
Grabbing a slender green ribbon off of her youngest child’s dresser, Jordan exited the bedroom and started down the hallway towards the enormous playroom. Passing several framed photos that decorated the wall, Jordan paused as an especially recent picture caught her eye.

Her gaze drifting over the family photograph, the brunette’s lips drew into a contented smile as she took in her husband’s caring blue eyes and genuine grin. She thought back to a time when things weren’t so picture perfect between them, but happiness continued to filter into her soul as she thought about how fully their relationship had healed, and grown since then. Both her and Justin had reevaluated their priorities, and made changes within themselves, reconnecting in a way they hadn‘t known possible. She had slowly but surely learned to open up more, and to talk to Justin instead of bottling things up until they exploded in anger. Finding her sense of balance once more, she had also taken her husband’s advice and began working at the studios a few days a week. Justin too had changed his work habits, spending more time with his family and making sure he was home each night for dinner. It had taken awhile but Jordan knew that the extra effort and time spent reconnecting with her husband had been well worth it, for not only their relationship, but their entire family.

Pausing on the now eight year old Zachary, Jordan shook her head as she took in his adorable cherub like face. He was a smaller version of his father, his charming smile radiating brightly within the picture where he sat next to Justin. He had grown into quite a character, constantly imitating his father and bent on becoming just as successful, therefore spending unimaginable amounts of time watching videos from the N Sync days. Laughing slightly, Jordan recalled the day he’d wandered around the park, mentioning casually to anyone that would listen that his dad was “Justin Timberlake…ya know, from N Sync”. Not surprisingly, most of the mothers her own age had taken to Zachary quite quickly after that.

Shifting her gaze to the young boy seated next to her, Jordan couldn’t help but grin as her eyes drifted over his sandy colored curls and brilliant eyes. At five years old, he was still the quiet, thoughtful counterpart to his energetic and outspoken older brother. While Zach spent hours dancing in front of the television, Noah could be found playing quietly in the toy room or looking at picture books while Jordan made dinner. Both boys had the amazing gift of song that their parents possessed, however Noah hardly utilized his talent, while Zachary seemed to sing more than talk. Still, Noah was her baby boy and she cherished his peaceful nature compared to her eldest child‘s rambunctious personality.

Finally her hazel eyes drifted upon the dimpled toddler that sat between her and Justin. Allison Lynn, or Allie Lynn as they all called her, took after her mother with her shiny chestnut colored locks and dimples, but had inherited her father’s curls and piercing blue eyes. Only two years old, the toddler had already established her personality within the Timberlake household. Not quite the social butterfly that Zachary tended to be, nor the quiet thoughtful type that Noah took after, Allie Lynn was a perfect blend of both her mother and father’s personalities. She balanced them all out, which Chris had suggested, came purely from the fact that she was the one child they had actually planned. Jordan had laughed at that, but it was true. After the reconnecting and the healing that had taken place after the events that now seemed so long ago, Justin and Jordan had both decided that making another addition to their family would be yet another symbol of their ever growing love for each other. And so…nine months or so after that, Allie Lynn was born. She would never forget the look of happiness and wonder that had graced Justin’s face the first time he held his third child, a beautiful baby girl. Nor would she ever be able to forget her own tears of happiness when she held Allie Lynn in her arms for the very first time…

“Momma, help me?” Allie Lynn questioned, interrupting her mother’s thoughts as she entered the hallway and made her way over to where Jordan stood.

“Of course I will angel.” Jordan replied, smiling down at her daughter as she reached out for the half dressed G.I. Joe that the two year old clutched with small hands.

Dressing the action figure’s top half in the fatigues that had been handed to her along with the doll, Jordan bent to her daughter’s level before passing the toy back into Allie Lynn’s tiny grip.

“Thanks Momma.”

“You’re very welcome sweetheart. Can Mommy put your bow in please?” Jordan inquired, holding out the green ribbon she still held in her hand.

Nodding, Allie Lynn turned around and waited patiently for her mother to tie the silky ribbon around the bunch of curls gathered atop her head in a small ponytail.

“Okay, all pretty. Go play now.” Jordan said, rising to her feet as she watched her youngest child head back into the playroom clutching her brother’s action figure tightly. Moving the few feet down the hallway, Jordan leaned against the doorframe as she quietly observed Allie Lynn playing happily within the enormous toy filled room. Watching her daughter’s lively reenactment of the battles her brothers so often portrayed with the G.I Joe dolls she’d stumbled upon that afternoon, Jordan sighed contentedly. Allowing her mind to drift back to the photograph she’d studied just moments earlier, Jordan’s heart filled with bliss. With a loving husband, two adorable boys that were both amazing in their own unique ways, and a beautiful baby girl…she had everything she’d ever wanted, and more.

The telephone’s shrill ring pierced the air, startling Jordan slightly as she was jolted out of her thoughts. Moving towards the cordless telephone that rested on the playroom’s bookcase, she spoke, “Hello?”


“Jordan?” April inquired, her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke into the cell phone she clutched.

“April? What are you doing calling me…aren’t you in Hawaii right now?” Jordan returned.

“Yeah…I am. I’m just calling to remind Justin that Kaitlyn is coming in to record three songs this week.”

“Well I’m sure he appreciates the reminders, but I think he probably has it written down somewhere. You really didn’t need to call…” Jordan stated.

Biting her lip slightly and glancing over her shoulder to the bathroom, where she could still hear the shower running through the partially open door, April spoke again, “I know, but…I just…”

“April. Enjoy this vacation, and stop thinking about work for ten days. Do you think that’s possible?”

“I just thought that it would be nice of me to remind J about Kaitlyn coming in, purely because then he could call and remind Brad of what time to be there. You know how her manager hates when Alex and him arrive late…they only schedule two hours of studio time and her album’s on a tight time frame right now…” April explained earnestly.

“Woman, listen to me. You best be enjoying the beauty of the tropics and stop worryin’ so much about the studios okay? J and I got it covered…and just for your peace of mind, I already called Brad and gave him times for this week…oh sweetie just a second, Momma‘s on the phone...”

April smiled as she heard the young child’s voice filter through the phone line, “Aww, what are you and Allie Lynn up to today?”

“She’s gotten into her brother’s G.I. Joe’s and is in the process of making a mess of the playroom.” Jordan stated dryly.

“Where’s Zach and Noah?”

“They’re with Justin at the studios…he took Zach to play around in the booth…record a little something. I heard through the grapevine that it’s some sort of Christmas present for me.” Jordan revealed with a laugh.

“Noah’s at the studios?” April inquired with surprise evident in her tone. “That’s something new.”

“I know, I said the same thing when Justin told me he was taking both boys with him. Apparently though, Olivia is there today with Lance.” Jordan dished.

April smiled knowingly as she spoke into the receiver, “Ah, well that explains things. Isn’t it adorable how he developed such a little crush on her?”

“It’s totally adorable…my baby has his first girlfriend.”

“Who are you talkin’ to?” April froze as a familiar male voice cut through the room, causing her to notice for the first time that the shower was no longer running steadily. Turning around from where she stood near the window overlooking the turquoise waters of the Pacific, April smiled sheepishly at the towel clad man before her.

“Uh…room service?” April supplied along with a sheepish grin.

“On a cell phone?” the dark haired man questioned, striding towards his wife and holding a hand out expectantly. “Give me the phone and nobody gets hurt,” he stated sternly, though his brilliant blue eyes danced with laughter.

Handing over the compact telephone, April pouted slightly as he held the phone up to his ear. “Hello?”




JC glanced at his wife as he continued to speak into the tiny cell phone, “Jor…I hate to cut your conversation short but, well…we’ve got honeymooning to do.”

Jordan laughed, “I understand completely. Bye Jayce…oh, and be gentle with April…I don’t want ya’ll to sprain anything.”

“We’ll try not to. Bye Jordan.” he chuckled, hanging up the phone after saying his goodbye. Turning to the blonde within the large suite, he smirked. “You know what the punishment for working on vacation is, don’t you?”

Giggling, April scrambled over the bed and stood facing JC from the other side. Staring into the crystal clear blue eyes of the man she loved, her heart raced with a combination of lust and true, unwavering love. The time they had spent apart had only caused them to both realize just what was important in life…each other. They had eventually learned the art of compromise, each giving in and making changes to their intense work schedules in order to spend time with one another. JC had made allowances in his career, giving himself more time to be with her in Orlando…and she had made adjustments in her work at the studios, permitting her more freedom to join JC on the road. Glancing quickly down at the sparkling diamond that graced her left hand, April smiled girlishly with delight, knowing in her heart that all her dreams had finally come true.

Making his way slowly around the bed towards his new bride, JC grinned as she answered his question, “Um…is it something I’ll enjoy?” she asked, batting her eyes suggestively.

JC shrugged non-committally, “Hmm…yeah, I’d say there’s a very good chance you’ll enjoy it.”

“Well in that case…” April began, “You’ll have to catch me first!” Laughter escaped her lips as she darted down the short hallway to the living room area of the honeymoon suite the newlywed couple shared.

“Fast as fast can be…you’ll never catch me!” she giggled breathlessly as she ran into the extravagant living room, positioning herself behind a couch as JC entered the room behind her.

“You’re really gonna make me work for this aren’t you?” he stated with a grin, making his way towards the sofa April stood behind.

“Well ya know JC…the chase is half the fun!” April replied, moving quickly but unable to escape JC’s muscular arms as they reached out for her. She sighed contentedly as he pulled her into his bare chest, his dark hair still damp from his shower curling slightly onto his tan forehead as he gazed down into her sparkling sapphire eyes.

JC’s gaze softened as he leaned in to place a passionate kiss upon his beautiful bride’s tender lips, his hand fisting greedily in her flowing blonde hair. April fell into the embrace, allowing the sensuality of the kiss to take over her body and soul. She finally had what she’d waited for all along...love, to last a lifetime and beyond.
