
“After you…” JC stated, sweeping his arm in a wide gesture as he held the door leading into the restaurant open for his girlfriend.

April nodded politely as she proceeded in front of the dark haired man. Approaching the young woman acting as hostess for the evening, she looked questioningly at JC. “What name are the reservations under?” April inquired, her cool eyes meeting his in the dimly lit atmosphere.

Leaning forward, JC spoke, “We have reservations for two under the name Miller. April Miller.” he stated.

After running her index finger along the list of names, the young hostess looked back up with a smile and a quick nod. “Right this way…” she instructed, motioning for the pair to follow her into the seating area.

The couple slid into their seats at the intimate table, and JC thanked the hostess as April reached for her menu in silence. Sipping at his water, the dark haired man’s cobalt eyes pierced through the candlelight and rested upon his fair-haired companion. “So…” he began, smiling as April looked up at him. “How was work today?”

“Busy.” she replied softly, glancing back down at the menu in her hands.

“Well what are you busy with?” he prodded.

“We’ve had a lot of new talent coming in to record stuff…so I’ve been dealing with a lot of phone calls pertaining to bookings and all that…” April trailed off, her voice taking on a dull tone as she continued to avert her eyes from JC’s warm gaze.

“New talent? That’s great!” JC stated, still struggling to get the conversation flowing. “Who’s been in lately? Anyone I’d know?”

“No.” she stated bluntly. “They’re all mostly artists just starting out…ya know, working on their debut albums and whatnot.”

“I gotcha.” he murmured, his expression puzzled at the lack of enthusiasm April was displaying. For someone who was so into their work, she seemed awfully uninterested in talking about any aspect of what was going on at the studios as of late. “You guys must really be packing them in there to be working so late all the time.” he mused, stroking his chin thoughtfully as he watched his girlfriend carefully.

April’s heart jumped into her throat as she slowly lifted her eyes to meet her boyfriend‘s, yet she remained silent as he continued.

“I was just wondering, cuz every time I call you lately, you’re either at work, or going to and from the studios. I just figured that you guys must be really booked if you’re spending that much time there. Or do you just have a lot of paperwork to sift through every day?” he pressed curiously.

Tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, April frowned slightly. “Can we talk about something else? I’ve been at work all day, I’d rather not discuss it any longer if you don’t mind.” she stated firmly.

JC leaned back in his chair, slightly taken aback at April’s distant demeanor, but determined to break through her icy shell. He was puzzled as to why she seemed so guarded, but dismissed it almost as quickly, figuring she’d had a stressful day and needed some time to unwind. Folding his hands in front of him, he changed the subject as requested. “So what would you like to do during your next couple of days off?” he inquired with a gentle smile. “Your wish is my command.”

April’s eyes darkened as she sighed quietly. “JC, I thought I made it clear to you this morning that I’m not taking any time off this week.”

“I know but I overheard you and Justin--” he started, but April cut him off before he could continue.

“What did you overhear?” she interrupted, narrowing her eyes slightly.

JC looked startled for a moment at April’s query, then responded. “Awfully jumpy aren’t you? You act as if you’ve got something to hide.” he paused thoughtfully, studying April’s slightly guilt ridden expression. “Do you have something to hide?”

“No.” April returned, almost too quickly. Composing herself, she met JC’s gaze. “What would make you think such a thing?”

“No reason.” JC stated casually, quietly observing his girlfriend’s sudden change in behavior. “Anyways, as I started saying…” he continued pointedly, “I overheard you and Justin talking about taking a couple days and getting away from everything at the studios. Was it wrong of me to assume that you’d use that time to spend with me?”

April paused for a moment before responding to her boyfriend’s question. “Don‘t get mad but…Justin is going to New York City for a short business trip this week and he needs me to accompany him.”

JC leaned hard against the back of his chair. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

The blonde shook her head no and raised her guilt ridden baby blues up to meet JC’s. “I’m sorry.”

“Well tell him you can’t go.” he concluded simply.

“But JC…Justin needs me there.” April stated, her fingers fumbling awkwardly with the edge of the napkin that she was twisting in her lap.

“For what?” JC pushed.

“It’s a business trip. I am a part of that business…so don’t you think it’s a little obvious as to why I’d be needed there?”

JC pondered that for a moment, his frustration building. “I’m sure Justin would understand if you told him that you wanted to stay here and spend the time with me. Ya know, the boyfriend that you hardly see. It‘s not like you‘ve taken any time off lately either April…all you ever do is work anymore. I‘m surprised you haven‘t pitched a tent at the studios yet.” he teased, trying to lighten the mood.

April just sighed in response and took a drink of her water as JC continued. “Besides, Jordan knows the business just as well as you do…why doesn’t she go with him instead?”

“She’s got the boys…” the blonde woman pointed out.

“Oh don’t even try to tell me that they couldn’t spend some time with Lynn and Paul. I’m sure they’d love to spend two days with Noah and Zach while Justin and Jordan went to New York.”

“I don’t know…maybe she’s busy. Justin just said that Jordan couldn’t come.” she returned. “Can we please drop this? I mean, there’s nothing you can say to change things…the trip is booked.”

JC blew out a frustrated breath, “I just don’t understand why you didn’t tell me earlier…I would have just flown right into New York and spent the week at my apartment. I probably would have gotten to see more of you that way.” he grumbled irritably.

“I’m sorry…” she trailed off lamely.

“Are you sure you can’t make other arrangements?”

“I told you…Justin needs me there. I can’t just cancel on him, we leave tomorrow afternoon.” April stated with a shake of her head.

JC sat silent, his thoughts tumbling around angrily in his head. Finally, he spoke softly, his voice barely audible in the noisy restaurant. “I’m really tiring of you using Justin as your excuses and reasons for everything April.”

A look of hurt flashed across her face as she suddenly stood and excused herself to the bathroom, leaving JC lost in his thoughts at the small table.



JC smiled as his girlfriend’s voice filtered through the receiver he held to his ear. “Hey gorgeous.” he returned, stretching out on the couch that rested in the sitting room of the posh hotel suite he occupied.

“Ooh, flattery in the morning, I think I could get used to this.” April replied, stifling a yawn. “What are you doing up anyways? Isn’t it like four am or something there?” She inquired, referring to the fact that he was calling from Los Angeles and it was the bright and early hour of seven am in Orlando.

“I just got in about an hour ago and wanted to call you before I fell asleep.”

“Aww, I feel so loved.”

JC smiled, “That’s cuz you are.”

A girlish giggle came through the phone line, “Well you are too.”

“I’m so glad to hear that.”


“Yep…in fact, I’m glad to hear it because I called to see if you would come out this week to spend some time with me in L.A. With the love stuff factored in, it‘s almost a 100% guarantee that you‘ll say yes. Am I right?” JC inquired.

There was an audible pause on the other end, causing JC to think that maybe they had gotten disconnected. “April?”

“Uh…yeah. I’m here.” she stated in reply.

“So? Will you come out here? That movie you’ve been wanting to see is premiering Thursday and I’d really like it if you’d accompany me. We‘d have the whole weekend to just sightsee and spend time together, it‘d be a nice vacation for you.” he stated hopefully.

“JC…I can’t.” she said finally.


“Well…Justin really needs me here at the studios. We’ve been really busy lately, I’m spending all my free time at work it seems. I just don’t think it’d be fair to him for me to take off for a week, and leave him hanging.” April explained.

JC sighed, the tiredness and jet lag causing his frustration to build as he listened to his girlfriend‘s reasoning. “What’s more important April? Seeing your boyfriend or spending obscene amounts of time at work?”

“JC I don’t want to fight like this right now. Get some sleep okay, I’ll call you later.” April said softly.

“Please. Think about what I said…I really want you to come out here and spend some time with me.” he urged.

“I will, but I’m not promising I’ll change my mind. Bye.” she stated, signifying the end of the conversation.

“Bye.” he muttered, clicking off the phone and tossing it aggressively into the nearby chair in disappointment.



JC was jolted out of his memory as he felt someone lightly brush their fingertips across his forearm. Focusing his blue eyes on the present moment, he found himself staring at April, who had just returned to the table. “Yeah?” he inquired, the irritation in his voice still noticeable as he spoke to the pretty blonde.

“I really am sorry about the whole New York trip.” she began, trying to mend the situation in the only way she knew how. “How about I take Friday off and we’ll spend some time together then?”

JC studied his girlfriend carefully before slowly nodding his response. “I guess that’s better than nothing…I‘ll have to take what I can get.” he mumbled before turning to the waiter that had just approached their table.


Justin sat at the large oak desk that dominated much of the space within his office, the room illuminated in a cheerful glow as several lamps burned brightly. Glancing out the window at the darkening horizon, he looked down at his watch, leaning back in his chair as he noted that it was approaching nine o‘clock. He thought about finishing up for the night and heading home at a halfway decent hour, especially after the discussion he had with Jordan early that very morning. As he debated, his mind began wandering, the memory causing his handsome features to slide into a frown.


Jordan stood across from Justin, her dark eyes tired and her expression upset as she spoke to him in low tones. “I just don’t want to anymore J, can’t you understand that? I don’t have the time or the energy…especially not with having Noah as well as Zachary to contend with all day.”

“Jordan, it’s only a couple hours a week…Chris comes over all the time anyways…I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you asked him to watch the boys so you could do some work.” Justin pointed out firmly.

“That’s not the point.”

“Well what is then?” he inquired.

“I quit my career to do this Justin. To be a mother to my kids, not to stick them with a babysitter while I go work somewhere.” she explained. “Even if it’s only for a few hours and it’s Chris that’s watching them. They’re more important to me than that.”

“I realize that Jordan, but why can’t you find a balance? Why can’t you do both? Just because we have a family doesn’t mean that you can’t also have a career, especially one that‘s so minor. It‘s only just a couple hours.”

Jordan sighed audibly, “Noah is three months old Justin. I want to spend time with him and with Zach…I just don’t want to work at the studios anymore, okay? I’m sorry, but I’ve made up my mind and nothing you say will make me think differently.” she stated firmly.

Justin ran a hand over his blondish curls as he stared at his wife. “I think you’re being really unreasonable about this. At least consider doing a little something at the studios…don’t just give it all up. You need a life outside of our kids Jor…that’s all.”

“I told you, I’ve made up my mind. I don’t want to. I just don’t.”

Justin’s patience snapped as he shook his head. “Alright. Fine…whatever you want. If you truly want nothing more to do with it, then I think maybe we should make April a full partner in the studios.”

Jordan narrowed her eyes slightly as Justin continued, bitterness coating his voice. “I mean, it’s only fair considering she works just as hard as I do, and is just as invested.”

Her temper flaring momentarily, Jordan turned to exit the room, dismissing her husband’s comments with a wave of her hand. “Fine. If that’s the way you feel.” And with that, the brunette walked away, leaving Justin staring after her.


Justin’s memory faded from his thoughts as he pushed the idea of heading home early from his mind. Pulling open the desk drawer, he bent down to grab a few files that he’d been meaning to go through for a week or so. As he hoisted the stack of file folders onto his desk, he glanced down and started to close the drawer, pausing when he noticed a brightly colored photo peeking out from under another stack of files. Reaching down, he pulled the photograph out of the drawer, smiling as he locked his gaze upon it’s matte surface.

Two pairs of piercing blue eyes gazed up at him from the photo, one his own and the other belonging to April. His arm was draped around the blonde woman’s tiny waist as they posed happily for the photograph, smiles prominent on their tan faces. He grinned as he remembered the night it was taken, and his thoughts drifted to how much their relationship had changed in the past few months. They’d always been close friends, but somehow they’d gotten closer recently. He wasn’t sure what brought on the change, but he wasn’t complaining as he rather enjoyed the feeling of being needed.

The phone rang shrilly, startling Justin and he glanced up, only to be met with the framed family photo JC had picked up earlier. His wife’s caring hazel eyes stared right through him, and the smiles of his sons tugged at his heart as he turned his gaze away. Grabbing for the phone, he simultaneously slid the photo back under the pile of files in the drawer, shutting it as he spoke into the receiver.

“Celebrity Studios, this is Justin. Hey! Yeah…I know what time it is…” he laughed slightly, relaxing in the oversized desk chair. “Sure man, come on down…I’ll get a booth set up for you. Nah, it’s fine. Seriously, it‘s okay, I wasn’t planning on leaving anytime soon…Yep. Okay, see ya in a little bit. Bye.”

Justin hung up and rose from the chair, exiting the spacious office and starting towards the sound booth marked with the number two. As he prepared the area for the client that had called, his mind wandered and he couldn’t help but wonder how JC and April’s evening had ended.

Chapter 5