordan thought about how things had slowly changed within their family. It hadn’t been over an extended period of time, but for the last couple months or so, Justin had gradually been spending more time at work and less time at home. It started with him going in an hour early, staying a little late, or even skipping lunch at home in lieu of spending the noon hour at work. Now it was as if he lived and breathed work, going in early and coming home so late that half the time he ended up only squeezing in a few hours’ sleep. The boys were continually seeing less and less of Justin, as had Jordan. There hadn’t been any fights between the two of them, but in Jordan’s eyes the sudden distance he had established between himself and the rest of the family was far worse than any argument.

“Different how?” Mo pressed, yanking Jordan back to the conversation.

“Things just aren’t how they used to be between us, he’s become so…distant.” she explained as best she could. “I mean, I could see him putting in a lot of hours at work if the studios were just starting out and he was trying to work his way into the business. I could see him wanting to stay busy if we were pressed for money or something…but we’re not. He’s been a well known and respected musician since he was like seventeen or something, ya know? The studios have been up for like four years now, and we definitely don’t need the money.” Jordan finished, her expression strained as she gazed at Mo.

Nodding, the raven haired woman clucked sympathetically. “I understand Jordie, and I think that the best advice I can give to you right now is just talk to him. Tell him what you just told me. Maybe he doesn’t realize what his working so much is doing to you, but he won’t know until you say something.” she advised gently.

“I suppose you’re right.” Jordan relented.

Smiling, Mo nodded. “I know.”

The two women laughed at the confident remark as Mo glanced over at the pictures adorning the silver refrigerator surface. Her dark eyes scanned the various photos of Zachary and Noah flashing brilliant grins at the camera, as well as pictures that included not only the two boys but also Justin or Jordan. Scattered within the family photos were a few random pictures of the entire group of friends from several different events they had all attended, Rachel and Jordan posing in the middle of Times Square, and a recent one of Lance and his family.

Standing from her chair, Mo wandered over to the fridge and plucking a photo out from under the magnet that held it up, she examined it closely. “Aww, did you just get this the other day? It looks recent.” Mo cooed, holding it up for Jordan to see as she moved back to her seat.

Jordan nodded with a grin. “Yeah, we just got it yesterday. Isn’t Olivia adorable?” She inquired, gazing at the photo Mo had lay on the table between them. The photograph had been taken outside of Lance and Meredith’s Mississippi home, their chocolate Labrador retriever perched loyally at their feet. In the woman’s arms was a tiny blonde child, her smooth crop of golden hair tied with a slender bow that matched her simple dress.

“She’s lucky she got her father’s eyes.” Mo mused, entranced by the piercing green eyes that stared out from under the girl’s wispy bangs.

“Olivia will be a real heartbreaker when she grows up that’s for sure.” Jordan agreed with a nod.

Mo snorted, “Well hopefully she inherited their love of music, cuz with connections like that I’m sure the poor girl will be on the road to fame as soon as she can harmonize. Although, it‘s a little soon to speculate, considering she‘s not quite two.”

Jordan smiled, “I remember when Meredith and Lance announced they were having Olivia…it was like a month or two after I found out I was carrying Noah. Wow, that seems like just the other day, not two years ago.”

“Yeah, time does fly when you’re having fun.” Mo stated with a wink. “So what about your little man…does he talk about becoming a big star like Mom and Dad?”

Rolling her eyes, the brunette spoke. “Zach? Um, yeah…he does. Hell, you heard him earlier…the whole “Human Beatbox” deal and all. I swear that child watches tapes of Justin’s performances every single day…he must have seen them a hundred times at least. It’s insane, seriously, I mean…he IS Justin. He wants to be him, he bugs me all the time about when he can record some songs at the studios. I’m like, Zach, you’re FOUR. He doesn’t care…it’s ridiculous.” Jordan explained.

Mo laughed aloud, “I find that so amusing, I’m sorry, but I do. So when are you going to give in and let him record some stuff?”

“Oh yeah, laugh it up.” Jordan stated, sarcasm heavy in her tone. “Who do I look like, Jane Carter? My son will finish high school thank you very much.”

Mo looked amused as she studied her friend. “What, you don’t want Zach to be the next Aaron Carter? What does Justin have to say about this?”

“Very funny. Justin agrees with me, he thinks that it would be good for Zachary to go through a normal high school experience…it’s something a part of him wishes he had gotten to do, ya know?”

“So you’re saying he would have given up all the fame, the money, and well…touring with hot young girl groups to go to a ‘normal high school’?” Mo inquired, making quotation marks with her hands to emphasize her point.

“I’m not saying that, I’m just saying that 17 or 18 isn’t that old when it comes to starting out in the business. It’s not like he’ll be struggling to get his foot in the door or anything, I mean come on. He’s got connections up the butt with Lance and you both doing the whole management thing, JC writes and produces when he’s not on tour, Justin’s got the studios, Rach’s still at MTV…the child’s got it made.” Jordan emphasized.

“I was just giving ya a hard time, but I would like to say you’ve got a good point.”

“Of course I do.” The brunette woman returned firmly.

“But just for future reference, I call dibs on the managing rights.” Mo laughed, “So tell Lance he missed out.”

Jordan nodded in agreement as she joined Mo in laughter. “I’ll do that.”


JC opened the glass door leading into Celebrity Studios and looked around as he stepped inside, his expression puzzled. Glancing down at his watch he noted the time and wondered if maybe April hadn’t forgotten about the dinner plans he mentioned earlier that morning and gone home. “Nah, her car’s still here.” he muttered under his breath as he stood idly within the lavish lobby area waiting for April to return to her desk.

After about five minutes of waiting patiently in the chairs that adorned the lobby, JC stood and began pacing within the spacious room. As he strode across the carpeted floor, he noticed the door to Justin’s office propped open slightly. Pausing, he debated momentarily before deciding to see not only if Justin knew where April went, but to say hello and talk to him about giving his secretary a little vacation time.

Striding towards the door that was ajar, JC slowed as the sound of people conversing in low tones within the room met his ears.

“I just don’t know what to do Justin…I didn’t think it would be this difficult.” April’s voice filtered out to where JC now stood.

“April, no one ever said things like this were easy. I mean, it’s not something that you just bring up in the midst of light-hearted conversation.” Justin pointed out, his tone sympathetic.

“I know.” she returned dejectedly.

“Don’t worry…we’ll figure out something. It sounds like some time off will be good for us…just getting away from everything here, ya know?” Justin returned soothingly.

April sighed audibly, “Yeah, you’re right, a couple days away will be nice.”

“Now that’s what I like to hear…”

JC’s expression grew thoughtful as he processed what he had just overheard. Pressing the door open a bit, he entered the office in time to see April and Justin pulling apart from the hug they had just indulged in. “Uh…hi. Am I interrupting something?” JC asked, glancing at his friend and girlfriend expectantly.

“Nope!” Justin said, flashing a grin at JC. “What’s up with you man? April mentioned you dropped by unexpectedly this morning.”

April shrugged as JC shot her a glance, then turned back to the man who was now taking a seat on the edge of his large oak desk. “Yeah, I got an earlier flight…” he trailed off, sitting down in one of the plush chairs that adorned the office space. Leaning forward, he pulled a framed photo off of the desk surface and glanced down at it. The photo was a recent shot of the entire family, Justin holding onto a mischievous looking Zachary, Jordan beaming with a sandy haired Noah in her arms. “How’re Jordan and the boys?” JC inquired, holding up the photo before placing it back down atop the desk.

“They’re good, Zach’s a little wild at times but Noah’s shyness balances it all out.” Justin replied casually.

April stood near the doorway, feeling rather uncomfortable as she watched the two men in conversation. Finally she spoke, “JC…uh…is there something you needed? Or…?” she asked, causing both men to glance over towards her.

“Oh, yeah. Sorry…I know you guys are really um…busy.” JC fumbled, remembering the conversation he had overheard prior to entering the room. Frowning, he pushed away the surge of envy and questions that took over as he figured that the pair had just been talking about taking some time off of work to spend with loved ones. Nothing to worry about, he convinced himself, then turned back to the conversation at hand. “Anyways…Justin, I came to see if perhaps you wouldn’t mind letting April have some time off while I’m here in town.”

As Justin opened his mouth to reply, he noticed the furtive glances April was shooting him from behind JC’s back. Before he could formulate some sort of response, the phone rang shrilly, interrupting the awkward silence. Giving his friend an apologetic glance, he reached down and grabbed the receiver gratefully. “Hello, Celebrity Studios, Justin speaking. Ah, hey what’s up man? Good, good. Yeah, sure…um, hold on just one moment.”

Cupping a hand over the mouthpiece, he looked into JC’s piercing blue eyes. “I’m really sorry, I’ve been waiting for this call all day. Do you mind?”

JC shook his head and gestured for Justin to continue with his call as he stood from the chair. “No, go ahead. I am going to steal your secretary for a bit though. We’ll talk later, see ya man.” he returned, and then walked out of the room, stopping only to catch April by her elbow and lead her out with him.

Chapter 4