“I can’t believe this!” Sophie grumbled as she packed her things. “Why doesn’t he just make me Jillian’s makeup artist? Then he could totally control my life.” There was a knock at the door and Sophia jumped. She hoped to God it wasn’t William.

“Sophia?” A girl’s voice called through the door.

“Come in Miranda.” Sophie said with a breath of relief.

“Mother said to tell you that the car will be around in fifteen minutes.”

Miranda paused and crossed her arms over her chest. “So you’d better hurry.” She added before leaving.

“I’ll miss you too Miranda.” Sophie mumbled. The door opened a crack.

“Pssst…. Sophie, can I come in?”

“You’re never going to grasp the concept of knocking, are you Chase?” Sophie laughed at her half-brother.

“Does that mean I can come in?”

“Yeah, I’m pretty much done anyway. Come on in Baby.” Chase scampered into the room and jumped on Sophie’s bed. She sat next to him and cuddled him. “You’re going to miss me, right Chase?”

“Yup. When you go I’ll have to play with Charlotte and Miranda, and they’re stupid.” Sophie laughed, but scolded Chase.

“That’s not a nice thing to say Chase Regan.”

“I know, but it’s the truth. They don’t play fun games like you.”

“Just don’t say anything like that in front of your mother ok?”

“Ok. Hey Sophie?”


“Why were you and Daddy fighting last night?”

“Because Daddy wouldn’t let me take the job I wanted. And now he’s making me tour with a Jive artist.”

“So you’re not going to make movie stars pretty?”

“Nope. I’m going to make some singers pretty instead.”





“Those Step people?”

“Nope.” Sophie laughed. “Nothing gets past you does it Chase?”

“I know all about Daddy’s job, cuz I’m going to be just like him when I grow up!” Chase proclaimed proudly.

“Let’s hope not.” Sophie said under her breath. “Anyway, I’m going on tour with *Nsync.”

“EW!” Chase screamed. “Those are the boys that were looking at you. I don’t want you to go Sophie!”

“It’ll be ok Chase. Really, do you think Daddy would let me go if he thought it was bad?”

“I guess not.”

“Because isn’t it a daddy’s job to make sure his kids are safe?”


“See then? I’ll be ok.”

“Well, alright. But I want you to call me every night so I know for sure.” Chase said in a very serious tone for a five year old.

“I’ll make sure I call.” Sophie said smiling. Chase kissed her and then ran out of the room. “As if I had a choice.” She said, her smiling fading. “Oh well, at least I’m used to it. And I AM getting out of this house.” She sighed and stood to look in the mirror. “Just a poor little rich girl huh Soph?” She shook her head at her own self-pity flicked a flake of mascara off her cheek before zipping up her bag and heading downstairs to wait for the driver to take her to the airport.

Chapter 5