
“Morning” Justin mumbled, squinting against the bright sun that filtered through the airy kitchen. Shuffling over to the table where his two sons sat contentedly munching on their breakfast, he kissed both of them on the top of the head before turning to his wife.

“Morning Jor.” he said, kissing her forehead as he pulled her into a gentle hug.

Jordan’s expression was puzzled as she looked up at her husband. “Are you sick?” she inquired, stepping out of the embrace and handing Zachary a plastic cup full of juice.

Suppressing a laugh, Justin shook his head as he moved around her and opened the cupboard that contained the cereal bowls. Pulling a dish out, he spoke. “No, why?”

Jordan frowned slightly as Noah burst into tears after being hit in the arm by Zachary’s wayward spoon. Shooting her eldest son a warning look, she picked up the two year old and rubbed her hand soothingly over the red mark that was beginning to show. Turning back to Justin, who was now filling up a bowl with Cherrios, she shrugged. “Well usually you’re either already at work, or rushing out the door at this time of day. It’s a little…unusual that you just woke up and are eating breakfast with us. I figured maybe you’re not feeling well or something…” Jordan explained casually.

Turning back to his wife with a broad grin, Justin opened the fridge and grabbed the milk. “Well I’m feeling just fine, thanks. Is me joining you three for breakfast a problem? I didn’t know I had to make reservations.” he teased lightheartedly.

The brunette smiled as the dull ache that had settled on her heart since Justin’s working patterns had changed, lifted a bit. “No, it’s perfectly fine with me. What about you Noah?”

The sandy blonde’s curls bounced carelessly as he nodded his head enthusiastically. “I love Daddy THIS much!” he said earnestly, reaching his tan little arms as far out as he could.

Jordan and Justin both laughed, as Noah smiled brightly. “Zach?” she inquired, glancing over her shoulder at the rambunctious four year old.

Zach’s face was serious as he turned around to look at his parents and younger brother. “It’s about time Dad.” he stated bluntly, flashing a sly grin before resuming his food consumption.

“Well, I guess it’s settled then.” Justin mused with a laugh. “Is this seat taken?” he inquired, wandering over to the table with his bowl of cereal in hand.

“That’s where Momma usually sits but you can take her seat today if you want.” Zach explained, glancing over at his mother with a charming smile dancing on his cherub like features.

Justin grinned broadly at his son as he pulled the chair out and sat down. “Well where’s your momma gonna sit?”

Zachary just shrugged absently in response before continuing on with his breakfast, pausing only briefly to drink from his cup of juice.

“You can sit by me Mommy.” Noah said quietly, resting his head on his mother’s shoulder from where he still remained cradled in her arms.

Jordan smiled down at her youngest son and placed him back down in his chair before taking her own seat across from Zach. Taking a sip of her orange juice, she silently glanced around the table at the men in her life, a look of contentment gracing her dark features as her mind wandered aimlessly into the past.


“How do you picture it?” Jordan inquired, turning onto her side and propping herself up with an elbow as her fingertips lazily grazed over the blonde man’s sculpted upper body.

Opening his eyes slowly, Justin’s handsome face drew into a dazzling grin. “Picture what?”

The brunette returned his smile, and shrugged slightly. “Your family…our family…how do you see it?”

“You mean like how many kids…boys or girls, that sort of thing?”

“Well yeah, whatever. I mean, where you want to live, kids, all of that.”

Justin turned his body towards his fiancée and his expression grew thoughtful as he opened his mouth to respond. “Okay…let’s see…” he murmured, running his strong hand down Jordan’s bare arm as he continued. “I think two or three kids…I definitely want at least one girl and one boy, although us Timberlake’s tend to have more boys than girls…so it may take more than three to get a female in this household.” he chuckled slightly as Jordan wrinkled her nose.

“Yeah, well, we’ll just see about that…you’re not the one that has to actually HAVE these kids so we might just have to take what we can get.” Jordan teased back, then motioned for him to go on.

“We’ll live in Orlando…we’ll have a big yard, with a lot of stuff for the kids to play with. Like…um…jet ski’s, a basketball court…” he trailed off.

Jordan shot Justin a look, “You mean lots of stuff for you and Chris to play with…” she stated, rolling her eyes.

Justin grinned sheepishly, “Well that too…anyways, as I was saying…I can see it now. We’ll all be sitting around the table…eating breakfast together. Laughing…lots of laughing, definitely…cuz we’ll be so happy it’ll be sickening.” he paused to give Jordan a lingering kiss, then gently pulled away to finish describing his vision. “And I’ll be making faces and generally setting a bad example, only because I want to be a cool dad and all that…and you’ll be sitting there laughing, even though you know you shouldn’t. Mostly because you know that by laughing, you’re really just egging me on.” he concluded matter-of-factly.

Jordan’s crimson lips drew into a grin. “Of course.”

“So what about you, how do you see it?” Justin inquired curiously, reaching out to brush Jordan’s hair out of her face.

Narrowing her eyes slightly as if she were trying to foresee the future, Jordan’s face grew serious as she spoke, her voice almost a whisper. “I see what you just described for me…and I can’t imagine it getting much better than that…”


“Hey Zach, do you like seafood?” Justin inquired, his expression feigning that of innocence as he awaited his eldest son’s response.

“Ew, Dad, not for breakfast.” Zachary stated, rolling his eyes at his father.

“No I meant seafood like this…SEE. FOOD.” Justin quipped, opening his mouth so that Zachary could get an eyeful of half chewed up cereal.

Zachary and Noah both squealed with laughter as Justin joined in, clapping his hands together as he leaned towards the table and then back against his chair. Jordan flinched as her four year old son smacked his spoon against the table, giggling uncontrollably, begging his father to do it again.

“I like seafood Daddy!” Noah exclaimed in agreement.

Justin took another bite of cereal and chewed quickly before opening his mouth to display his half chewed breakfast to his sons. Mimicking his father’s antics, Zachary quickly shoveled a spoonful of Cheerios into his mouth and forgetting to chew, turned to his brother.

“Wanna see my food?” he asked, trying to talk and open his mouth at the same time, causing the soggy cereal to fall out of his mouth and dribble down the front of his pajamas. Noah and Justin erupted into riotous laughter as Zachary looked down to find himself with a lap full of wet Cheerios.

Jordan glanced at her husband and shook her head as laughter escaped from her own lips. She wanted to say something, remind Justin not to teach the boys things like this, but she couldn’t bring herself to interrupt. Shooting another look at her husband, taking in his rumpled t-shirt and boxers, she smiled. She’d missed this…and she hadn’t realized just how much she missed it until it had been gone for awhile. This was the man she loved, not the distant, empty shell that had been walking around for the past month. Watching Justin and their two children laugh and be goofy, she sighed, just glad to finally have him back.


“Mmmm…” JC murmured, burying his face between April’s neck and shoulder. Placing a gentle trail of kisses along her bare shoulder, he lovingly brushed her blonde hair aside as he lay his head back down on the pillow beneath him.

April’s fair eyes filled with tears as she drew the cool sheets to cover her chest, stiffening slightly at JC’s touch. Her emotions ran rampant as she fought away tides of regret and guilt.

“Is something wrong?” JC questioned quietly, noticing his girlfriend bristling slightly as he ran a steady hand over the warm skin of her back.

“No.” she whispered, shaking her head.

“Are you sure?”

April paused only for a second, “Yeah, I’m sure.”

“I love you.” JC said earnestly, moving forward slightly and lifting his head from the pillow to kiss the soft, tan skin of her shoulder once more.

Biting her lip, April blinked hard against the tears that were pushing their way out of her baby blues. She was trapped, a prisoner of the feelings that were pounding within her heart and soul, unsure of what to do or say in order to make things right again. The remorse began to gnaw at her as a salty tear slid down her cheek, and she couldn’t help but wonder why. Out of all the things that had gone on lately, being with JC so completely was the last thing she should be feeling guilty about.


Jordan finished placing the last of the dishes from the afternoon meal into the dishwasher, a feeling of contentment washing over her as her family’s playful shouting filtered through the open window. Making her way to the screen door that led onto the patio overlooking the sprawling backyard, the brunette woman paused, leaning her head against the doorframe as she watched her husband and children interact.

“I’m gonna squirt you Noah!” Zach threatened, aiming the powerful water gun at his brother, who was running furiously across the lawn.

“No no no!” Noah yelled, his tiny legs moving him rapidly across the grass as his sandy curls bounced wildly.

Zachary started after his younger sibling, laughing maniacally as he chased him over the sprawling landscape. Stopping just short of where Noah was now running in circles, he pulled the trigger of the water pistol and a stream of cold water flew through the air, missing Noah by a couple inches. Stomping on the ground in frustration, Zachary set up aim again, his tongue hanging out of his mouth in concentration as he got ready to pull the trigger once more.

Running in to save his youngest son from his brother’s attack, Justin laughed as he swooped in and lifted Noah up into his strong arms. With the giggling boy squirming happily in his arms, Justin didn’t notice the devilish grin dancing upon his eldest son’s bronzed features, squirt gun still in hand.

“Oh YEAH!” Zach shouted, pumping his fist in the air triumphantly as he squirted his father right in the crotch with a stream of cold water.

“Zachary Randall Timberlake!” Justin yelled, Noah still clutched in his arms as he glanced down to find a large area of his jeans soaking wet.

“Haha, I got you Dad!” the brunette boy stated between fits of laughter.

“He got you Daddy!” Noah squealed, pointing down at Justin’s water soaked pants.

“I know he did, now I’m gonna get him.” Justin said quietly to his youngest son, wiggling his eyebrows before bursting into a wide grin. “Wanna help?”

Noah shook his head in agreement and Justin placed him down onto the ground, giving Zach a warning look as he started toward him. “That’s it Zach, you’re goin in the lake!” he teased, breaking into a run.

Zachary laughed and shook his curls, squirting his father once more, this time hitting him in the chest before turning and running over towards the swing set. “Not the lake Dad! Please?!” he pleaded as he ran.

Reaching his son, Justin picked him up, tossing him over his broad shoulder as he started toward the sparkling body of water that lined the property. “Sorry Zach, that‘s what you get.” he shrugged.

“I can’t swim!” Zach screeched with laughter as he struggled in his father’s grasp.

“Oh. You can’t?” Justin inquired, stopping in his tracks.

“No.” the small boy replied hopefully.

Justin frowned, pulling the boy gently off of his shoulder and laying him onto the ground, kneeling beside him. Zachary squirmed as he tried to escape, his childish laughter resonating through the yard. “Okay well, since you can’t swim I suppose I’ll have to figure out something else.” Justin mused, his expression thoughtful for a moment. Noticing that Noah had made his way over to them, Justin glanced at his youngest son, then back down at Zach. “Hmm, okay…I’ve got one.” he stated with a mischievous grin.

“What?” Zach asked nervously, pausing in his laughter.

“TICKLE TORTURE!” Justin yelled triumphantly, as he began tickling his eldest son, who now squirmed and wriggled beneath his strong hands.

The air was soon filled with the sounds of Zach’s breathy screeches, as well as Noah’s infectious giggles and Justin’s loud laughter. After a few minutes of tickling his son, Justin stopped and leaned back, laying down in the freshly cut grass and closing his eyes against the brilliant sun. “Don’t even think about it.” he stated firmly, opening one eye in time to see Noah and Zachary preparing to pounce.

“Monkey pile on Dad!” Zach announced as he and his brother jumped onto their father.

“Oof.” Justin let out a loud breath as the two solid bodies pounced upon his chest.

“Tickle torture!” Noah shouted loudly, as he and his brother poked and prodded their dad with their tiny fingers. Justin’s laughter pierced the air as he contorted slightly under his children’s touch. The tickling continued on for several minutes before the boys tired of that activity and quickly abandoned Justin for the nearby swing set.

Jordan laughed as she continued to watch from the patio, her heart filled with happiness as she watched the playful antics occurring before her. Justin lay on the grass for a few moments, his hands behind his head as he observed the two boys who were now swinging happily back and forth in front of him. Finally, he rose from his position on the ground and began making his way towards the house, noticing his wife for the first time.

Starting up the steps and onto the patio, Justin paused at the doorway where Jordan stood, a smile dancing across her delicate features. Not saying a word, he gently tipped her face toward his, placing a soft kiss on her crimson lips. Pulling away, he grinned and ran a hand over her long dark hair before heading inside to change out of his wet clothing.


Pulling her long blonde hair into a sleek ponytail, April glanced uneasily into the mirror at the brunette man lounging comfortably in the queen sized bed behind her. His dark hair curled slightly at the nape of his neck, and his bare chest was golden against the white sheets. His brilliant blue eyes were closed as he slept peacefully, his arm draped carelessly in the space she had occupied earlier. Her heart ached as she watched him, forcing herself to avert her gaze and continue on with her packing.

Opening the closet door softly, as not to wake JC, she selected a professional looking black pantsuit which she proceeded to zip into her garment bag. Slipping it over the back of a chair, she paused only momentarily before turning back to the closet and choosing a sleek cocktail dress, which she carefully folded and slid into the bottom of her small suitcase. As April concluded the small amount of packing that she had left to do, JC stirred slightly from his slumber.

“Mmm…what time is it?” JC inquired, his eyelids fluttering in the bright sunlight as he stretched.

“It’s almost noon…” April replied, placing her luggage near the doorway of the room as she spoke.

A questioning look darted across the man’s chiseled features. “Where are you going?” he asked, gesturing towards the suitcase and garment bag.

“New York, remember?”

Frowning, JC nodded groggily. “Oh yeah, I remember. What time are you leaving again?”

“Not until two thirty.” April replied.

“Do you need me to take you to the airport?” he asked hopefully, turning on his side in the rumpled sheets so he could look at his girlfriend.

April bit her lip slightly as she shook her head. “Justin’s picking me up…”

Flopping back down onto his back, JC stared at the ceiling as his girlfriend slipped out of the room and down the hall towards the kitchen. “Figures.” he said quietly, his eyes dark with frustration.


Jordan quietly slipped into the master bedroom, shutting the door behind her before making her way over to her husband. Justin stood with his back to her, folding a small pile of clothing that lay on the bed in front of him. Sidling up to Justin, Jordan slid her small hands around his waist and lay her cheek against his broad upper back. Sighing contentedly, she smiled as he spoke, “Sneakin’ up on me eh?”

“Mmm-hmm.” Jordan agreed, giggling girlishly as Justin swiveled in her grasp so that he was facing her.

“Well I caught ya.” he stated, tipping her face up towards his as he leaned in to place a kiss on her soft lips. He lingered over the embrace, indulging in the spark that ignited between husband and wife before pulling away, running a strong hand down the sides of her torso.

“Maybe I should use that approach more often…” Jordan murmured as she pressed her lips to Justin’s once more, sighing as his fingertips gently caressed the nape of her neck. Pulling back, she grinned up at her husband, “So…I came up here for a reason…” she began.

Justin laughed, “To seduce me?” he inquired, wiggling his eyebrows, a boyish grin dancing across his face.

“Well, that wasn’t the first thing on my agenda, but it could possibly be arranged.” Jordan returned, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

“Okay, so…what was the reason?” Justin asked, plopping down on the bed and pulling his wife down onto his lap as he awaited her answer.

Jordan’s face fell as she noticed the open suitcase and various articles of clothing perched next to them on the bed. Glancing at her husband with a puzzled expression, she spoke. “Why didn’t you tell me we were going somewhere?” she inquired. Not allowing him to reply, she sighed deeply and continued. “Justin, you know I hate when you plan things last minute…I have two other people to pack for besides myself now…what time are we supposed to leave?”

“My plane leaves at three.” Justin started, running a hand over his cropped hair.

Jordan removed herself from his lap and frowned. “Well where are we going?”

“I’m going to New York for a business trip Jor…it’s just for a couple days.”

“Oh. Well I better call Rach and let her know we’re coming, I’m sure she’ll want to see the boys.” Jordan stated, grabbing for the cordless phone perched on the bedside table.

Shaking his head, Justin gently pulled the black phone out of his wife’s grasp. “You don’t need to call her Jordan, I’m going alone.”

Her eyes narrowing slightly, Jordan’s tone showed her confusion. “Why? We always go with you to the city.”

“It‘s just going to be a short trip, ya know…in and out. It’s gonna be boring meetings all day and then my hotel room, that’s all I‘ll have time for.” he shrugged. “You guys wouldn’t have any fun anyways.”

“Are you sure you want to go by yourself? I mean, your mother could watch the boys…we could go just the two of us. That’s why I came up here, I was gonna ask if you wanted to go out tonight…it’s been a long time since we’ve had any time alone J.” Jordan reminded.

Justin averted his eyes from his wife’s piercing gaze, sighing inwardly. “I know Jor…we’ll spend some time together when I get back. I promise.”

Jordan’s dark eyes filled with disappointment as she gazed at her husband, silence blanketing the room, broken only by the sound of Zach’s youthful shouts. Making her way over to the door, Jordan pulled it open and entered into the hallway, pausing momentarily as she turned to Justin. “Have fun on your trip.” she said softly before continuing down the hallway in the direction of her children, leaving Justin staring after her.

Chapter 6